say good bye

  • 网络说再见;道别;和大家道别

say good byesay good bye

say good bye


大班英语(学习单词)—幼儿园大班英语教案 ... 3. teaching( 教学): 5. say good bye说再见)。 1. say hello( 打招呼): ...


英文的单字很急20点马上就要 - Yahoo!奇摩知识+ ... 2. 登记住房 → check in 3. 道别say good bye 11. 楼层 → storey ...


11 things&... ... ★Reflect on the day 反思当天的工作 ★Say good bye 和大家道别 ★Evaluate your to-do list 评估任务列表 ...


《唱片》歌词 ... 还没有说一切保重 BUT SHE HAS ALREADY GONE ………. 我的手摆一摆 SAY GOOD BYE 都一样摆一摆 SA…


《唱片》歌词 ... 我的手摆一摆 SAY GOOD BYE 都一样摆一摆 SAY GOOD BYE 男人装 PLAY BOY ...


say bye是什么意思_say bye的翻译... ... say good-bye1. 说再见 say good bye1. 太无所谓的 to say good-bye1. 告辞,说再见 ...

What if I never get to say good-bye or give a big hug to the ppl I care about or never ever get to see them again. 要是我再也不能对我在乎的人说再见或是狠狠地拥抱他们,又或者再也不能看到他们了,该怎么办呢?
"If this can't be resolved, we will have to say Good-Bye to you & James will lose his Grand-Parents, " her mother wrote. “如果这事儿不解决,我们将不得不和你说再见,詹姆斯将失去他的祖父母,”她母亲写道。
Me too, I really enjoyed spending time with you. It's a shame that we have to say good bye. It seems like we just got to know each other. 我也是,我真的很喜欢与你共度的时光。很遗憾,我们不得不说再见。感觉我们像刚认识彼此一样。
Now here you are begging to me to give our love another try may I love you and I always will but darling right now I've got to say good-bye. 现在你却向我乞求我们的爱,也许我爱你,我一直会这样吧,但是亲爱的,我刚刚已经和你说了分手。
A: Jack, do say good-bye for me to the host . I've got to run. 杰克,一定要代我向评价告别呀!我得抓紧点儿了。
Finally do want to say good-bye, and in this hot summer quarter, we were like a rock to break up a group of birds, at the moment. 终于还是要说再见了,在这又一季闷热的夏天,我们如同一群被石头打散的飞鸟,瞬间各奔东西。
He set out in such a haste that he didn't have time to say good-bye to his friends. 他匆促起程,未及向朋友告别。
Perhaps pretend easy wave can say good-bye, perhaps feign to do not like to say to let go can let go. 也许假装洒脱的挥手就能说再见,也许假装没有爱过说放手就可以放手。
It was only after the first limousine had left that Michael appeared to say good-bye to Kay and his own two children. 第一辆轿车开出大门之后,迈克尔才从房子里出来,送别恺和他的两个儿子。
It knows that it will die soon. It flies up to the prince to say good-bye for the last time. 它知道自己快死了,于是便飞到王子身边跟他作最后的道别。
it's never easy to say good-bye to you. I will hold the memory of you in my heart forever. 与你道别不是件容易的事,我将永远把你记在心中。
Then she told him that her ghost mother had just come to say good-bye to her while he was soundly sleeping. 于是她告诉他﹕她的鬼母亲在他正在鼾睡中时来向她说再见。
"Yes, " she said, "As I'm leaving, can you say 'Good bye, Mother! ' ? It would make me feel so much better. " “嗯,”她说,“你能在我走的时候对我说‘再见,妈妈’吗?那样会让我好过点。”
You said you'd never leave me . . . and that you'd always be at my side. You promised me this, you know? So why did you say good-bye? 你曾说你将永不离开我,你将永远陪在我的左右,你可知道你曾经的誓言?为什么此刻说分手。
The bird is ready to fly away again. It goes back to the prince to say good-bye. 这时小鸟准备真的要走了。它又飞回王子那里跟他说再见。
She forgot her scruples, and as he rose to say good-bye, her eyes were shining. 她打消了顾虑,在他站起来告别的时候,她激动得两眼闪闪发光。
If someone threatens you or says they'd rather break up than wear a condom, it's time for you to say good-bye. 如果有人威胁你或者说他们宁愿分手也不要带套,这就是你该说分手的时候了。
Although it was hard to say good bye, Tzu Chi volunteers and storm victims were happy that the situation would be returning to normal. 虽然离别总是不舍,但慈济志工与灾民都很开心能回到正常生活。
Say good-bye gently, one after another in the dark who of the Holy Spirit, those who suffered death in the essence of soul transmigration. 轻轻地道别,那些在黑暗中次第临幸的圣灵,那些在磨难中轮回不死的精魂。
The eagerness in his manner tightened abruptly into formality as several people approached him to say good-bye. 这时有几个人走过来和他告别,他原先热切的态度陡然收敛,变成了拘谨。
Hi blogger, Oh sad got to say good-bye to you, hopefully will be back soon. 嗨!各位亲爱的博客们,我得要和大家告别了!希望能尽快回来。
Don't you know the reason the reason that I kissed you was to say good-bye? 难道你不知道我是在跟你吻别么?
It was clever of him to say good-bye at that time. 对于他来说,在那种时刻说声再见是明智的。
At last every one rose, made the sign of the cross, and began to say good-bye. 最后大家终于都站起来,画了十字,开始告别。
We say good-bye and one of the commanders asks me to tell the world the story of the Papuans' struggle. 我们挥手道别,其中一个指挥官嘱托我向全世界讲述巴布亚人斗争的故事。
d better not take up any of your time. I suppose I'd better be going. Shall we say good-bye here? 我最好别再占用您的时间了。我想我最好现在就走。我们就此告别吧?
Time passed quickly. In a twinkling, the clock on the wall struck nine. We could not but say "Good-bye" to one another. 时间过得很快。转瞬间,墙上的钟敲九点了。我们不得不互道再见。
I don't wanna say good-bye For the summer Knowing the love we 'll miss Let us make a pledge To meet in September And seal it with a kiss . 我不想说再见,分开度夏,知道我们会相思。哦,我们立个誓:九月再相见,以吻封缄。
When you can't stand to stay out with a dud any longer, just say good-bye. 如果你受不了跟一个混球见面,把他甩了就是。
The next month, it was Ramadan again. Mamun came to say good bye to me on the roof, he was leaving to spend his Eid with his family. 下个月又到九月斋月了,马蒙来到屋顶上与我道别,他要去和他的家人过开斋节。