
美 [səuld]英 [səuld]
  • adj.已售出;已售罄
  • v.sell(卖)的过去式和过去分词
  • 网络出售;出让;售完

第三人称单数:sells 现在分词:selling

sell goods,sell product,sell milk,sell soul,sell everything
sell asset
easily sell,probably sell,sell well


已售出 ... 出售中 Available 已售出 Sold ...

自己总结不定词--过去式--过去分词 - 豆丁网 ... sell 销售;推销; sold ,销售 send 发送,寄;派遣; ...


推荐几个CF游戏名字 由4个英文字母组成_百度知道 ... Time - 时间 Sold - 出售 Dusk - 黄昏 黑暗 ...


[出让] (sold)100%全新未用过Nikon COOLPIX S5100TOP ‹‹ 上一主题 | 下一主题 ›› Powered by Discuz!


快乐妈妈的小店 Happymama's HappyLand ... Snap Button( 四合扣) (7) Sold售完) (197) Tool( 工具) (4) ...

But they are products that are created to be sold to the public for the benefit of the bank. Don't take too much on trust. 但它们都是用来卖给公众、让银行获利的产品,所以不要产生过分的信赖。
Lamott said eBay officials confirmed that this year's lunch with Buffett was the most expensive charity item the site has ever sold. Lamott说,易趣从官方证实了今年举办的与巴菲特共进午餐的活动筹集到了史上最多的善款。
And counterfeit drugs are beginning to be sold by manufacturers to pharmacies in New Delhi's government hospitals. 假冒药物的生产商居然开始把假药卖到了新德里的政府医院。
Mired in debt, the city sold the building to an investor who found a pretext to terminate the leases. 陷入债务危机之后,政府将这栋大楼出售给了投资商,投资商又找借口终止了租赁合同。
Mr. Pile declined to say how much it has sold since then. 派尔拒绝透露自那以来公司已售出了多少煤炭。
s - Jaguar had reached a point in its history of selling only luxury and sports cars. The company also sold a great deal of its cars abroad. s-Jaguar销售豪华车型及跑车的数量达到历史新高。并且公司的海外销售量也相当可观
Aladdin and his mother ate and ate. Then Aladdin took one of the plates to the market and sold it for two pieces of gold. 阿拉丁和他母亲大吃了一顿。吃完后阿拉丁就拿着其中的一个盘子到市场上卖了两枚金币。
The products of this factory, which have been sold to many cities and provinces all over China, won the best appraisal from its customers. 该厂产品已经远销到全国多个省市,深受顾客好评。
Alum is sold in many stores. It is often mixed with cream of tartar, a fine powder commonly used in cooking. 明矾在很多商店都有售,它通常跟酒石(烹饪中常用的一种细小粉末)混合在一起。
All copies of that newspaper were sold out on the day these pictures were published. 刊登这些照片所有的报纸当天被抢购一空。
Unfortunately, drugs are often sold through spam e-mail, and genuine messages you might be expecting can get caught by the system. 不幸的是,人们常常通过垃圾电子邮件来兜售药品,并且系统可能会阻止您希望接收的真实消息。
He made his fortune through a network of pubs before founding a successful mining company, which he later sold. 他靠开连锁酒吧起家,了的采矿公司,后来将这家公司卖掉。
Love cannot be measured, bought, or sold. For it to be valued at all, it must be given freely. 爱的珍贵是无法被衡量或买卖的。你若想别人珍惜它,就必须真心而无条件地给予出去。
Street vendors cooked and sold what could only be described as "offal baguettes" . People stared at me. 小贩在烧煮和贩卖“杂碎面包”,人们朝我瞪着眼睛。
Lenovo earlier this year bought back Lenovo Mobile, its handset unit, which it had sold little more than a year earlier. 今年早些时候,联想购回了约一年前售出的手机部门——联想手机(LenovoMobile)。
In a shoe store, shoes of medium width turn over quickly, but a pair of narrow shoes may not be sold FOR years. 在鞋店里,中型鞋卖得特别多特别快,可是一双窄型鞋也许好几年也卖不掉。
An old man who sold tobacco, seeing that I was taking a picture of him, got fidgeted and hurriedly adjusted his clothes in embarrassment. 那位卖烟草的大爷,发现我在拍他,立刻露出笑容,不好意思地整理了一下衣服;
the company desires to have inventory on hand at the end of each month equal to 20% of the following month's budgeted cost of goods sold . 公司期望在每个月末的存货量相当于下个月销售货物预算费用的20%。
The girl came down with uremia and was in great danger. For her, her boyfriend sold his house and donated his one of his kidney to her. 女友患上尿毒症生命垂危,男友卖掉房子,并捐出了自己的肾脏。
The Home Depot in Watchung, N. J. , sold every snow blower and shovel it had in stock after customers lined up out the door. 在店门外排队等候的消费者使新泽西州家得宝(HomeDepot)卖光了所有库存的吹雪机和铲雪机。
Apple has sold 75 million iPhones, but it had a year's head start on Google. 苹果已经售出7500万部iPhone,但是它比谷歌早一年开始。
Assiya's saga began a year ago when a woman who was a family friend sold her to two criminals who had family ties to prominent politicians. 阿西娅的噩梦从一年前开始。一个妇女,也是她家族的朋友,把她卖给两个罪犯,这两人与有头有面的政治人物有着家族联系。
Less than a week later, the project was sold by original owner NTR Holding's Tessera Solar to K Road Power, aNew York investment firm. 一周后,这个项目被原来的发起人NTR控股的Tessear太阳能卖给KRoad电力公司,那是一家纽约的投资商。
Copies of that newspaper were sold out on the day these pictures were published. 在出版发行的当天,所有的报纸被卖光了。
Shares still are sold at a discount, but the sale is often wrapped up in just a few hours after the market closes. 这些股票依然是折价出售,但往往是在收市之后几个小时之内完成交易。
It is acknowledged as one of the finest football stadiums in the world and was sold out for every first-team game in its opening season. 它被公认为是世界上其中一座最出色的足球场,这里的每场一线队比赛,门票皆全部售罄。
On my way there, the bus was broken down when I eventually got to the chemist's, they had sold out of the medicine too! 我去的路上,公车出了故障。当我终于到达的时候,他们说他们的药也全部售光了!
"If a town could be sold online, then how much could you get for a family? " Young said. 他说:“如果城镇都可以在网上拍卖的话,那一个家庭又能卖多少钱呢?”
The water beetle, also known as the 'predacious diving beetle', is often fried with garlic and ginger and sold as a side dish. 水甲虫,又称为“龙虱”,常常和大蒜、生姜一起炒熟,作为小菜出售。
However, another company was facing bankruptcy, for the name of its product implies unfavorable meaning thus cannot be sold out. 然而,另一家公司正面临破产的名称及其产品意味着不利意义从而不能销售一空。