
美 [taɪr]英 [taɪə]
  • v.疲倦;疲劳;厌倦;厌烦
  • adj.厌倦;厌烦;疲倦的;疲劳的
  • n.轮胎;常用于美式英语;〈旧〉女用头饰
  • 网络累的;疲乏;累了

第三人称单数:tires 现在分词:tiring 过去式:tired



1.疲倦的;疲劳的;困倦的feeling that you would like to sleep or rest; needing rest

2.厌倦;厌烦feeling that you have had enough of sb/sth because you no longer find them/it interesting or because they make you angry or unhappy

3.陈旧的;陈腐的;陈词滥调的boring because it is too familiar or has been used too much


人教版初一英语单词 ... strict a. 严格的;严厉的 tired a. 疲劳的;累的 Miss 小姐 ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... strict adj. 严格的;严厉的 tired adj. 疲倦的;累的 ask v. 询问;问 ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... strict adj. 严格的;严厉的 tired adj. 疲倦的;累的 ask v. 询问;问 ...


新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... children 孩子们 tired 累,疲乏 boy 男孩 ...


抢劫案(Robbery)_高中英语作文_梦幻网络 ... 合理决定( Reasonable Decision) 累了( tired) 男孩女孩( Girl and boy) ...

He must be very tired today ; he doesn't seem to focus at all . 他今天一定很疲倦了,好像思想一点都不集中。
He was a door-to-door salesman for a bit, but he soon got tired of having the door slammed in his face. 他干过一阵子挨户推销的事,但因常吃闭门羹,很快就讨厌那项工作了。
Mugabe said last December that he was tired of working with the opposition party, which he said "lacked ideology and policies. " 穆加贝说,在去年12月的运动中,他曾尝试与对立党合作,但却缺乏观念和政策上的统一。
We feel tired and we got too much to do at work and we got to pay the bills and why did I get the grumpiest cashier at the supermarket. . . 我们感觉很累,我们有太多工作要做,我们要付账单,而且我为什么我在超市还会碰到最麻烦的收银员。。。
She was very tired. She had been typing letters all day. 她很累了。她整天都在打信件。
He gave little D over a few eyes, mouth skin moved, suddenly stopped, may also be tired, continue to close eyes to raise his spirits. 他朝小丁翻了几下白眼,嘴皮动了动,又突然刹住了,也可能是累了,继续闭着双目养他的精神。
After such activities, it is often much easier to feel tired and fall asleep. 在这些活动之后,你会发现你很快会觉得疲惫且很容易入睡。
as well as in the days and weeks leading up to one. And feeling tired all the time may be a symptom of heart failure. 疲劳。特别是妇女,不寻常的疲劳可以在心脏病发作期间以及之后的数天或数周发生。一直感觉疲倦可能是心衰症状。
Maybe he'll be a bit more understanding when he's in the mood for love and I say that I'm too tired. 等到他想上床而我说累了的时候可能他就会理解我了吧。
So tired of all the sad face of a man, sometimes barely holding on really fast, just as in life, like a puppet! 好累,一个人面对着所有的悲伤,有时候真的快撑不住了,就像生活中的傀儡一样!
the double weight of age and grief bears down upon his tired body . he did not say one word of reproach. 他衰朽的身体背负着年老和痛苦这两个重负,他没有讲一句责备我的话。
By this time she was a bit tired of dragging such a heavy weight, and, stopping to rest a while, turned to look at her treasure. 这会儿,因为拖着那么重的东西,她有点乏了。于是,她停了下来想休息一会儿,顺便转过头去看看她的财富。
Stroll for a while, I feel a little tired, they sat on the bridge to see Square. 逛了刹那,我觉得有点累了,便坐在桥上看广场。
The answer he got was that the employee had not beensatisfactory and the manager was tired of dealing with him. 他得到的答案是没人满意那个雇员,这个经理倦于管理他了。
His companion, who did not identify herself, said he was "very tired" . 他的同事说他甚至都没有认出她来,他非常疲惫。
When Jia Zhen, a play boy by nature, was tired of his wife, his eyes fell on the beautiful Third Sister. 当贾折嗯,由自然发挥的男孩,是他的妻子累了,他的目光落在美丽的三姐。
Some players, in both England and Spain, have told me that they are so tired they have to make up injuries to be able to rest. 在英格兰和西班牙的一些球员告诉我说,他们太累了,他们要假借受伤才能得以休息。
If a boy really likes you, he won't care how tired he is or how much homework he has or how late it is. 如果一个男孩真的喜欢你,他不会在意他有多么累,有多少家庭作业,或是天多晚了。
When other people wake up in her town, she only goes to bed, tired but happy. 当镇上的其他人醒来时,她刚刚进入梦乡,疲惫但快乐着。
No, I hate yams. I was trying to love them all the time but I'm too tired from doing this stuff. 不,我讨厌地瓜泥。我一直试着改变自己对地瓜泥的想法,可这样做实在太辛苦了!
Her head was leaned against the window curtains , and in her nostrils was the odour of dusty cretonne . She was tired . 她的头靠在窗帘上,鼻孔里满是提花窗帘布上的尘土气味。她累了。
The short letter of the breeze! Just do not know why, did not return! Felling oneself, very tired! 风的短信!只是不知道为什么,没回!感觉自己,好累!
I tried to analyse his performance against Norwich and I felt he was more tired from the Germany game against Holland. 我试图从他对阵诺维奇时的低迷中找出原因,后来发现他在德国国家队对阵荷兰的比赛后太疲劳了,因此影响了他的表现。
He's a bit tired, you know. It often takes him a couple of hours to brush up. 他有点累,你知道的。他经常花几个小时复习。
"The eight people we were in charge of were glad to be out. It showed in their faces they were tired, " he said. 他说:“我们负责帮助的8个人都获释了,这让人高兴。很显然,他们都非常疲倦。”
He was constantly being tested; when he tired of it, he would tell Pepperberg, "Wanna go back" -to his cage. Alex不断接受实验,当它厌倦时,它会告诉Pepperberg博士:“想要回去”--回到它的笼子里。
The retired prelate told visitors that he gave his health condition "full marks" but said he felt tired as his fast entered the final day. 禁食进入最后一天(十月廿一日),他告诉来访者,自己的身体状况「一百分」。
The sun went to bed soon and I felt tired as I walked a long way in the snow and it's freezing outside. 太阳很快落山了,由于走了很长一段雪路,而且外面寒冷无比,我感到非常疲惫。
It was after dark when we got back, and we were all tired. I wish you would give me a more detailed description of your trip. 我们到家时天已经黑了,我们都有很疲倦。你若能更详细地给我讲讲你的旅行情况,就好了。
And through it all , Linda never tired of reminding me of the time I stood up for her, long ago , in the back corner booth. 自始至终,琳达总是一再提醒我,在很久以前,在那个角落的包厢里,我曾为她挺身而出。