love letter

  • n.情书
  • 网络爱的情书;爱情信笺;不奇的情书

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love letterlove letter

love letter



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... 大学英语作文:我们看不起他们 We Look Dow 大学英语作文:情书一则 love letter 大学英语作文:我如何忍受 how can i sta…


41部经典爱情影片 ... ◆《新桥恋人》(上)/ Les amants du Pont-Neuf ◆《电影情书》/ Love Letter ◆《人鬼情未了》/ Ghost ...

You got a love letter from somebody that you did not know? 如果你收到一封来字一个不认识的人的情书你会做什么?
If I said, I rubbed the love letter in that petal blue color flower petal, you could say romantically? 如果我说,我把情书揉进了那瓣蓝色的花瓣里,你会不会说浪漫?
And Tsinghua University also appeared a " mathematical" love letter ", known as the only high school or above level" . 而清华大学也冒出了一封“数学式”情书,号称“只有高中或高中以上水平才能看懂”。
I suggest that at least once a week when something is bothering you, sit down and write a Love Letter. 建议你,有事使你困扰时,每周至少一次坐下来写封情书。
Samantha, was furious. Instead of confronting Tom with her anger and disapproval, however, she sat down and wrote the following Love Letter. 汤姆打盹过了头,忘记带女儿去看牙医,他的太太爱莎十分生气,但她不愿意直接以愤怒和否定面对汤姆,接着她坐下来写情书。
Now I give you to this love letter, both appeared in the meat, there was Ma, there was even a spicy, known as "disgusting, hot" love letter. 现在我给你的这封情书,既出现了肉,又出现了麻,还出现了辣,所以又叫“肉麻、麻辣”情书。
In the end it turned out to be a love letter, one in which I tried to carefully and poetically expresses my fears of and desires for a city. 到最后写成了一封情书。在信里我努力、仔细且富有诗意地表达着对一座城市的敬畏与期待。
If I said, I dissolved the love letter in the early morning first crystal clear dewdrop, you could say romantically? 如果我说,我把情书溶进了清晨第一颗晶莹的露珠里,你会不会说浪漫?
Technologically speaking, it's light years ahead of a passion-filled love letter - but he's definitely going to have to work on the romance. 从技术上来讲,这种接吻器的发明比激情洋溢的情书先进了好几个光年了。但他肯定要对恋爱有帮助才好。
One of the best ways to release negativity and then communicate in a more loving fashion is to use the Love Letter Technique. 情书技巧减轻消极感觉,以爱沟通的最好方式是使用情书技巧。
But Internet technology is ready to help even those with the courage to write a classic handwritten love letter. 但是互联网科技甚至也为那些有勇气写经典的手写体情书的人服务。
After he reads her Love Letter he then holds her hands and gives his own loving response with a greater awareness of what she needs to hear. 他读完她的情书后,握着她的手,有爱心地讲她希望听到的话。
As she wrote him a Love Letter she discovered that she was angry with her father for being so passive and hurting her mother. 当她写情书给他时,她发现她是气愤父亲既被动又伤害她的母亲。
If I said, I engraved the love letter on autumn warmest that piece of FENGYE, you could say romantically? 如果我说,我把情书刻在了秋天最热情的那片枫叶上,你会不会说浪漫?
It was a small love letter Janet had written. The note could look like a school girl's scrawls about her dream guy. 这是一份珍妮特的小情书,我们会以为它可能不过是学生妹对自己的白马王子的胡言乱语罢了。
This is his love letter to the city that made him whole and to the parts of the city that go unrecognized by the general public. 这是写给这个让他长大成人的城市的一封情书。也写给城市中一部分不被公众认同的地方。
The love letter you finally got the courage to send will be delayed in the mail long enough for you to make a fool of yourself in person. 你终于有勇气写情书,信却在邮寄途中耽搁,好让你亲自跑去出嗅。
One of them wrote her a love letter, insisting upon a private meeting. 其中一个给她写了一封情书,一定要和她幽会。
Idea 3: Tape a few hours of TV shows. Watch the shows and pick out words that have been said and create a love letter out of them. 创意3:录一段电视节目,挑出里面的句子或词拼成一封情书。
The 'letter' has been changed as it is no longer a people's heart and a simple love letter. 大概信不再言心,不再是表白真心的情书了才改的。
I've spent my life fooling myself. Every letter I've ever written to you has been a love letter. 我写给你的每封信都是情书除了情书还能是什么?
The Love Letter Technique is recommended for expressing negative feelings to your partner, as a way of finding greater love and forgiveness. 并推荐向另一半书写表达消极感觉的情书技巧,做为发现更美好的爱情与谅解的方法。
As you practice the Love Letter Technique you will begin to experience the part of you that needs love the most. 当你练习情书技巧时,就已开始经历你内心里最渴望爱的部分。
After he re-read the love letter between the lines, he realized that he was dumped by his sweetheart . 重读情书之后,他终于明白他已经被情人抛弃了。
Today, I wrote a love letter to this girl. I poured my heart and soul into it. I slipped it in her calculus book, and she read it. 今天我给一个女孩写了封情真意切的情书,塞进她的数学课本里。
The love letter that I wrote to my girlfriend The love letter that she wrote to me. 我写给我女朋友的情书就是他写给我的那封。
Now it's 21: 19 pm , you say you have accomplish it, a Love Letter . It'S to my amazed! I feel so excitement now. 现在是晚上21:19,你说你完成了,一封情书。这让我很惊奇!我现在很兴奋!
Make it personal. Writing a love letter is a dying art. So if you're going to say it - mean it! 写情书这门艺术几尽绝迹。因此如果你想这样做,马上行动!
Write an old-fashioned love letter telling them how you feel and send it in a card you've made yourself. 写一封老式的情书告诉他们(她们)你的感受,并把信写在你自己制作的一张卡片上。
One is a love letter written by a boy to a girl he met in a convoy of vehicles while being evacuated from Sarajevo under siege in 1992. 在这些物品中有一封情书,是一个男孩写给一个女孩的,在1992年萨拉热窝被围困时他在逃难的车队里遇见了这个女孩。