
美 [jɪr]英 [jɪə(r)]
  • n.年;年度;年级;年龄
  • 网络年份;一年;年代





1.[c]年;日历年the period from 1 January to 31 December, that is 365 or 366 days, divided into 12 months

2.[c]一年时间a period of 12 months, measured from any particular time

3.[c]与某事相关的一年;年度a period of 12 months connected with a particular activity

4.[c]年级;某年级的学生a level that you stay in for one year; a student at a particular level

5.[c][usupl]年岁;年纪;年龄age; time of life

6.[pl](informal)很久;好长时间a long time

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... music n. 音乐 year n. go v. 去 ...


存储过程语法及实例 - 龙v战 - 博客园 ... WEEK 第几周 YEAR 年份 DAYOFMONTH 月的第几天 ...


年龄(year)-身高(cm)-T恤-春秋外衣-冬季外衣-长大衣-连衣裙-长裤-短裤0.5- 1岁 70 28 30 32 39 42 42 171 - 2岁 80 32 34 37 45 …


一年(Year)次第供给给他们。而关于那些谁想要挪后进来医疗保健(Health care)行业的羁系或行政职务,本科(Undergraduate) …


稔字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 熟悉〖 befamiliarwith〗 年,年度year〗 稔 rěn ...


movie_v2 ... website 官方网站 year 年代 languages 语言 ...

倍滋曼配方羊奶粉-羊奶粉上榜品牌 ... 0-6月 Months 1-3 Year ...


年字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 年货〖 specialpurchasesfortheSpringFestival〗 年级〖 grade;year〗 年纪〖 year〗 ...

A few days later, at nearly midnight on the longest night of the year, Gabriel Oak could be heard playing his flute on Nor-combe Hill. 几天以后,在一年之中最漫长晚上的将近午夜时分,人们可以听到加布里埃尔·奥克在诺库姆山上吹奏着长笛。
Reduced to a minority, Congress is now looking for other allies to help it to hobble through to the polls later this year. 变成少数派的国会现在正在寻找其他盟友以帮助自己度过今年即将到来的民意调查。
On New Year's Eve, less than a week after the trial, Eduard Kuznetsov was taken from his cell, certain he was going to be shot. 当年的新年前夜,在审判结束不到一周之后,库兹涅佐夫从监牢里被提出,他当时确定自己要被处决了。
Although there was no fixed theme for this year's meeting, the strength of the euro zone was an important issue. 尽管今年的大会没有一个特定主题,但是欧元区的强度倒是成为了一个重要议题。
He was tried and sentenced to three months stay in a juvenile detention center and a year probation. 他被审判和判刑三个月留在看守所、少年观护一年。
Several ministers have warned that the current ministerial meeting would be the last chance to make progress for at least a year. 多名部长级官员曾经警告,当前这一轮部长级会议将是至少一年内取得进展的最后机会。
HAD Patrick Lavoie strolled down the main bazaar in Marja a year ago, locals would have greeted him with sniper fire and roadside bombs. 若是在一年前,当帕特里克•拉沃伊走在马里加(阿富汗地名)的大集市上,当地人会用狙击火力和路边炸弹招呼他。
If not, they could face a fine of two thousand dollars a year for every worker. 否则,他们将按照每名雇员2,000美元每年缴纳罚款。
It was earlier reported a 6-year-old boy was on board, but police on the scene where the balloon touched down say there was no one inside. 此前报道称,上面有一名6岁的儿童。但是,在气球着陆地点进行搜寻的警察称,气球上没有任何人。
This is how we go into a relationship, and it's hunky-dory for a year. And then a little behavior problem comes up. 我们就这样开始了我们的爱情,很棒的过了大概一年,接下来行为问题就出现了。
He had never been doing a job more than half a year, so we were disappointed with him. 我们对他失望了,他做什么工作都不能超过半年。
The main scientific party will fly out in about a year's time, unpack the equipment, and begin drilling into the unknown. 主要的科考人员将在一年后飞抵,取出设备后向未知地区钻探。
On her second or third day behind the counter, she received a phone call from her nine-year-old son, Jessie. 在她上班后的第二或是第三天,她接到了她九岁的儿子杰西打来的一个电话。
However, he said the Fed is unlikely to repeat in the near term the extensive stress-tests done on major U. S. banks earlier this year. 不过他也指出,联储近期内不太可能重复今年稍早针对美国大型银行的压力测试。
It's so simple, and we thought, you know, okay, it costs between 20 and 50 bucks to provide school feeding for a year. 听起来很简单,然后我们就想,你知道的,好吧大约要花上20-50美元来为每个孩子在学校提供一年的伙食。
Irw in began catching crocodiles as an ine-year-old boy, learning from his father who started the reptile park he took over in 1991. 厄文在九岁时便跟著他父亲学习如何捕捉鳄鱼,更在1991年时继承衣钵,成为澳洲爬虫动物园负责人。
If you read about Old Tom, he often stated that in a year or so the course with continuous play had the makings of being a good course. 如果你阅读过老汤姆,他经常说,一年左右的连续打球,使得球场具有成为好球场的条件。
Barter clubs will typically keep track of all your trades for you and send you paperwork at the end of the year, just like a bank. 易货俱乐部会记录你所有的交易并在年底发送文书给你,就像银行一样。
A year before I repeated learning the game process, often thought of Masters said, are not the solution. 此后一年我在反复研习牌技的过程中,每每想到大师所说,均不得其解。
As the number of those killed continued to mount, it became clear that this was one of the most deadly single bomb attacks so far this year. 随着死亡人数不断上升,这显然成为今年来死亡人数最多的单次爆炸事件。
Immigration rules meant my mum had been forced to wait a year before she was allowed to join him. 而移民法意味着我的母亲在允许和父亲团聚前不得不等待一年的时间。
Blair, 79, said the 'extraordinary' experience gave him the mind of a 40-year-old and the body of a man 20 years his junior. 布莱尔,79岁,说这次“非凡的”体验唤醒了他40岁的心智和20岁大学时期的身体机能。
Raul made about $10, 000 total by donating a couple of times a week for a year and a half, at $70 a sample. 那一年半的时间里,劳尔每周都要去捐献几次,每个精样70美元,他一共得到了大概1万美元。
Today every year, it is all day that I concern about you most . 每年的今天,都是我最牵挂你的日子。
With average pay only rising by 1. 2% a year at the moment, we are certainly going to feel the pinch. 随着价格平均每年1.2%的增长,我们当然能够切身感受到荷包变瘪的疼痛。
So, next time you are out on England Travel, when the New Year is approaching, make sure to be a part of New Year in England. 所以,下次您外出旅游的英国,当新年的临近,一定要成为其中的一部分新年在英国。
Mr. Neumann said the total passenger-vehicle market, including cars imported from outside China, has grown 9% so far this year. 倪凯铭说,今年以来到目前为止,包括从中国境外进口的汽车在内,整体乘用车市场销量上升了9%。
For the CBRC, the truly delicate decision is going to be whether to see to it that this slowdown continues through the new year. 对中国银监会而言,真正微妙的决定将是是否会允许这种下降势头在明年继续延续。
There was a fifty-year period in Jefferson's life during which the sun never caught him in bed. 杰弗逊的生活中有一段50年的时期,其间太阳从未抓到他赖床。
Mr Chou said the company was looking to launch a new tablet next year, but acknowledged the pressure in the market was intense. 周永明表示,HTC明年将推出一款新的平板电脑,但也承认市场压力很大。