
美 [ˌem vi ˈpi]英 [ˌem viː ˈpiː]
  • abbr.〈美(=most valuable player)最高身价球员
  • 网络最有价值球员(Most Valuable Player);微软最有价值专家(Most Valuable Professionals);最有价值专家(Most Valuable Professional)




1.最优秀选手;最有价值球员most valuable player (the best player in a team)

最有价值球员(Most Valuable Player)

年度最有价值球员MVP):1964年~1965年、1967年、1969年~最佳九人:1962年~1979年 明星赛获选参赛:1960年~19…

微软最有价值专家(Most Valuable Professionals)


最有价值专家(Most Valuable Professional)

这是当前最有价值专家 (MVP)、Microsoft 社区参与者 (MCC) 和 Microsoft 员工经常被问到的问题。并且,此问题会在论坛中经 …


常规赛最有价值球员(mvp)罗斯独得44分,率领芝加哥公牛队在客场以99∶82大胜亚特兰大老鹰队,在总比分上以2∶1领先。罗斯 …


去年的最有价值运动员MVP)科比虽在MVP争夺中输给了杜兰特,失去了独自成为全明星赛史上当选MVP次数最多球员的机 …

二尖瓣脱垂(mitral valve prolapse)

二尖瓣脱垂(mvp)与偏头痛的关系极为密切,并日益引起人们的注意。在许多学者报导的mvp 的病人中,偏头痛的发生率约占28…

Anyways , to the point. . . To say that Kobe does not deserve the MVP award is just misinformed, biased, and plain wrong. 不管怎样,往点子上说吧…说科比不配得MVP是错误的,有偏见的,绝对的不正确。
He was the MVP of that game, and had the Rams on the verge of another win two years later, before New England's last-second victory. 他是那场比赛的最有价值球员,并在两年后新英格兰队最后一秒的胜利前将公羊队带到又一场胜利的边缘。
MVP is a valid pattern, and useful in many scenarios, but in WebForms I felt too much friction to consider it a good approach in ASP. NET. MVP本身是一个可行的模式,而且在很多场合下都适用,但在WebForms中,我感觉有太多的问题,我认为在ASP.NET中这不是一个好的方式。
Bryant scored a Madison Square Garden record 61 points on Feb. 2 then walked off the court as the crowd showered him with an MVP chant. 科比在2月2号创下了61分的麦迪逊广场花园纪录,并且在全场高喊MVP的响声中载誉分开球场。
And his wife, the unofficial curator of that budding basketball museum, would be wise to make room for an NBA Finals MVP trophy, too. 他的妻子,还有篮球名人堂,都将要腾出空间给科比放一个总决赛MVP的奖杯了。
We have no right to win this game. Batter is MVP of this game! ! Got to love the big shots he has taken. 我们没有权利去赢得这场比赛,巴蒂尔是这场比赛的MVP,真的非常的喜欢他那些伟大的投篮。
But at some point, an MVP should decide games with the ball in his hands. He should master the moment. 但从另一方面看,MVP应该用他手中的球决定比赛。他应该控制比赛。
He might be more important defensively, because the Lakers must control Parker's penetration and keep the NBA finals MVP out of the paint. 费舍尔在防守端的作用可能更重要,因为湖人必须防守住帕克的突破,让去年NBA总决赛的MVP远离三秒区。
Let me put it this way: I received an MVP award from my division for the extra efforts I put into one of our customer relationships. 让我这么说吧,由于我付出了更多额外的努力去处理与一位顾客的关系,我因此获得了部门发给的一笔津贴。
MVP LeBron James finally decided to join Chris Bosh and Dwayne Wade to form a new superstar trio for the Heat in Miami. 上赛季NBA最有价值球员勒布朗詹姆斯最终决定联手克里斯波什、德维恩韦德,在迈阿密热队打造新的三巨头。
Fans chanting "MVP" while Dwight Howard shoots free throws is becoming a ritual at the Amway Center, but the volume is usually pretty weak. 火花在安利中心罚球时,主场球迷会齐声欢呼“MVP”,似乎这已成了一项固定程序。
Mr. Chung gave MVP an order for a few motor homes that got the company working again. 钟先生向MVP下了一个订单,订购一批房车,这使得公司可以重新投产。
Those who believe in Bryant's greatness are forever ripping the voting process, saying it's a joke that he'll never been named MVP. 那些认可科比伟大的人永远在投票过程中存在矛盾,科比一直不能当选只是个笑话。
Last March, with the MVP chants at their loudest, he stared at a room full of silent friends. 去年三月,头带MVP神圣光环,高亢颂歌相伴身旁的麦迪,正凝视着挤满房间的一大票沉默不语的朋友。
David Robinson Received his MVP award, he gave a speech and thanked some great centers who had won the award before him except one. 大卫·罗宾逊得到了他的MVP奖杯,他在获奖感言中感谢了很多获得过这一奖项的伟大中锋,但他只忘了一个人。
Well he's a super star player 2 time MVP and yet he acts like he is one of the guy. 他是超级明星2次MVP获得者,他打球时的表现绝对是顶尖之一。
Microsoft Product Support Newsgroups - Consult with your counterparts, peers, and Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs). Microsoft产品支持新闻组-向伙伴、同行和Microsoft最有价值专家(MVP)咨询。
Still, James is likely to win his third MVP this season, something only the game's greats can lay claim to. * His talents are undeniable. 这个赛季,詹姆斯仍有可能获得常规赛最有价值球员,只有这项运动的佼佼者才能获此殊荣。他的能力是毋庸置疑的。
The 2006 NBA finals MVP was back in that arena Tuesday night, as a guest for a concert featuring Jay-Z and Kanye West. 在星期二晚上,2006年总决赛的MVP作为一个Jay-Z和KanyeWest演唱会的嘉宾,回到了那个球场。
Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs) offer years of hands-on experience and enjoy helping others. Microsoft最有价值的专家(MVP)提供了多年的亲身体验并乐于帮助其他人。
The end of every NBA finals reminds us of Boice's addictive 2005 debut, "MVP, " a fictionalized retelling of Kobe Bryant's life. 每一个NBA总决赛的结束都让我们想起布易斯2005年的处女作《MVP》,对科比-布莱恩特一生小说化的讲述。
He won his first of three MVP awards that year and is considered by many to be the best hitter in the game today. 他在那年获得他三个MVP称号的第一个,就是在今天他仍被许多人认为是棒球运动中最好的击球手。
He has his first Olympic gold medal hanging from his first NBA MVP trophy in his office at home in Newport Coast. 科比是NBA常规赛MVP得主,并且他把自己赢得的第一枚奥运金牌挂在他纽波特海岸家里书房了。
For many, he is at the top of the list of MVP candidates again, and this time, he is on top of my list, too. 对于很多人,他仍是他们的MVP候选人榜单前列的球员,这次,他也上我的名单。
Get healthy. The fans love you. You'll claim your MVP trophy soon enough. Best wishes to you and yours! 早日康复。球迷喜欢你。你会很快拿到MVP奖杯的给你和你的家人最好的问候!圣诞快乐。
The Hornets' do-everything floor general is the MVP conversation -- again -- just as many of the other projected starters. 黄蜂队这样做,一切楼一般就是MVP会话-再次-就像许多其他预计首发。
Baron davis is a beast now. He has returned to he's early hornet days. He is playing like an MVP candidate. 戴维斯象一头猛兽,他恢复到他的颠峰时刻了,他打球就好像是一个MVP候选人。
The 43-year-old Jordan, a part-owner of the Charlotte Bobcats, led the Bulls to six NBA titles and was a five-time league MVP. 43岁的乔丹目前是NBA夏洛特山猫队的合夥人,他曾带领芝加哥公牛队夺得六届NBA总冠军,并五次获得联盟“最有价值球员”的称号。
However, implementing MVP will not benefit directly if the only goal is migration to MVC. 但是,如果你唯一的目的就是迁移到MVC的话,MVP并不会带来直接的好处。
When Bryant won his first MVP award last month, his coach said he didn't know anybody who deserved it more. 当科比上个月获得MVP的时候,禅师说:没有任何一个人更适合这个荣誉。