
美 [hɑt]英 [hɒt]
  • adv.热;趁热;热烈地;愤怒地
  • adj.温度高的;热的;觉得闷(或燥、湿)热;使人感到热的
  • v.〈英〉变热;变得激动;骚动起来;使骚动
  • 网络最热门;热图像上的热试验点;最热的

比较级:hotter 最高级:hottest

hot weather,hot bath,hot sun,hot gas,hot sauce



1.温度高的;热的having a high temperature; producing heat

2.觉得闷(或燥、湿)热feeling heat in an unpleasant or uncomfortable way

3.使人感到热的making you feel hot

辣的食物food with spices

4.辣的;辛辣的containing pepper and spices and producing a burning feeling in your mouth

引起强烈感情causing strong feelings

5.活跃的;激烈的;强烈的involving a lot of activity, argument or strong feelings


6.艰难的;棘手的;危险的difficult or dangerous to deal with and making you feel worried or uncomfortable


7.(informal)风行的;风靡一时的;走红的new, exciting and very popular


8.最新的,新近的(通常令人兴奋)fresh, very recent and usually exciting


9.[obn]有望成功的likely to be successful

擅长;熟识good at sth/knowing a lot

10.[nbn](informal)~ at/on sth善于(做某事);(对某事)了解很多very good at doing sth; knowing a lot about sth

性激动sexual excitement

12.感到(或引起)性激动的feeling or causing sexual excitement


13.(场面、说话等)过激的,过火的containing scenes, statements, etc. that are too shocking or too critical and are likely to cause anger or disapproval


14.[nbn]~ on sth重视,确保(某事发生或完成)thinking that sth is very important and making sure that it always happens or is done


16.偷来(因容易识别)而难以销赃的stolen and difficult to get rid of because they can easily be recognized

儿童游戏in children's games

17.[nbn]快找到了;快猜中了used in children's games to say that the person playing is very close to finding a person or thing, or to guessing the correct answer


be hot to trot

期待(某活动)to be very enthusiastic about starting an activity

be in/get into hot water

有麻烦;惹上麻烦to be in or get into trouble

go hot and cold

突然感到害怕(或焦虑)to experience a sudden feeling of fear or anxiety

go/sell like hot cakes

畅销to sell quickly or in great numbers

(all) hot and bothered

(因压力过大、有难题、时间紧迫等)焦灼不安,心慌意乱in a state of anxiety or confusion because you are under too much pressure, have a problem, are trying to hurry, etc.

hot on sbs/sths heels

紧跟着;接踵而至following sb/sth very closely

hot on sbs/sths tracks/trail

快要抓到,即将找到(某人或物)close to catching or finding the person or thing that you have been chasing or searching for

hot under the collar

愤怒的;窘迫的angry or embarrassed

in hot pursuit (of sb)

(对某人)穷追不舍following sb closely and determined to catch them

not so/too hot

质量不大好not very good in quality


2006年3月,金沙娱乐场与葡京娱乐场以及文华东方娱乐场同时入选由《福布斯》杂志所选出的全球最热门(Hottest)的十三间赌 …


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(66) _ 上海疯狂英语 ... hotter 热的 hottest 热的 houdah 象轿 ...


...全一样,取得这种加热器工作时的热图像,便可以看到 热图像上的热试验点hottest)在高温限制开关附近,判断出故障是 …


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风电英语词汇(A - 词汇学习 - 英语爱好者 ... hot-dip 热沾 hottest 热的,热烈的 housing 住房,房屋,护盖,框架 ...


金沙文娱场与葡京文娱场以及文华西方文娱场同时当选由《福布斯》杂志所选出的全球最抢手(Hottest)的十三间赌场名单。 澳 …

It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. We had not seen rain in almost a month. 那是旱季最热的一天,差不多有一个月没下雨了。
At the time, radio was the hottest technology there was, and the White House was on the cutting edge. 在那个时候,无线电是白宫里最热门的科技产品。
This would be an astonishing upheaval for what was one of Europe's hottest firms. 对于一家欧洲最顶尖的公司来讲,这将是一项令人吃惊的变革。
Twitter happens to be, oh, the hottest start-up in the digital-media business right now, so it'd probably be a good investment. Twitter正好是在数字媒体行业最受欢迎的新宠,所以买它大概会是笔不错的投资。
The deep-sea eruption of the West Mata volcano is producing what are known as boninite lavas, believed to be among the hottest on Earth. 西马塔火山深海火山喷发是生产什么被称为玻安岩熔岩,相信是地球上最热中。
But after a few months, here will become one of the hottest place all over China, and that's exactly what you came. 不过再过几个月,这里就会变成全中国最热的地方之一,那正是你们来的时候。
He said the weather was beyond our control, noting that last summer was one of the hottest on record. 他说我们对天气无能为力,并提到去年夏天曾是历史上最热的。
The hottest days of summer begin after the summer solstice. Maybe a potted plant or flower at home can bring you a little bit of coolness. 夏天最热的日子在夏至之后开始。或许家里的一盆盆栽植物或花卉可以给你带来些许凉意。
and shade by our branches to cool one from the heat of the hottest sun along with shelter one from the wind, snow and rain. 并且可以用我们的树枝来遮挡最炎热的太阳和遮风蔽雨雪。
That shows what you know. Iceland may be chilly, but it's one of the hottest places in Europe. 一看你知道的就不多。冰岛是挺冷的,但它是欧洲最热的地区之一。
Gordon: Because he was a ladies man. He's gone out with some of the hottest babes in Hollywood. 戈登:因为他是个花花公子。他经常和好来坞最漂亮的女明星约会。
I told him Cheryl was the hottest thing in Britain and could sing and dance - basically, she was the complete package. 我告诉他谢丽尔是英国最红的歌星,能歌善舞。她是个全能歌星。
The hardy Amaryllis belladonna are completely dependent upon sunshine and I have them growing in one of the hottest spots in the garden. 耐寒的孤挺花完全随阳光而定,我将它们种在庭院中最热的地方。
"We know current temperatures may be the hottest for two millennia, " but the evidence that this will cause wars is "not much. " 我们知道现在的气温可能是两千年来的最高水平,但并没太多证据显示这样的高温会引发战争。
The hottest day of the summer so far was drawing to a close and a drowsy silence lay over the large, square houses of Privet Drive. 夏季最严热的日子逐渐走入尾声,小文金镇女贞路上硕大的方房子都笼罩在夏末的慵懒和宁静之中。
As you can see, over a third of the hottest photos on the site are a year old or more. 你可以看到,这个网站上最热门的照片里有三分之一都有一岁以上的高龄。
The sassy Russian star's poster was one of the hottest items at the season's first clay court tournament. 这位伶俐的俄罗斯球星的招贴画成了该赛季第一场红土地锦标赛的热点。
Take a look to some of the hottest elements for the upcoming season and get ready to energize and update your wardrobe! 来看看下一季度最流行的元素,开始升级你的衣橱,给它能量吧!
Summer is often very hot. It lasts from June to August. The hottest month is July. Autumn starts in. 六月到八月。最热的月份是七月。秋天从九月开始,一直持续到十一月。
The soil stores moisture during cooler weather. But most of that moisture is gone by the middle or end of the hottest months of the year. 在天气比较凉爽的时候,土壤会储存水分。但是在一年中最炎热的月份中间或结束时,水分会消失。
some of the hottest material , residing so close to the sun that it almost vaporized , sped out to the chilliest reaches of deep space. 一些最为炽热的物质与太阳靠得近在咫尺,差不多气化了,喷涌而出,到达了最冷冽的外层太空。
Do you know besides Hollywood and Bollywood, where is the hottest place in movie industry? 你知道除了好莱坞和宝莱坞,这是最热的地方,在电影产业?
As well as droughts, floods and other extreme events, the next few years are also likely to be the hottest on record, scientists say. 科学家们说,未来几年内,除了干旱、洪水和其它极端气候事件以外,可能还会出现有史以来最热的天气。
Then, in December, its shares raced up in one of the hottest debuts in years on the Nasdaq. 11月份,在美国纳斯达克,它的股票是近几年中首次登场就成为最大的热门。
The children's fate, even more than family finances, can be the source of the hottest legal tussles . 孩子的命运甚至比家庭财务更重要,可能是最激烈的法律争夺的原因。
The hottest financial market topic of the moment could be the sub-prime loan crisis in the United States. 当前最热门的金融市场话题莫过于美国的次级抵押贷款危机。
Down at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean is the hottest water on the planet, in a "supercritical" state never seen before in nature. 在大西洋的海底深处有着世界上最烫的水,这种违反常理的现象在以前并没有被观察到。
Augmented Reality has been one of the hottest trends in mobile for about a year now. 大概在不到一年前现实增强就已经成为一种热门趋势了。
Keene says one of the hottest topics on her blog is whether women should take their husband's last name. Ms. 基恩女士说,她的博客上最热门的话题之一是,妇女是否应采取其丈夫的姓氏。
In Greenland, for instance, two of the hottest spots, showing a startling five-degree rise in temperatures, have no weather stations at all. 比如,在格陵兰最热的两个点,气温令人吃惊地上升了5度,而这里却根本没有气象观测站。