love love

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love love

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During the law of love: love of men in a hurry when physical intimacy, a woman in love during the psychologically prepared to close. 恋爱期间定律:男人在恋爱时急于生理上的亲近,女人在恋爱期间乐于心理上的亲近。
Hello to you Dear Ones, it is Lady Nada here to explore with you your feelings of home and of Love. Love eternal and love everlasting. 大家好,亲爱的一们,这里是娜达夫人与你一起探索家与爱的感觉。爱不朽,爱永恒。
Maybe it's all around to see If we try And maybe it's been inside of me All this time Love love love Love love love! Love love love! 或许就在目光所及只要我们看得用心可能就在我的身体无时无刻与我相依爱啊爱啊!
The action of the heart, with the love, love could not stop, for love left a bitter salty tears; nobody knows us, who did not know me. 动了心,确用不了情,情难自禁,为情留下了苦咸的泪水;没有谁了解我们,没有谁了解我。
passionate a love. Love that matures sympathetic through hardships is the most passionate He took sympathetic attitude toward my situation. 他对我的境遇抱有同情的态度。历尽艰辛而成熟的爱情是最热烈的爱情。
Where my hometown is? Go back a bit afraid of a sudden, I love love it, but there you did not exist. 我的故乡呢?突然有点害怕回去,我很爱很爱它,但是那儿没有你。
Where did it come from and where Does it go If it were right in front of me Would i know Love love love Love love love! Love love love! 从何处而来将何处归去?倘若近在眼前,能否就此将其看清牢牢握紧?爱啊爱啊!
Did not feel love, love is still to pay, can be said to be stupid, but also can be said to be great. 感受不到爱,却依然去付出爱,可以说是傻,也可以说是伟大。
There is a love, called to leave once thought to their long love, love to the only thing is betrayal. the merciless betrayal! 有一种爱,叫离开曾经以为自己的爱情能够长久,爱情给的唯一的东西就是背叛,无情的背叛!
Steve was like a girl in the amount of time he spent talking about love. Love was his supreme virtue, his god of gods. 当史蒂文谈起爱情时,腼腆得像个小姑娘,爱是他的最高美德,他的众神之神。
The person's whole life will meet three persons, person that you love, love your person, with you totally a life person. 人的一生会遇上三个人,你爱的人,爱你的人,和你共度一生的人。
Then you would be able to continue to love, love me like the deep sea. 那你就能继续地爱,爱我如深海。
love , love , love this lip balm ! even better than the original rosebud salve . moisturizes and lasts long - - well worth the money. 爱死它了!虽然说,比玫瑰花蕾膏贵了些。。。但是它的滋润和持久让我感觉物超所值!
I thought, "what love is" there is no definitive answer, but I've done for the consideration of love--love is great, great, great power. 我想,“爱是啥”不会有明确的答案,但我已经完成了对于爱的思考——爱是博大的,无穷的,伟大的力量。
Gently a few drops, just as the rain falling on the roses full of love, love, lasting Magic of breath. 轻轻的几滴,就如同洒落充满爱意的玫瑰花雨,爱的气息持久迷香。
But I have to tell you the truth - that's not love. Love doesn't just happen to you. Love is a choice and it represents a commitment. 但我可以把实话告诉你-那不是爱。爱不会轻易落在你身上。爱是一个抉择,代表了一种奉献。
What I want is one true true love, silent love, that just is a real love, farsighted love. Love you to arrive forever! 我要的是一真实在的爱,沉默的爱,那才是真正的爱,长远的爱。爱你到永远!
Magnolia grandiflora I love, love her branches, leaves, flowers. But I love it even more selfless and a great teacher. 我爱广玉兰,爱她的枝、叶、花。但我更爱那无私而伟大的老师。
The law of love: love man, he will be busy to spend time as the cause of revenge; lovelorn woman, she would take revenge as a cause. 失恋定律:男人失恋时,他会花时间忙事业当做报复;女人失恋时,她会把报复当作事业来做。
I'm not afraid you love, love me just afraid of you think. 我不害怕你爱,爱我只是怕你的想法。
Lonely, looking at it, it reveals, all is love, love of blue, pink. 孤独时,望着它,看见里面透露出的,全是爱,蓝色,粉色的爱。
puppy love = love between teenagers: "It's just puppy love - you'll grow out of it! " 早恋(青少年期的爱恋):“这只是早恋,你长大后就不会这样想了。”
After you have been warned: do not go that route, did not chase after love, love - this is deception, it is ephemeral, fast passes. 在你受到了警告后:别走那条路,别追逐爱情,爱-这是骗局,它是短暂的,易逝的。
After listening to the song once a rather scornful tone, sound is blurred now, that song is called "love love you. " 曾经听了很不屑的歌,如今听来却视线模糊,那首歌叫《很爱很爱你》。
self-indulgence happiness Some other mottos on love ? Love and a cough cannot be hid. 爱情如咳嗽,无法隐藏。
Love is also like this, respect for love, love will really release of its most brilliant luster. 爱也像这样,尊重爱,爱才会真正地释放它最绚丽的光彩。
Good pain alive. Would not dare to love love. 's Wish to leave can not leave. Painful alive! 活着好痛苦。想爱的不敢爱。想离开的不能离开。痛苦的活着!
Kang stupid, let me once again say to you: stupid and recreation, I love you. Love love you. 笨康,让我再次对你说:笨康,我爱你。很爱很爱你。
Love love ah, the number of stupid to leave your name! 爱情啊爱情,多少愚蠢之事假以你名!
At last, one of two people don't literally of to say good-bye , When you leave, please make sure you have not love, love, love if. 最后想说的是,两个相爱的人不要随便的说分手;当你要离开的时候,请你确定你已不在爱,如果爱,请深爱。