
美 [saɪz]英 [saɪz]
  • n.大小;号;尺码;浆料
  • v.上浆;标定…的大小;确定…的尺寸;改变…的大小
  • 网络规格;规模;商品尺码

复数:sizes 现在分词:sizing 过去式:sized

same size,average size,big size,relative size,manageable size
increase size,reduce size,estimate size,measure size,exaggerate size


n. v.

大小how large/small

1.[u][c]大小how large or small a person or thing is

2.[u]大量;大规模the large amount or extent of sth

服装;鞋;商品of clothes/shoes/goods

3.[c][u]尺码;号one of a number of standard measurements in which clothes, shoes and other goods are made and sold


4.…大小的;…规模的having the size mentioned


cut sb down to size

使某人有自知之明;让某人知道自己是谁to show sb that they are not as important as they think they are

thats about the size of it

情况大致就是这样that's how the situation seems to be


七年级英语单词表 ... large 大的;宽广的 size 大小;尺寸 bowl 碗;一碗的容量 ...


而视图的大小size)则表示视图在屏幕上的实际大小,他们的值可以跟视图尺寸的不一样,但也不是非得这样。视图的大小可 …


ecco爱步官方旗舰店,爱步女鞋,爱步男鞋 ... 鞋跟 Heel: 尺码 Size: 高尔夫 Golf: ...


材料质保书_百度文库 ... 牌号: 牌号: Grade: 规格: 规格: Size: 交货标准: 交货标准: Specification: ...


其次是规模size),比如按照组织的成员数量或资本金等将组织细分为大、中、小型等不同规模的组织,比如DELL在细分组 …


4】商品尺码(Size):34-4001 猜您喜欢----- 特价爆款 欧美站新款真皮百搭甜美糖果色铆钉夹趾平底凉鞋 1】商品价格(Price):1…


表面电阻_百度百科 ... Test voltage( 测试电压) Size外型尺寸) Weight( 重量) ...


馒头机_百度百科 ... 配备动力 Power 外形尺寸 Size 符合标准 Production standards ...

The size of the calamity raises the question of whether small countries can really afford bank bailouts. 这场灾难的规模如此之大,令人不禁要问,一些小国真的负担得起救助银行的成本吗?
It have been found that there was a certain relation between the dyeing properties and crystal phase, particle size of acid dyes. 试验表明酸性染料的染色性能与染料的晶相和粒子大小有着一定的关系。
When you observe that, reduce the size of your trades and spend more time with your Trader's Journal figuring out what you're doing. 当你注意到了这些时,减少你的交易,多花时间在交易日记上,搞清楚你在做什么。
The dry, frigid site is now surrounded by glaciers and is completely treeless, except for a few bonsai-size dwarf trees. 这个地区的气候干燥寒冷,广布冰川。除了少量盆景式矮化林以外,再也找不到别的树木。
When he was even with him and had the fish's head against the bow he could not believe his size. 当他与鱼并排,且将鱼头拉近船头时,他几乎不能相信它竟是如此的巨大。
The ship crane product series has been designed for operation on ships of every type and size. 船用起重机系列设计用于各种类型和尺寸的船只操作。
They found a tumor on the back of her brain. It was big, about the size of a baseball. It is a balloon kind of mass; not malignant. 他们在她的后脑找到一些东西,约棒球般大小,那是很特别的东西,医生们知道它的名称,我不知道。
He brought out a very small round mirror, about the size of a quarter, from his wallet. 他从口袋里拿出一个很小的圆镜子,大概一个两毛五硬币大小。
By comparison, Plasma or LED screens of that size would be so outrageously expensive, most stores would not care to carry them. 如果等离子或LED也是这个尺寸,那价格就嗨了去了,而且多数商场不介意搬运它们。
As you can see, using favoring attributes over child tags leads to a smaller file size and a significantly faster parse time. 正如你所看到的,与使用子标签相比,使用属性时文件尺寸更小,特别是解析时间更快。
When Sergey and I founded Google, we hoped, but did not expect, it would reach its current size and influence. 我和布林当初创建谷歌的时候,并没有预计到谷歌会达到现在这样的规模和影响。
"Companies are going to be forced to use bankruptcy as a vehicle to right-size the balance sheet, " he said. 他指出,“企业被迫将破产作为一种调整资产负债表至合理规模的手段”。
Alex Osborn, brainstorming's inventor, recommends an ideal group size of twelve, though this has proven to be a bit unwieldy. AlexOsborn头脑风暴的发明者,建议头脑风暴的理想人数为12个,尽管这已经被证明有些不实用)。
Thus calculating result, the galileo discovered a secret, this was the pendant lamp to put a time time, ignore arc size, always similar of. 这样计算的结果,伽利略发现了一个秘密,这就是吊灯摆一次的时间,不管圆弧大小,总是一样的。
Each cage is the size of a big . Inside are panels, much like the frames in a , to which the abalones cling. 每个笼子的大小相当于一个大型冰箱,里头用镶板隔开,很像蜂窝的结构,鲍鱼就附着在镶板上。
Dr McLennan said the size of stoat litters depended on how much food was around. 麦克伦南博士说,白鼬仔的数量多少依赖于周围有多少食物。
The jurisdiction of these courts is often determined by the size of the county in which the courts sit. 这些法院所拥有的司法管辖权范围是该法院所在郡县的大小来决定的。
Birdbrain: A stupid person is often called a birdbrain since a bird's brain is normally small --about the size of the bird's eye. 鸟脑:一个愚蠢的人经常被称做鸟脑,因为鸟的脑子通常很小;大约只有鸟眼睛一般大小。
My daughter, Sidney, and I were in a rental car the size of a Pepsi can heading from Los Angeles to the Grand Canyon when it happened. 我和女儿希德妮开着一辆租来的小汽车行驶在从洛杉矶开往大峡谷的路上。期间发生了这样一件事情。
The size of a hole determines how much air could rush out of a plane at once -- and how dangerous the situation will become. 洞的大小决定了有多少空气可以立刻流出飞机--及情况会变得多危险。
Aggregates of molecules do not grow into crystals of a size large enough to settle or be filtered out. 分子聚集体并不生长成为晶体,其粒子大小不足以使其沉降或被过滤出。
The size of the contribution is not what matters most. The key here is to have the heart to do it. 贡献的大小不是重点,重要的是你要有颗真诚的心。
The "New pages" setting lets you decide how much size a new page should take up when opened. “新建页面”设置允许您决定打开新页面时应采取何种行动。
She said the film's size and Anwar's nothing like the size, so the video is the most powerful proof that Val is not a short lead Ming. 她说,片中人的体型和安瓦尔的体型完全不像,因此该短片就是最有力的证据,证明安瓦尔并不是短片主角。
Even when he's hiking, "if I find fox-size feces at the right elevation, I pick it up and do the analysis, " he said. 即便是他在远足时,“如果在合适的海拔高度发现狐狸大小的面孔,我都会收集它的唾液进行分析,”他说。
It seems to be a natural law of programming that every unit of software of any size (be it a class, a layer or an entire system) degrades. 它似乎是一项自然法律的编程的任意大小的软件的每个单元(是它一个类、一个图层或整个系统)会降低。
Why would someone even consider trying to open a golf club nearly one-and-a-half times the size of Manhattan? 为什么还会有人考虑尝试建设一个面积为曼哈顿1.5倍的高尔夫俱乐部呢?
Look at the size of that rock in her ring. I guess her fiance must be very rich. 瞧瞧她戒指上那颗宝石有多大。我猜她的未婚夫一定很有钱。
We'll also discuss how the size of your operation can influence whether your best choice of a cloud service type is public or private. 我们还将讨论,运营规模如何影响您的最佳云服务类型选择——公共云还是私有云。
As the horrors in Haiti demonstrate, countries need a state of a certain size to work at all; and more government can be good. 正如海地大地震所昭示的,国家须有一定规模方能正常运作,政府规模更大些可能有益。