
美 [hɔrs]英 [hɔː(r)s]
  • n.赛马;【动】马;(体操用)木马;脚手架
  • 网络马科动物;骑马;骑兵


ride horse,bet horse,saddle horse,mount horse,back horse
fine horse,spirited horse,chestnut horse,bay horse


n. v.

1.马a large animal with four legs, a mane (= long thick hair on its neck) and a tail. Horses are used for riding on, pulling carriages , etc.

2.[pl](informal)赛马horse racing


(straight) from the horses mouth

直接的;可靠的given by sb who is directly involved and therefore likely to be accurate

hold your horses

且慢;请三思used to tell sb that they should wait a moment and not be so excited that they take action without thinking about it first

horses for courses

知人善任the act of matching people with suitable jobs or tasks

a one, two, three, etc. horse race

只有一个(或两个、三个)队(或候选人)有获胜机会的比赛(或竞选)a competition or an election in which there are only one, two, etc. teams or candidates with a chance of winning

you can lead/take a horse to water, but you cant make it drink

牵马近水易,逼马饮水难;机会可以给,做不做由人;老牛不饮水,不能强按头you can give sb the opportunity to do sth, but you cannot force them to do it if they do not want to

日常生活中的英语单词_爱问知识人 ... rabbit 兔 horse ant 蚂蚁 ...


我的单词:越背越过瘾 ... hopeless a. 没有希望的,绝望的 horse n. 马;马科动物 hospital n. 医院 ...


高中英语单词表 ... horseback n. 马背 horse n. 马;跳马,鞍马 v.骑马 horrible a. 令人恐惧的,可怕的;极讨厌的,糟透的 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... suave adj. 温和的 horse n. 马, [总称]骑兵, 脚架, 马力 stovepipe stovepipen. 火炉的烟囱, 大礼帽 ...


地下台阶爆破 ... 11 脉石 gangue mineral;veinstuff 12 夹石 horse;parting 13 无支护 without timbering;without timber ...


三国群英传2修改版的制作 ... Weapon= 武器 Horse= 马匹 Thing= 携带物品 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... suave adj. 温和的 horse n. 马, [总称]骑兵, 脚架, 马力 stovepipe stovepipen. 火炉的烟囱, 大礼帽 ...


[强手大亨]攻略—人物分析(二)_游迅网 ... 熨斗( Iron) 小马Horse) 小狗( Dog) ...

Traditional Labour supporters have accused the new leadership of being a Trojan horse trying to destroy the party from within. 老的工党支持者指责新领导乃是试图从内部摧毁党的特洛伊木马。
Before the railway came into being , a four- horse coach was a popular means of transportation . 在铁路出现之前,四匹马拉的马车是流行的交通工具。
Bela held her hand out to the horse again. "I shall call you 'Halidarre, ' girl-after the free sky-spirit of our great heroine. " 她再次向马伸出了手。“我称你为哈丽达尔,以我们伟大天空女神的女儿为你命名。”
Quote: I laughed at him. I was actually insulted that he would challenge me, a pro, to a game of horse with his left hand. 事实上,我不断嘲笑他,就凭他,用一只左手也敢向我挑战。
"Your Majesty, here is a fine horse I present to you, " pointing to the stag, he said. 一天,他献给秦二世一只鹿,他指着鹿,说:“陛下,我有一匹良马要献给您。”
and being asked to perform to that sort of level, but the horse, and certainly, the British horses, have been prepared very, very well. . . 并被要求进行高水平的表演,但马匹,当然,英国马,准备的非常非常好…
I ran to see if I could help the traveller, who was swearing furiously as he pulled himself free of his horse. 我跑过去,看是否能帮旅行的人什么忙。他正一面挣脱马鞍,一面狂怒地咒骂着。
So anyway, when my great grandpa was a kid he would ride home on a horse, back in Ireland, through the fields from school dances. 那时太姥爷还是个孩子,每天放学后就骑着马穿过农田回家,一边走一边手舞足蹈。
If it's skiing, they throw themselves at it with an effort that would kill a horse. 要是去滑雪,他们就在雪地上猛冲,那样子连马都会累死。
So he began to dress in armour another powerful war horse, who was really just as big as Knowing-one. 因此他开始给另一匹强壮的战马披挂盔甲,这匹战马实在跟先知一样高大。
One historian said, "The invention of the dark horse was in itself a remarkable product of our professional politics. " 一位历史学家曾说过:“创造黑马本身是我们的专业政治活动的一个硕果。”
All my possessions are a baby horse and a few ginsengs and of course a harmonious family. 我所有的财产只是一匹小马和一些人参,当然,我还有个美满的家庭。
But Strawberry, the horse, shook his head, gave a cheerful whinny, and seemed to feel better. 但“草莓”,那匹马,却摇摇头,快活地低低嘶叫了一声,似乎觉得奸些了。
Outside the wall , at the part of the grounds farthest from the public road, were a horse and a light wagon, waiting . 墙外,在公用道路旁最远处的一块空地上,有一架小型马车在等候着。
And yet, we keep trying to ride this horse. 然而,我们却还在试着齐这匹马。
So one day when the lion was near the horse, she told him that there was something wrong with one of her feet and asked him to look it over. 于是有一天当狮子在马边上的时候,她对他说她有一只脚不舒服,让他帮忙检查一下。
A long time ago, there was an emperor . One day, he told his horseman how much land he could cover on his horse would be his. 很久很久以前,存在着一位皇帝。一天,他告诉他的骑手,说他能骑马奔跑过的土地,皇帝都将会把那些土地归于他名下。
I swim ashore, I seize her horse, I ride off in triumph, and I sell the horse for a whole pocketful of money and an excellent breakfast! 我游上了岸,夺了她的马,大摇大摆地骑走了。我用马换来满满一口袋银钱,还美美地吃了一顿早饭!
Suddenly, a beam of reddish light formed an arc from the ditch, and the horse, as if treading on air, leaped out of the pit. 张郃挺枪来刺,忽然一道红光,从土坑中滚起,那匹马平空一跃,跳出坑外。
Horses are not sensitive taste receptor, therefore, horse gathering a wide range of food, horse is the most easy to raise animals. 马的味觉感受并不灵敏,因此,马采集食物的范围很广,马也是最容易饲养的动物之一。
The old Washington monument . Ready to serve this great nation once again. It's time make this horse into a unicorn . 旧的华盛顿纪念碑已经准备好再次为这个伟大的国家服务了。是时候将这匹马变成独角兽了。
The rider was found guilty of giving the horse drugs, and was warned off for a year. 这个骑手给赛马服用违禁药物,被禁赛一年。
When peace came, however, the soldier changed. He put the Horse out in a field full of thistles and gave it only a little mouldy hay to eat. 战争结束了,士兵却变了。他把马拉到长满蓟的野地里,只给它一点儿发霉的干草吃。
Then right across the dancers came the sound of the galloping of a horse, but no horse was to be seen, and he felt afraid. 而此时此刻,却又一阵奔驰的马蹄声自舞者间疾奔了过去,但却看不见什么马匹。他不觉恐惧起来。
He took her on his horse as his bride and rode away with her. 王子看她穿好了鞋子,就把她当做新娘扶上马,并肩坐在一起离去了。
It had a sign outside it, and there was a picture of a horse and cart on it. 它外面有一个招牌,在招牌上有一辆马车。
Urmat said he paid two sheep and a horse to his wife's family on his engagement, which were then sold to provide money for the celebration. 乌玛特说,他订婚时给了女方家里两头羊和一匹马,用这些羊和马卖掉后的钱拿来办庆典。
Competition, the only criticize -- a good horse racing in the front and the race far behind Tian Ji, King proudly laughing. 比赛开始,只见齐王的好马飞快地冲在前面,而田忌的马远远落在后面,国王得意地开怀大笑。
As the horse begins lifting his foot, let go of the tendon area and be ready to catch the foot when it is in the air. 当马开始提起蹄子时,松开筋腱同时准备抓住在空中的马蹄。
And then he told them the whole story of the horse, which he had exchanged for a cow, and all the rest of it, down to the apples. 我们的农夫正向他们叙述着整个贩马的故事,他用那匹马换牛,以及后来的全部的经过,一直讲到那袋苹果。