
美 [teɪst]英 [teɪst]
  • n.味道;味觉;滋味;体验
  • v.尝;吃;浅尝;有…味道的
  • linkv.有…味道
  • 网络品味;品尝;尝起来

第三人称单数:tastes 现在分词:tasting 过去式:tasted

bitter taste,sweet taste,sour taste,personal taste,excellent taste
wine taste



1.[c][u]味道;滋味the particular quality that different foods and drinks have that allows you to recognize them when you put them in your mouth


2.[u]味觉the sense you have that allows you to recognize different foods and drinks when you put them in your mouth

少量small quantity

3.[c][ususing]少许尝的东西;一口;一点儿a small quantity of food or drink that you try in order to see what it is like

短暂经历short experience

4.[sing]体验;尝试a short experience of sth

判断力ability to choose well

5.[u]鉴赏力;欣赏力a person's ability to choose things that people recognize as being of good quality or appropriate

喜好what you like

6.[c][u]爱好;志趣what a person likes or prefers


be in bad, poor, the worst possible, etc. taste

趣味低级;粗俗;不得体to be offensive and not at all appropriate

be in good, the best possible, etc. taste

适度;得体to be appropriate and not at all offensive

leave a bad/nasty taste in the mouth

使后来感到厌恶(或羞耻);留下坏印象to make you feel disgusted or ashamed afterwards

to taste

按口味;适量in the quantity that is needed to make sth taste the way you prefer


品味(taste)的原始定义:「嘴巴中特定器官兴奋的感觉。」,与嘴巴的味觉有关,而品味(taste)在17th、18所以可以看出,美食 …


汽车音乐的全部歌曲 - 一听音乐网 ... Whatever it takes 爱的代价-张艾嘉 Taste 味道-辛晓琪 Scar 伤痕-林忆莲 ...


人教版小学英语三年级下册单词表 ... hmm 嗯(语气词) taste 品尝 quiet 安静的 ...


英语新标准初中二年级上册单词表_百度知道 ... soup n. 汤; taste n. 味道;品味;味觉; salty adj. 有盐分的;咸味浓的 ...


adj_百度百科 ... smell 闻起来 taste 尝起来 feel 摸起来 ...


口字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 口外〖 outsidetheGreatWall〗 口味taste;flavoroffood〗 口吻〖 lip;mouth〗 ...


七月叁日生日花:锦葵(common mallow)花语:风味taste)锦葵的果实具有落花生般的味道,它的别名又称为:妖精的起 …

Tea has always been plagued with the literati, the ancient literati painting is usually expressed in poetry, drinking tea taste. 茶素来与文人雅士有不解之缘,古代文人墨客通常以诗词绘画来表达喝茶的情趣。
They work together to produce a remarkably fresh and innovative taste. . . and a remarkable level of energy. 它们在一起能创造出一个令人心旷神怡的清新与美妙绝伦的口味…还有带来不可想象的能量。
when matthew blakeslee shapes hamburger patties with his hands , he experiences a vivid bitter taste in his mouth. 布雷克斯利捏制汉堡牛肉饼时,他的嘴里出现鲜明的苦味。
At my age, loving classical music is seen as an exceptional taste, but I don't agree with this. 在我这个年龄,喜爱古典音乐似乎是一种特别的品位。
He was not a man who allowed his taste to be warped when he knew for solid reasons that it was sound. 他就是这样一个人,当他有充足的理由认为自己的爱好是恰当时,决不随俗转移。
You can taste Tregothnan tea, grown in a tiny microclimate in Cornwall - surely one of the greatest rarities you can find in London! 你不妨尝一下这里的特勒郭斯南茶,这种茶产于康沃尔郡的一块特定气候的小地方——绝对是在伦敦你能找到的最稀罕的茶之一。
His dreams had always been Houdiniesque: they were the dreams of a pupa struggling in its blind cocoon, mad for a taste of light and air. 他的那些妄想始终是霍迪尼式的:那些不切实际的梦想就如同虫蛹在茧中奋力挣扎,狂热地渴望体验阳光和空气一般。
Xia and Shang nutritious meals to match up well, especially after eating ordinary fast food is not the kind of feeling greasy taste. 夏商营养餐搭配得不错,特别是吃完后感觉没有普通快餐的那种油腻味。
We wanted him to go up and get a taste for what it is like at a top club like Liverpool then come back and get his head down again. 我们希望他能够去像利物浦这样的顶级联赛球队里亲身感受一下,回来的时候能够对自己保持清醒的认识。
Thy silent pride is always counter to their taste; they rejoice if once thou be humble enough to be frivolous. 你的沉默的高傲总是触忤他们的趣味:当你偶然谦卑得近乎轻佻时,他们便喜欢起来。
You would not admit such a right (or duty); if, you were still persuaded that I was acting out of a prejudice or a personal taste. 你不会认同这样的权利(或义务),如果你仍然认为(我的)那行为是出于偏见或个人喜好。
Persuade gentleman not to have feculent sexual intercourse so, do not taste the forbidden fruit that should not taste. 所以劝君不要有不洁性交,不要尝不应该尝的禁果。
H*e no too many resemble you imagines inside of those are fine with at , it is so-so to has no taste lightly! 并没有太多像你想像中的那些美好和舒坦。生活就是这样,平平淡淡的没有滋味!
But think how much better a nice juicy piece of cheese would taste than I would. I would. 你想想,一块美味多汁的乳酪吃起来可比吃我味道好多了。
As much as you're trying to cut down on your fat intake, some things just don't taste right without a little bit of butter or margarine. 虽然你拼命想减少脂肪的摄取量,有些食物如果不添加一点奶油或玛琪琳的话,尝起来就是不对劲。
I could not be happy with a man whose taste did not in every point coincide with my own. 如果同一个在各方面都和我的情趣不能吻合的男人在一起,我是不会幸福的。
When a person dies, hearing is generally the last sense to go. The first sense lost is usually sight. Then follow taste, smell, and touch. 人死的时候,通常最后消失的是听觉。最先消失的是视觉,然后是味觉、嗅觉和触觉。
Do not like the petty bourgeoisie taste, so not to any bar, like the natural style, like a lonely person, so go to reservoirs. 不喜欢小资情调,所以不去anybar,喜欢自然风格,喜欢一个人的孤单,所以去水库。
Class' hashing a few classmates may know news that I become sick, all looking at me with the very strange taste. 班上有几个同学可能知道我得病的消息,都用很奇怪的眼光看着我。
For the great taste that won't fill you up and never lets you down. . . -Ahhh! -Make it a Bud Light. 为了那让你永不满足而且从不让你失望的绝佳口味…-啊啊!-来喝百威啤酒吧。
Advertisers, having picked up my musical taste, are able to target me with personalized ads based on my online behavior and demographic. 这网站了解到我的音乐品味,根据我的网上活动和人口统计学的分析它能给我投放个性化的广告。
Now that I've had a little taste, on the receiving end of such email, it quickly became obvious which kind of email works and which do not. 作为这类邮件的接收端,我们既然已具备了一些鉴别能力,那么,对于哪类邮件能够有效果,哪些邮件不能,就显而易知了。
He took a few mouthfuls, complained of the taste and made his wife sample it. 他花了几口,抱怨的味道,使他的妻子样本。
All black lacquer and chrome, it might look too much like a nightclub for some people's taste but it had quite a buzz. 全黑漆和铬合金可能会使一些人觉得像夜店,但是,它引起一阵热潮。
With all the press coverage, that could give Japan, [color=#ff0000]a year hence, a taste of its own Easter story. 经过媒体广泛的报道,这可以让日本在今后的一年中体验一次自己的“复活节”。
I hope her old age was better than her middle age. She was a good actress but had terrible taste in men. God's light shine on her. 我认为她的晚年比她的中年更好。她是一个好演员,但是对男人的品位很糟糕。神的光芒照耀着她。
It gives it a bit of a rich character, rich taste. 在结束的时候还有一些香草的甜味,给了这款酒更丰富的个性和口感。
The enjoyment of a great meal, for instance, is not just a function of chemicals in the food interacting with taste buds. 就拿一顿美餐来说,它带来的享受,不只是食物中的化学成分发挥作用、与味蕾互动而产生的。
Handy and easy to use. Just put tea leaves in the strainer, put strainer in a cup and add hot water, allow tea to brew to your taste. 结构说明:泡茶的好用具,方便随身携带,容易使用。把茶叶放入过滤器,盖好后放进杯子,加热水。
If we did not something taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome. 如果不偶尔遭遇不幸,幸福就不会如此甜蜜。