the times

  • n.时代
  • 网络泰晤士报;英国泰晤士报;时报

the timesthe times

the times


泰晤士报(The Times)自1952年起就辟有标题为“法律报告”(Law Report)的专栏,报道近一两天来法院判决的案例。有些法律 …


牛津大学被英国泰晤士报(The Times)连续四年评为综合排名第一的大学,在2005年被英国卫报(The Guardian)排名第一。在泰 …


尽管如此,《时报》(The times)和《星期日时报》(The Sunday Times)六、七十年代的某些设计依旧是杰出的,在我看来 …


在接受时代周刊(The Times)采访时,这位前披头士乐队成员说,最近在他女儿的学校的时候,还被一位学校餐厅的女服务员问 …


伦敦时报》(The Times)是英国的一张综合性全国发行的日报,是一张对全球政治、经济、文化发挥巨大影响力的报纸。《 …


Bill Bryson 被英国时报The Times)誉为当今世界上最有趣的旅游家(the funniest traveler alive)。虽然 Bryson 谦称自己只 …


英国 泰唔士报(the times)7月3日p.B-7 作者 :gordon ligocki 1989 美国 阁楼回响专栏 1月p.3图片 1989 美国 阁楼回响专栏10月p.…

'There is as much neglect at the top end of the market as there is at the bottom, ' he told the Times. 他对《泰晤士报》说,在这个市场,无论是最高端客户还是最低端客户,他们对孩子的忽略程度是一样的;
So maybe this is just a sign of the times, even if four years of age is perhaps a bit early to be an early adopter. 所以这是时代的象征,即使四岁小孩也许有点早。
After the Times obit came out, Craig sent me an e mail with the tongue-in-cheek subject line: "How you and I created modeern civilization. " 在Timesobit发表之后,Craig给我发送了一封电子邮件,半开玩笑式的邮件主题是:你我是怎样共同创造了现代文明的。
Ai-ling Zhang was the legend of the times as the outlandish clothes she wore. But the legendary female was desolate from her heart. 张爱玲像她身上所穿的奇装异服一样是那个时代的传奇,但这位颇具传奇色彩的女子,其内心是凄凉的、孤独的。
I told her, that as she had a good fortune, she had no need to stoop to the disaster of the times! 我对她说,她既然有丰厚的财产,就用不着屈身忍受目下的不公平待遇!
Well, when I saw this in the front page of the Times, I thought, "Great. Finally something I can relate to. I can sink my teeth into this. " 我看到报纸的这篇头版时,我心里想着,“太好了,总算有类似的东西了。我可以拿出来大讲特讲。”
The Times report exposes the growing friction between the U. S. and Pakistan in the wake of that operation. 纽约时报的报导揭露了美巴两国在那次行动后的摩擦加剧。
You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. 你们知道分辨天上的气色,倒不能分辨这时候的神迹。
Until mid-March, Ed Ou was on assignment for The Times in Benghazi, shooting primarily feature photographs in and around the eastern city. 直到三月中旬,摄影师Ed·Ou受《时代》杂志委派仍坚守在班加西,在这座利比亚东部城市的内部以及周围地区拍摄重要特写。
It is a sign of the times that this did not destroy his political ambitions. 这是那个时代的特色,无损于他的政治野心。
The Times is a daily newspaper published in London, and one of Britain' s oldest and most influential newspapers. 《泰晤士报》是伦敦发行的一份日报,也是英国最古老、最有影响的报纸之一。
In an interview with The Times, Miller, 32, said the government's urbanization plan was guided by a "sense of duty to create better lives. " 在与洛杉矶时报的访谈中,32岁的米勒说,政府的城市化计划是以“创造更好生活的责任”作指导的。
I don't recall what Mother and I did in New Orleans, but Ill never forget what happened one of the times I got on the train to leave. 至于我和母亲在新奥尔良做了些什么,我已经不记得了,但有一次我登上火车准备离开时的情景,是我一辈子也忘不了的。
"The first I knew about it was when I came down and opened up the computer, " her mother Sarah told The Times. “还是我起床后打开电脑时发现的。”妈妈莎拉告诉时代周刊。
The word does not have quite such a full-blooded * meaning now as it had in the times of St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas. 现在这个词可不象圣•奥古斯汀和托马斯•阿奎那时代那样拥有非常纯粹的意义了。
Starbucks has taken quite a hit this year, even while trying to adjust with the times. 即便是在这个微妙年份,星巴克仍表现出色。
Publishing those travel pieces in the Times was a way of reminding me that there was a writing world out there. 在《纽约时报》上发表这些旅行见闻对我是一种提醒,它提醒我写作的世界还存在着。
Schmitt's first call back to The Times was encouraging. There was no question in his mind that the Afghanistan dispatches were genuine. 施密特打回时报的第一个电话让我们欢欣鼓舞,他认为阿富汗的那些文件是真实的。
It's not easy to leave a home like The Times, where so many friends and brilliant colleagues remain. 离开《纽约时报》这样的家园不是件容易的事,那里有那么多朋友和出色的同事。
But he was, as The Times obituary was to put it, "a man of boundless energy and unflagging optimism" . 然而,就像《泰晤士报》(TheTimes)发表的讣告中所言,他是“一位拥有无限精力和乐观精神的人”。
That the deal had to be imposed on Lufthansa, almost literally on the steps of the High Court in London, was a sign of the times. 汉莎行将接下这笔买卖,基本上一些法律文件的处理已于伦敦高等法院拉开了帷幕,它将成为一个时代的标记。
But it is no fault of yours, I grant. It is just a phase of the contemptible ignorance of the times. 不过,我承认,那不是你的错,而只表现了这个时代可鄙的一面——无知。
The Times media critic recalled spending a day with him for a 1979 magazine profile. 《泰晤士报》媒介批评家回忆了为一本1979年杂志概要与他所共度的一天。
At the times when you are wanting to be separate from your partner and your partner wants to be together with you, there is no problem. 有时,当你想与伴侣分开的时候,你的伴侣想与你在一起,这不会有问题。
Think of all the times you might have been dishonest, even just a little, even just by telling a little white lie? What were you afraid of? 请想想你曾经说的每一次谎,哪怕只是小小的谎言,甚至只是点善意的谎言,那是因为你在害怕什么而说谎吗?
In light of the title of Yu Hua's book, I thought it likely that it would contain chapters much like the Times piece. 从余华新书的题目上看,我想书里很可能会有和该文相似的篇章。
"We've got to be much blunter about out plans for public spending, " Byrne said in an interview with the Times newspaper. Byrne在接受英国泰晤士报采访时表示,“我们必须在公共支出计划上更加坦率。”
According to a chart printed in The Times of London, Carole Middleton's father was a builder and her mother a store clerk. 根据伦敦《泰晤士报》(TheTimes)上的一幅图表,卡洛尔•米尔顿的父亲是一名建筑工人,母亲则是商店店员。
Another of my colleagues at The Times, Charlie Competello, said he tries to figure out his body's signals for himself. 我在《泰晤士报》的另一个同事CharlieCompetello说,他试图自己找出身体信号的意义。
The Times deserves kudos for pursuing such a open model rather than locking its articles up and trying to charge people for every view. 纽约时报值得人们尊敬,他们探求开放的模式而不是把文章都锁起来按查看次数收费。