lose control

  • un.掌管;失去自制能力
  • 网络失控;失去控制;着了魔

lose controllose control

lose control


【网名】 你以为我还是那个我么_网名吧_百度贴吧 ... Addiction【 瘾】 Lose control失控】 After the death of【 死了以后】 ...


新视野大学英语2短语 - 豆丁网 ... cling to 坚持;效忠 88. lose control 失去控制 89. sth 习惯(做)某事 90. ...


  首发单曲「着了魔(Lose control)」一推出就在告示牌上抢下Top6的好成绩!每次推出专辑,蜜西都会带着令人眼睛一亮的音乐 …


I Gotta Feeling | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... let go: 放手,松手 lose control: 控制不住 fill up: 装满 ...


裂缝的相关英语词汇大全 - n词酷英汉词典 ... (solve) 解决 (lose control) 垮掉 (crack,tear) 裂缝 ...


2)失去自控力lose control)tol 3)不能深入思考(think superficially) 第 4 段:人们能适应快节奏生活 (does not make us vi…

But I am trying to built myself up, no longer to be the little girl that it seems everything can make me to lose control. 但我尽最大努力增强自身能力,不要再是那个好象任何事情都可以使我失控的样子。
The main disadvantages of licensing are that the company may lose control of the manufacturer fits products and right to sell them itself. 许可证贸易的主要弊端是公司可能会失去对其产品生产的控制和销售权。
Warned her that he was deliberately trying to infuriate her, to make her angry enough to lose control. 一种直觉告诫她:他是在故意想要激怒她,使得她愤怒至极而失去控制。
But she would be apart from her husband and her brother, and she might lose control of her patch of pavement. 她可能与丈夫和兄弟分离,也可能失去那一小方栖身之地。
Part of it may be your personality: You may be someone who feels your emotions intensely or tends to act impulsively or lose control. 部分原因可能取决于你的个性:你可能自认为情绪容易失控或者倾向于表现冲动。
She had to be on her toes, never taking her eyes off the tigers. One wrong move and she could lose control of the ring and her life! 她必须随时保持专注,不能掉以轻心,眼光更不能从老虎身上移开。任何一个错误动作都可能让这群老虎失控,甚至丢掉自己的性命!
And one of the great lessons that Greenpeace actually learned was that it's okay to lose control. 而且绿色和平实际上学到了很重要的一课那就是失控其实没什么大不了。
He was becoming angry, and was staring fiercely at me. He looked as if he was about to lose control. 他变得生气了,两眼狠狠地盯着我,他看上去好像快控制不住自己了。
"They would rather the company remain on a small scale than lose control of it, " Mr Zheng says. “他们宁愿企业规模小点儿,也不愿失去控制权,”郑宏泰表示。
She was in no condition for a standing fight, but she must manage one, or she would lose control of her own life, and her fortune. 她的情况没法作出正常的反抗,可是她必须搞定这一切,否则,她会失去对她自己生活和运命的控制。
As the party gives up control over the economy, sooner or later it is bound to lose control of the state. 随着共产党放弃对经济的控制,它迟早也会丧失对国家的控制。
When frond handling in strong winds, have an assistant on your leeward side to help you if you lose control of your wing. 当在强风中控伞时,你需要有一个助手在你顺风的侧边,你失去对伞的控制时他可以帮助你。
In short, having lost their ability to control their monetary policy, voters may have to lose control over their fiscal policies as well. 简言之,投票人已经失去了掌控本国货币政策的能力,如今也将不得不失去将其控制本国财政政策的能力拱手让人。
From the doctors' standpoint, the people who more irascible more easy to lose control. Therefore they always get heart disease. 从医生的角度看,脾气越急噪的人越容易失控。因此他们往往容易患心脏病。
You will never lose control of your dial-up or network connection or any other part of your system. 您永远不会失去对您的拨号程序或网络连接或其他任何系统设置上的控制权。
So I think a lot of men found themselves wanting to lose control, wanting to be the one who was controlled. 所以我想很多男人发觉他们想要放弃控制力,想要成为那个被控制的人。
You do not pay attention to what you are doing, make mistakes, miss opportunities, get tired quickly, lose control and get angry quickly. 你没有注意你正做的事,犯了错误,失了良机,身心疲惫,失去控制,怒火一触即发。
It might be a good idea to have a spotter hold a wide belt under your hips in case you lose control. 要是你的锻炼同伴能够用一条宽腰带绑缚在你的腰臀处,那么大概能够更好地预防你行动失控。
Even if allies of the al-Khalifa family were to lose control of the lower house, the appointed upper house can overrule it. 即使阿勒哈利法家族的盟友失去对下议院的控制权,尤其认命的上议院也会予以推翻。
At some time or other in your personal life, you might lose control of your financial obligations. 在个人生活中的某些时候你可能会对你的财务失去控制。
Sometimes we lose control. Sometimes the world breaks us down and we feel like we can't go on. It is all too hard. 有时候我们失去了控制,有时候这个世界将我们击倒,我们感觉无法继续前行了,一切都相当的艰难。
Technology can accelerate things to the point that we lose control. 技术可以令事情加速到我们难以控制的地步。
China did not adopt reforms that would cause the government to lose control over key policy instruments. 中国没有进行会使政府失去对关键部门控制的改革。
Doctor Banner, your work is unparalleled, and I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green enraged monster. 班纳博士,你的研究无人能比,尤其对于你如何失去控制变成一只巨大凶暴的绿色怪物这件事我是你的大粉丝。
Syngman Rhee lost elections, about to lose control of SK government. The war was planned and initiated by Stalin and Kim. 李承晚输掉了选举,也即将失去对南朝鲜政府的掌控权力。这场战争是由斯大林和金策划并发动的。
If I clashed with the Whites, I would lose control of my emotions. 如果我和白人闹冲突的话,我就控制不住自己的情绪。
He's got himself into a dangerous situation where he is likely to lose control over the plane. 他使自己陷入了一个很危险的境地,他有可能无法控制飞机。
With the creative component of their jobs diminishing, founders in a way lose control of their own creation. 随着他们工作中具有创造性的成分越来越少,企业的创办者可以说在某种程度上失去了对他们所创造的企业的控制。
The Democrats are likely to do very badly in the midterm elections next month, and may lose control of both houses of Congress. 民主党在下月的中期选举中可能会表现很差,甚至失去参众两院的控制权。
The only problem is that if opposition to him grows because of economic problems, he may lose control of his own party. 唯一的问题是:假如由于经济问题,反对他的呼声越来越高,他恐怕对自己的政党都将失去控制。