
美 [loʊn]英 [ləʊn]
  • adj.单独的;独自的;孤零零的;单亲的
  • 网络孤独的;孤单的;寂寞的

lone woman,lone exception


1.单独的;独自的;孤零零的without any other people or things

2.单亲的without a husband, wife or partner to share the care of children


大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... populace n. 平民, 大众, 老百姓 lone a. 孤独的 isolate vt. 使隔离, 使孤立 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... loin 腰肉 lone 孤单的 loneliness 孤单 ...


英语单词词根词缀记忆大全_文档下载_文档资料库 ... (seamster 裁缝; (lone 单独) 122.- (huck 叫卖) ...


QQ昵称……高手进_百度知道 ... 哭泣 Cry 寂寞的 Loneιy 祸水 Troubles、 ...


英语单词立体记忆 ... → alone 单独的,独自的 → lone 独自的,单独的 → along 顺着,沿着 ...


妙语速记3000英文单... ... pine 松树,松木;v.消瘦,憔悴,爱慕,渴望。 lone 孤单的,无人烟的,寂寞的,独自的。 zone 地区,区域,范围 …

Tread carefully, though. The Ninja is a lone warrior; don't try to force him or her to work with rank and file. 不过,注意点,忍者是孤胆战士,不要试图强迫他们在一个严格的等级和文档制度下工作。
S. officials say, they simply do not know whether Padilla was a lone wolf, or had a network of confederates in America. 美国官员说,结果,他们根本不知道帕迪拉到底是单枪匹马,还是在美国有一伙同党。
Ryan Babel slips the ball to Torres, who has dropped out of his lone striker position to assist on the edge of the area. 瑞恩-巴贝尔将球传给托雷斯,而托雷斯那时却不在位置,而是在禁区线帮忙中场。
You spot a lone man, a poacher by the looks of him, running from two men on horseback. 你发现了一个孤独的家伙,从外表看像是一个偷猎者,他从骑着马的两个人中间跑过。
The best scenario for a boy, I take it, would be to be the lone male in his class. 依我看,针对一个男生的最佳方案就是让他成为班上的唯一男性。
It looks like Foxconn is trying to say it was the action of a lone employee and no one else was involved. 看上去富士康想表明这是单个员工的行为,和其他人并没有关系。
However, that would also mean the lone child playing by the disused track would be sacrificed. Or would you rather let the train go its way? 但是,那也意味着那个在停用铁轨上玩的孤独的小朋友将被牺牲掉。你该怎么办?或者让火车自己开过去吗?
Osirak was a lone, poorly guarded, and inoperative nuclear plant that had a year earlier been damaged by an Iranian airstrike. 奥西拉克只是一座孤立的、守卫不严的、不起作用的核工厂,早年还被伊朗空袭破坏。
But one lone Jedi, Kerra Holt, is determined to take down the Dark Lords -- one act of sabotage at a time. 一名孤独的绝地挺身而出,凯拉·霍尔特,下决心消灭这些黑暗尊主--逐一蚕食,各个击破。
For example, in a country where most people are for ESC research, think carefully about how much weight to give the lone dissenting voice. 例如,在大多数人支持ESC的国家,需要仔细考虑给少数反对意见多少分量。
Wandering the lone these uncertainties do not like to have the shackles of society like the wild, and comfortable life. 这些漂泊不定的独行者们不喜欢社会的束缚而喜欢野外的舒适生活。
And that's sort of like this lone guy in the back yard, and, you know, "I accidentally built a 747. " 这就像一个在后院生活的孤独的人说,“我不小心造出一架波音747。”
Perhaps, as a result of his lone early struggle he had become too proud to be behold to anyone. 或许,由于早年是单枪匹马奋斗过来的,他变得过分傲慢,以致不想依靠任何人了。
But there was an immediate price, as the lone dissenter from Prime Minister Papandreou's parliamentary party was quickly dispelled. 但有一个即时的价格,因为希腊总理帕潘德里欧议会中的唯一反对者很快就被驱逐。
A lone police officer is seen for a moment then, perhaps wisely deciding for his own sake to stay out the fray. 一名警察看了一会,可能是认为躲开人群才是明智的选择。
Yechen had appeared to me in Beijing as a lone wolf, with no connections to anything or anyone beyond his mother, who he often referred to. 在北京的时候,叶晨就我看来像是一匹孤寂的狼,除经常挂在嘴边的母亲外,跟任何事、任何人都没有关联。
Ahead in London look for UK public sector net borrowing and Swiss trade balance to be the lone data releases that matter. 接下来的伦敦时段请关注英国公共部门净贷款以及瑞士贸易帐。
On a lone sand beach the her head on a stone, is a fine place to dream for a seal. 在孤零零的沙滩上,熊的头枕在石头上,这对于海报来说是个梦寐以求的睡觉的好地方。
Re strong, smart, but a lone wolf. Your antisocial ways may be pretty cool on some levels, but you need to open up a bit. 你是一个坚强,聪明,但是孤独的狼。你的不擅社交也许很酷,但是你需要多开放自己的心扉一些。
Life is so short, so fast the lone hours fly, we ought to be together, you and I. 生命如此短暂,孤独时光飞逝,我们真应该在一起,让我们相亲相爱。
And when he hits the road, "Low Country Blues'" lone original track, "Just Another Rider, " will most likely be a part of his set list. 当他打路“洛康特利蓝军”孤独原来的轨道,“又一个骑士”,将极有可能是他的setlist的一部分。
He said the attacks appeared to be the work of a lone madman, without links to any international terrorist networks. 他表示,这一系列的袭击更像是一个疯子所为,而跟国际恐怖组织似乎没有太大关系。
In mock battles, its stealth and sensors allow a lone Raptor to kill a flock of any other kind of aircraft. 在模拟战斗中,一架“猛禽”凭借其隐形机能和传感装置,便可击溃其他任何机种所组成的集群。
Repeat this trick to exit after grabbing the lone piece of treasure, only this time you need to get out on the right side of the pyramid. 重覆这个把戏,直到拿到落单的宝藏,此时从金字塔右侧离开。
Yves Behar's Amplify at SCP was even better than I had expected: magical "paper lanterns" cast a soft glow over a lone park bench. 在SCP由伊夫贝哈尔的设计的Amplify超出我的想象:神奇的“灯笼”投下了一个公园长凳上柔和光芒。
"My gut tells me he didn't get his due, but I'm not sure he was a complete Lone Ranger, either, " he said. “(当时)直觉告诉我他没有得到应得的评价,但我也不能肯定他就是一个独行侠,”他说。
Why, if I had stopped to think, I'd have known you had a lone hand up your sleeve. 还指手划脚呢!假如我停住嘴想一想,就能明白你的锦囊妙计了。
The place is choc-a-bloc with canoodling lovebirds, so much so that I often felt I was the only lone traveller in the whole country. 这地方总是有许多搂抱在一起的情侣,多到让我常觉得自己在这个国度里是唯一孤单的游客。
When I asked the same question of an audience in London, a lone hand was raised. 当我在伦敦提出相同的问题时,却只有孤零零的一个观众举手。
The sky may have been overcast, but the weather was still warm and a lone windsurfer was riding the waves. 天气已经阴下来了,但是不是很冷。一个滑板冲浪运动员正在冲浪。