lose weight

  • un.体重减轻
  • 网络减肥;减轻体重;减重

lose weightlose weight

lose weight


Y5Y女性网 -- 诠释女性时尚与个性! ... 美肤 Skin 减肥 Lose weight 情感故事 Star ...


英语必修三单词表_百度文库 ... sign 牌示,标记,符号 lose weight 体重减轻,减肥 curiosity 好奇心 ...


高中词组总汇 ... 220. lose one's voice 失声 221. lose weight 减轻体重 222. be in love with 与……相爱 ...


ViLex0327美丽橱柜 - 主页/Home ... 健康奶昔 / Healthy Shake 减重 / Lose Weight 邮费计算 / Postage ...


【资源】英语常用短语 ... lose touch with 与……失去联系 lose weight 减少体重 use of (正确地)使用 ...


白领日常交际英语80情景主题(附光盘)-博库网 ... 52.Health and Spots 健康与运动 53.Lose Weight 瘦身 54.Overtime 加班 ...


职称英语考试卫生类AB级完型填空常考词汇... ... gain weight( 体重增加), lose weight( 体重减少), even if( 即使), ...


2010高考英语词汇完型单选秘诀 ... lose one’s voice 失音;噪子哑 lose weight 减肥;降体重 get lost 走开,滚开 (美国口语) ...

Several ladies who were trying to lose weight had already fallen by the wayside by eating cream cakes. 几位女士试图减肥,但同时又吃奶油蛋糕,结果是半途而废。
The doctor reassured it was unnecessary for her to lose weight. 医生确信她没有必要减肥。
Although buffets can be challenging if you're trying to lose weight, or maintain your goal weight, once in a while is probably OK. 如果你正在减肥或者想保持体重的话,那么自助餐可能会对你有点负担,但是偶尔一次还是可以的。
After trying to lose weight for (a year) I had a meal of bread and bananas and ice cream; did I pig out! 在花了(一年时间)努力减肥后,有一次我一顿饭吃了面包、香蕉和冰淇淋:我狼吞虎咽吃得真不少!
Mature men like you to the back, and then how you say so light, so that you do not lose weight by the Italian heart. 成熟的男人喜欢背着你转,然后说你怎么这么轻,让你不要减肥随心所意。
Here's how: you've got to ditch the "magical thinking" that somehow you'll lose weight, and you'll figure out a plan as you go along. 方法如下:你要放弃那种用一种方式就能减肥的“迷人的想法”,并且在进行时自己会想出一个计划。
The scale can't tell you what you've lost or gained, which is important information if you're trying to lose weight. . . 体重秤不会告诉你减掉什么或者得到什么,最重要的信息是如果你正在尝试减肥。。。
This is a terrible state of metabolism for a man who's trying to lose weight, because surplus insulin boosts body-fat storage. 对一个正想减肥的人来说这是新陈代谢的一种可怕的状态。因为过剩的胰岛素会增加体内脂肪的存储。
It was hot and soon forgotten books almost become my Bible, a few days do not read it, my soul will lose weight. 这本曾热卖过又很快被人遗忘的书几乎成了我的圣经,隔几天不拜读一下,我的灵魂就会失去重量。
With a smaller stomach, you feel full after eating less food (as little as a few ounces ), so you don't eat as much and you lose weight. 胃小了,吃少量的食物就感觉饱了(少的只吃几盎司),因此吃不了那么多食物了,体重也就下降了。
The researchers also looked at whether the teens had been trying to lose weight. 研究人员还研究了青少年是否曾试图减肥。
"Go and see Dr. Wei, " hei fiend said. "He'll tell you how to lose weight. " Mrs. Tan visited Dr. Wel and told him her probiem. 去问魏医生吧。她的朋友说,他会给你减肥的好办法。谭女士就找到了魏医生告诉你这一题。
Although you may have started the South Beach Diet as a way to lose weight, when finished, you will see that you achieved so much more! 虽然您可能已经开始了南滩饮食来减肥,完成时,你会看到你取得的成就更多!
First of all that food, light diet to lose weight is not superstitious, the body will be hungry virtual. 首先说饮食,光节食来减肥是不迷信的,身体会饿虚。
Exercising too much in an effort to burn calories and lose weight (also called compulsive exercise) can be a sign of an eating disorder. 过度运动想燃烧卡路里减肥(也叫运动狂)可视为饮食失调症征兆。
She couldn't understand why she failed to lose weight when she was, as she said, eating like a bird. 照她自己说,她吃的很少,但仍无法减肥,她不懂究竟是什么道理。
It is never a good idea to try to throw up in an attempt to lose weight. 如果试图通过呕吐的方式去减肥,这从来就不是一个好主意。
Preliminary data suggest that self-compassion can even influence how much we eat and may help some people lose weight. 初步数据显示,自我同情甚至可以影响我们的食量,并帮助人们减肥。
Ironically, eating just a little extra food might just work a lot better for you then eat no food at all while you're trying to lose weight. 最具讽刺意味的是,对于减肥中的你而言吃一点点额外的食物可能会比你不进食效果要好。
People who are trying to lose weight use meal replacement to have a balanced diet and cut down on calories. 想减肥的人们会用替餐来保证节食过程营养均衡同时减少热量的摄入。
Hearing the word "obese" from his doctor's mouth at an annual check-up was the motivation Eddie needed to lose weight. 在做年度体检时,Edddie从他大夫嘴里听见“极度肥胖”这个词,这变成Eddie减肥的动力。
I'm trying to lose weight but I'm my own worst enemy because I cannot resist eat ing chocolates. 我试图减肥,但是因为我见到巧克力就想吃。结果自己害了自己。
That's the number one thing I can tell you. Be realistic. If you want to lose weight, don't go with an unrealistic amount, you know? 那就是我要告诉你的第一件事。现实点儿。如果你要减肥,不要设定不现实的重量,知道吗?
'We certainly don't want these results positioned as eating candy helps you to lose weight, ' she said. “我们并不想让结果误导大家吃糖有助于减肥,”她说,
If you're trying to lose weight, cold showers can be an effective weapon in your battle of the bulge. 如果你正在努力减肥,那么冷水沐浴正是克服赘肉的有效武器。
For those of you that are trying to lose weight, you will immediately appreciate the difference this could make. 对于那些你,是想减肥,你会立刻体会到这些区别,这可能令。
Trying to lose weight and become healthy by depriving the body of food makes no sense. 努力减肥,并成为健康所必需的机构的食品毫无意义。
If you've ever tried to lose weight, you know just how healthy whole grains are for your body; however, they are also great for your brain. 如果您曾经尝试过减肥,那么您一定知道五谷杂粮对身体的益处;然而事实上,它们对您的大脑来说也是好处多多。
Plus, studies out of Washington State and Brazil have shown that people who eat at least three apples or pears a day lose weight. 而且,根据华盛顿和巴西的研究表明,那些每天至少吃三个苹果的人会减肥。
Make it a goal to lose weight if you are dissatisfied with how you feel and look. 如果你对自己的外表和体重不满意,那么确立一个减肥的目标。