
美 [məˈʃin]英 [məˈʃiːn]
  • n.机器;机械装置;(不提全称时的简略说法)机器;(组织的)核心机构
  • v.(用机器)制造
  • 网络设备;机器设备;机械设备

复数:machines 现在分词:machining 过去式:machined

operate machine,run machine,machine work,start machine,machine activate
efficient machine,sophisticated machine,video machine,versatile machine,ingenious machine


n. v.

1.机器;机械装置a piece of equipment with moving parts that is designed to do a particular job. The power used to work a machine may be electricity, steam, gas, etc. or human power.

2.(informal)(不提全称时的简略说法)机器a particular machine, for example in the home, when you do not refer to it by its full name

3.(组织的)核心机构a group of people that control an organization or part of an organization


QC_互动百科 ... 材 料----- Material 机 器----- Machine (CHECKING LIST) 直方图 散布图 管制表 ...


隆众石化商城_求购_供应_信息_b2b市场交易平台 ... 聚氨酯 Polyurethane 机械 Machine 油品 Oil ...


②仪器设备(machine),是否已经过检验和校正,运行状况是否正常,是否有严格的管理和使用制度等等。③材料(material)包 …


  2、机器设备Machine):设备及工艺装备的技术性能、工作精度、使用效率和维修状况等。   3、材料(Material):原材料及 …


如:原物料(material),机械设备machine),作业方法(metod),首写英文字母为m评论| 桂平吴 |一级采纳率50% 擅长…


叱咤风云(WebLogic企业级运维实战)-博库网 ... 3.1 域 Domain 3.3 计算机 Machine 3.4 集群 Cluster ...


闽南语——语言的活化石_文化立国_新浪博客 ... (spanner, 扳手)、"玛绢" (machine缝纫机)、"摩托赛驾" (motorcycl…

In old China there was hardly and machine- building industry , to say nothing of any aviation industry . 在旧中国,几乎没有什么机械制造工业,更不用说电子工业了。
The machine makes this decision by "reading" how much ink is in different places on the bill. 机器通过“读出”钞票上不同部位的墨水含量来决定钞票的面额。
Really want to go to bed, I do not know who in the noisy, Hong Hong is in the machine. 好想睡上一觉,不知谁在争闹?机器哄哄在叫。
How much a slot machine must pay out, called the "hold, " is set by the state. 玩一次老虎机应该输掉多少钱,称之为“保留”,而这是由州政府规定的。
The company was split- up in two parts to attack through the forest from two directions but met deadly crossfire from enemy machine guns. 连马上分散成两部分,穿过森林从两个方向发起攻击,但是又陷入了德军机枪的致命交叉火力网中。
A computer virus is a bit of programming code that gets passed from machine to machine bye-mail or the sharing of programs. 计算机病毒是一段程序代码,它依靠电子邮件或者共享的程序,从机器中间转移。
With two crews of Maxim machine-guns he took the position on the unprotected right flank of my platoons. 在两个马克沁机枪小组的掩护下我们占领了位于我们排毫无保护的右翼一侧的阵地。
When he asked me to pull the lever of the Doomsday Machine, he said, This is all for you. 当他让我拉动机器的操纵杆时他说,这所有都是你的。
At the back of his wagon he set a little anvil, and out of an oily tool box dug a small machine hammer. 他在马车的后面支起了一个铁砧,然后从一个油乎乎的工具箱里鼓捣出一个小机锤。
It was his "think-machine" that had gone wrong, and there was no cure for that except to get away to the South Seas. 出了问题的是他的“思想机器”。要不一走了之,到南海去,就无法治好。
Finally, above models and thought were proved and illustrated by an actual design case of an oil field machine. 最后通过油田修井机系统设计实例,对广义机械系统概念设计的上述观点和模型做了进一步阐述和验证。
Make sure the system has no failing components, particularly those like the motherboard that might necessitate retiring the entire machine. 确保系统没有出现错误的组件,特别是主板这样导致整个机器被淘汰的重要组件。
The results revealed that the corrosion rate of steel being used for pharmaceutical machine had been reduced in a very big degree. 结果表明:制药机械用钢材的腐蚀率大大降低。
The architecture of the Android platform opens it up to any programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine. Android平台的架构使它可以用于在Java虚拟机上运行的任何编程语言。
With a set of buttons and a loud bell, the device, sold by National Cash Register (NCR), was little more than a simple adding machine. 这个装置带有一套按钮和能发出响亮声响的铃铛,由国家收银机(NCR)公司销售,尺寸只比简单的加法器稍大一点。
Not exactly. She came to infiltrate my camp, but I knew that she was a machine right away. 不完全是那样,她渗入我的基地,但我知道她是一个终结者。
A sound structure, easy expansion, easy to maintain, with good man-machine interface of the information management system. 一个体系结构完善的、易扩充的、易维护的、具有良好人机交互界面的资料管理系统。
You might have to replace the word "localhost" in the URL with the IP address of your host machine. 这里可能需要用您主机的IP地址替换URL中的“localhost”。
So a hypervisor (regardless of the type) is just a layered application that abstracts the machine hardware from its guests. hypervisor(不管是什么类型)仅是一个从其来宾操作系统抽象机器硬件的分层应用程序。
"We had a baby, we had no hot water, we had no washing machine, " he said. "Things are not easy here for a woman. " “当时我们有个婴儿要照顾,这里没有热水,也没有洗衣机,”他说,“这里的生活对于一个女人来说的确不易。”
Bigger felt that he was caught up in a vast but delicate machine whose wheels would whirl no matter what was pitted against them. 那人一再提到别格的名字,别格觉得自己卷入了一个巨大而精密的机器,它的轮子不管受任何阻挠都会照常运转。
All that you -- or your system administrator -- must do is to add a service record for the machine that will run the authority. 您(或您的系统管理员)必须做的全部就是添加一条将运行中心的机器的服务记录。
A State Machine diagram must be owned by a State Machine and must fully and exclusively depict the semantics of that State Machine. 一个状态机图必须为一个状态机所拥有,并且必须全面的和专有的描述该状态机的语义学。
At the front are infantrymen; to the left a Lewis gunner , to the right a kilted soldier with a Vickers machine gun. 在前面的步兵,向左边一刘易斯炮手,右边一个有维克斯机枪打褶的士兵。
Next, a small pipe is put into the cut. A machine like a vacuum cleaner is then turned on, and the fat is sucked right out of the body. 然后,一根小管子插进伤口后,打开类似真空吸尘器一样的机器,这样脂肪就被吸出身体了。
I invented a time machine to travel through time! -Hey, Doc, I'm all for that! What's wrong with making a few bucks on the side? 我发明时间机器是为了穿越时空。嘿,博士,我赞同!在边上做些标志有什么关系呢?
And I'm saying, "Humans are now going to be the extended senses of the machine, " in a certain sense. 但我说,某种程度上人类将成为机器的延伸感官(意识)。
The machine was used in a cave near the sea-shore where - it is said - pirates used to hide gold. 洞里用过这台机器,据说海盗过去惯常把黄金藏在那儿。
When you use undoable mode for your virtual machine, it allows you to either keep or discard the changes you made to the virtual machine. 如果为虚拟机使用undoable模式,那么既可以保留对虚拟机的更改,也可以放弃这一更改。
It's a flush mount instead of a mid-mount so we need to attach the slide rail to the front-most tab on the side of the machine. 这是机器与机架的齐平式安装,不是中间式安装,所以我们得把滑动轨道固定在机器侧面前端的固定片上。