
美 [lu]英 [lu:]
  • n.【男名】男子名
  • 网络娄;路;卢



女字旁|女字旁的字|女字旁的字有哪些 - 字典通 ... 姿" zi1" " lou2" 威" wei1" ...

粤音检字法 cantoneseAID ... 来 Loi Lou 落 Lok ...

《Friends》词汇表A ... touristy adj.1. 适宜游览的,适合观光的 2.旅游者常去的 )lou n. (Louise 的昵称,亦作 ...

转载-中文起源 - 301的日志 - 网易博客 ... 了 liu5 lou5 龙 lung4 ...

EFEO版《百家姓》 ... 裴 P'ei Lou 甄 Tchen ...


武汉大学图书馆 ... Liu,Lilong( 刘立龙,男,博士生); Lou,Yidong( 楼益栋,男,博士生); Qu,Jianguang( 曲建光,男,博士生 ...

粤语同音字大全 - 深海精灵的日志 - 网易博客 ... hou6 捞噜謢 lou1 lou6 髦 ...

According to her mother, who asked not to be identified in this report, she met Lou's father while she was still in college. 按照要求在本文中匿名的她妈妈的说法,当她上大学时遇到了娄静(音译)的爸爸。
While some money this year is not easy, but do not buy that cheap Lou found an old broken stuff, something of their own good. 虽说这年头挣点钱都不容易,但也别老买那便宜娄搜的破玩意儿,对自己好点儿。
He started to see Laura Lou as a marvelous gift that he was fortunate enough to share for a time. 他开始把劳拉看作一个不可思议的礼物,他幸运的在足够的时间里享受到了。
Lou held his head as if it were splitting. "Everybody will say we are crazy . It must be crazy , or everybody would be doing it. " 卢双手抱着脑袋,好像头要裂开似的。“谁都会说我们疯了。这肯定是在发疯,要不人人都会这样做了。”
Back in her modest two-bedroom apartment, it is hard to imagine that Lou Jing and her mother are subjects of national scrutiny. 在她的流行的两层式的学生公寓中,很难相信娄静(音译)与其妈妈是全国关注的话题。
Until the end of her run on "Go! Oriental Angel, " fans continued to vote for Lou Jing show after show. 直到她在“开始吧,东方天使”节目中的表演结束,娄静(音译)的粉丝们一场接一场地投票支持她。
Home, Lou mayor to cook for a question, I always said he never mistreated, and asked him exactly want to do. 回到家中,卢市长找来厨师问话,说本人历来不曾亏待他,问他到底想干什么。
As a diplomat, and Lou was a masterful one, he acts properly, as you will see by his next action. 作为外交家,陆驾轻就熟,他举止合适,他的下个举动会为你证明这一点。
I remember, too, that Lou Salome referred to Nietzsche as a religious thinker with an anti-religion perspective. 我还想到,露‧莎乐美曾说尼采是位反宗教的宗教思想家。
MARY LOU DiNARDO checked three times to make sure: was that a smiley face at the end of the latest e-mail from her most dour client? 当玛丽连续看了三遍之后才敢确认:最后那个笑脸确实是来自她一个平时作风很严肃呆板的客户。
Lou Miscioscia, an analyst with Brigantine Advisors, said the tech-spending falloff appears to have bottomed out earlier this year. BrigantineAdvisors分析师米西奥斯西亚(LouMiscioscia)说,技术开支下滑的势头似乎已在今年早些时候触底。
A few days later, Lou, with tears in his eyes, told me what happened. 我记得他来找我,流著泪告诉我发生了甚么事。
Lou began to bluster , as he always did when he talked politics . 娄开始打开了话匣子,只要谈政治,他总是这样。
My best friend, Lou Taylor, to whom Trading for a Living was dedicated, died more than a year before the current book was completed. 我最好的朋友娄•泰勒,《以交易为生》就是为他写的,在本书即将完成的一年前去世了。
Lou felt that they were wandering from the point, and that in digression Alexandra might unnerve him. 娄感到他们离开了话题,而在闲扯中,亚历山德拉可能使他遭受挫折。
However, after considerable pressure from his aunt, Tante Lou, he agrees to try to help Jefferson. 然而,在相当大的压力从他的姑姑,Tante楼,他同意努力帮助杰斐逊。
"The Treasury's borrowing requirements remain daunting over the next couple of years, " said Lou Crandall, economist at Wrightson Icap. WrightsonIcap经济学家卢•克兰德尔(LouCrandall)表示:“未来几年,美国财政部的举债需求将依然令人望而生畏。”
"Mortgage the homestead again? " Lou cried. He sprang up and began to wind the clock furiously . “又拿宅地作抵押?”卢失声嚷道。他猛地跳起身来,开始疯狂地给钟上发条。
LADY LOU: "I heard you. But you ain't kidding me any. You know, I've met your kind before. Why don't you come up sometime, huh? " 卢女士:“我听你的,但你不能欺骗我,你知道,我此前感受到你的友好,为什么你不能抽空来看我呢,哼?”
'We are optimistic about the near-term global economic situation, but over the long term we are a little pessimistic, ' Mr. Lou added. 楼继伟补充说,短期内我们对全球经济形势表示乐观。但从长远来看,我们有点悲观。
In so doing, Skip to My Lou just skipped right off the fantasy radar (and possibly right into a jail cell). 这样作,跳对我的楼跳了幻想雷达(和可能入牢房)。
Show producers convinced Lou Jing's mom to appear on-air and asked her to address the many unanswered questions. 电视秀制片人说服娄静(音译)的妈妈在广播中现身,请求她回答一些没有答案的问题。
Lou Jing was brought up by her mother, a single parent, after her African American father had left China for reasons not explained. 娄婧在她母亲抚养下长大,他的非裔美国人父亲没有留下解释就抛下她们离开中国。
Most of the rest will be dedicated to publicly traded products, although some could be used for more direct stakes, Mr Lou said yesterday. 楼继伟近日表示,剩下的大部分资金将用于购买公开交易的产品,不过其中一部分可能用于更直接的股权投资。
No wonder the employment of rhetorical devices in Hong Lou Meng is said to have reached the summit of the Chinese literature. 难怪有人称《红楼梦》中修辞格的使用达到了中国文学的巅峰。
"So . . . . . . " Qin Yue Lou's at heart sneers at, way: "That Qin matches whether the type also put forward to want to duel with me of? " “这样啊……”秦月楼心头冷笑,道:“那秦合是不是也提出要和我决斗之类的?”
After breakfast, my sister Lou and I had our usual lively quarrel over whose turn it was to wash dishes. 早餐后,我和璐姐像平日一样争辩该轮到谁洗碗的事。
Kitchen God and Dong Hai switch souls and Kitchen God has no choice but to remain in Wan Fu Lou using Dong Hai's identity. 灶神与东海调换元神,只好以东海身份在万福楼掌厨。
Lou Mannheim said in the movie 'Wall Street': 'Man looks in the abyss, there's nothing staring back at him. 洛乌•曼海姆(LouMannheim)曾在电影《华尔街》中说过:人类看向深渊,而那里却无人回望。
The fourth part discusses how the Lou family established a strong local network through marriages. 第四节探讨楼氏如何透过婚姻,在地方上建立强固的人际网络。