have a good time

  • na.过得愉快;很愉快
  • 网络玩得高兴;玩得开心;玩得愉快

have a good timehave a good time

have a good time


初中英语短语大全 ... 63.hold on 稍等 64.have a good time 玩得高兴 65.at this moment 现在 ...


仁爱英语七年级下册重点词组归纳 ... be funny 有趣 have a good time 玩得高兴,过得愉快 blow out 吹灭 ...


高一英语必修一词... ... 82.practise reading aloud 练习大声朗读 83.have a good time 玩得开心 84.have a good trip 旅途愉 …


高一英语必修二 重点词汇_百度知道 ... 26. watch over 看守,监视 27. have a good time 玩得愉快 28. once a year 一年一度 ...


牛津英语小学毕业复习资料 - 豆丁网 ... go camping (去野营) have a good time玩得很高兴) come after 在„„之后到来 ...


六年级单词总汇_百度文库 ... sang 唱 have a good time 过得很愉快 ate 吃 ...


七年级英语单词表 ... everyone 每个人 have a good time 玩得高兴;过得快乐 man 男人;人;人类 ...


上海中考英语考纲词组_百度文库 ... have a class / lesson 上课 have a good time 玩得很愉快;过得很愉快 have breakfast 吃早 …

After all, the point of these activities is to have a good time. If you know you won't, there's no reason to play. 毕竟这些活动的目的是使自己开心,如果你认为你不会开心,那么没有理由去玩。
He had been told at the start of the meeting to behave themselves and not get in the way of others, so he did not have a good time. 聚会一开始,他就被告知要行为规矩点,不要妨碍别人,所以他玩得不痛快。
Thought to see you soon, and I have a little bit of a tense. I hope you come to China that we can have a good time. 想着很快就能见到你了,我有一点点得紧张,希望你来中国我们能玩得愉快。
Now Kate and Peter are happy. The weather is going to be very nice for a skate trip. They are going to have a good time on the hills. 凯特和彼得很高兴,这样的天气对滑冰来说很适合,他们讲在山上度过一段美好的时间。
I'm sorry. I'm very tired. I'm going to bed early. I didn't have a good time and I don't really want to see you again. 很抱歉,我累了,我要早点上床休息,我和你在一起玩得不开心也不照相再见到你了。
'We are here to have a good time, ' he said. 'We try to promote better understanding and experience other cultures. ' 艾尔兰德说,我们来这里是为了享受,我们努力促进更深的理解,体验其他的文化,这里的食物最有意思,种类太多了。
The simple solution of rotating stuff makes bedroom cleanups easier, and helps kids learn they don't need so much to have a good time. 这种简单的轮番替换的方法将会使房间更容易收拾整洁,同时也可以使孩子发现即使没有太多的玩具也可以玩得很高兴。
And here he was in this same hotel expecting to confer with him, unquestionably waiting to have a good time with him. 而现在这个人就住在这同一家旅馆里,盼着和他交谈,毫无疑问等着和他一起好好地玩一下。
Mrs. Mason: What's the matter? Didn't you and Jason have a good time while I was away? 梅森太太:怎么回事?我不在的时候你和杰森相处得不愉快吗?
Go out with some friends and have a good time, although not too a good time otherwise that would be the end of Wimbledon for me. 和一些朋友出去玩,但是不能玩太疯,否则温布尔登对我来说就结束了。
But if you think about it, all a girlfriend really needs to be is someone who you're attracted to and who you have a good time with. 但是你想,一个女朋友唯一重要的事情,应该是你喜欢她,也喜欢和她一起共度的时光。
But once I begin to do it, I always stop complaining. I just try to finish it quickly so I can have a good time for the next two months! 不过,一旦开始写作业,我总是不再抱怨,只想快点做完它,这样接下来的两个月我才能过得开心!
George: The pleasure was all mine. I always have a good time when I'm with you, Laurie. 乔治:我应该向你道谢才是。劳丽,每逢我跟你在一块儿,我总是非常愉快。
Fine, thanks. I had a wonderful time at home. I did quite a bit of reading. Did you have a good time at school? 挺好的,谢谢。我在家过得可高兴啦,读了好多书。你们在学校过得也不错吧?
If you can go out with your friends and you realize they don't need to have five or six beers to have a good time, don't. 如果你和朋友出去发现他们不需要五六杯啤酒就能过的很愉快,就不要喝那么多。
They both smile and are ready to have a good time. 他们都笑了,一起准备度过一段美好的时光。
If you think someone will have a good time doing something, you can say: I think you will really enjoy it. 如果你认为某人做某事将会很愉快,你可以说:Ithinkyouwillreallyenjoyit(我想你会很愉快)。
i am glad to get along with you. hope to see you again. have a good time. 跟您相处很愉快。希望我们还能见面。再见。问题补充:英语。
if he saw a town that he liked he would plank himself down and have a good time until Ginette came searching for him. 若是看到一个他喜欢的镇子便住下尽情玩乐一番,直到吉乃特来找他。
providing a relaxing and harmonious environment for you, and wish you always have a good time here. 为您提供一个休闲并且温馨的环境,一份快乐并且美好的时光!
Those with a different version of the gene, and so not as reliant on drink to have a good time, also appear to be drawn together. 细胞内有著这样同种不同型基因的人们最后常常会一同醉倒,然后他们也不一定非得依靠酒精才能嗨起来。
Have a good time, but you know what the word on the street is about George, don't you? 尽情地玩吧,但你听过街上人们对乔治的评价,不是吗?
"No, sir, " went on Bert musingly , "school's no fun, and it starts about a week after we get home. No chance to have a good time! " “不,‘先生’,”伯特一边沉思一边继续说,“学校里一点都不好玩,而且我们回家后一个星期不到就开学了,根本没机会玩!”
They have made arrangements that we visit the Great Wall tomorrow. I believe that we are sure to have a good time there. 他们已安排好让我们明天去游览长城。我相信我们在那儿一定会玩得很开心。
RICK: You'll have a good time. Duck season is one of my favorite times of the year. 雷克:会很有意思的,野鸭过境时期是一年当中我最喜欢的时候了。
Exercise, she said, can help people sleep better and reduce stress, as well as have a good time with a friend. 她说,锻炼可以提升睡眠质量,减轻生活压力,与朋友更和谐的相处。
JOHN: The Bucky Card is a great way for you to save money while you have a good time here at school. 约翰:爆奇卡是一个能让你省钱的好工具,尤其当你在学校就读的时候。
Tomorrow Mr. Yang will take you to the Tiananmen Gate, and I hope you both have a good time there. 明天,杨先生将带你们去天安门城楼,我希望你们在那儿玩得愉快。
Marcus: Yeah. It looks like your ready to hit the town and have a good time. 马库斯:是挺不错。看来你是想痛痛快快到城里风光一番。
Fans of courtly drama and political intrigue, and those with a penchant for dioramas are sure to have a good time. 宫廷事件和政治阴谋的粉丝,及那些对实景模拟有偏好的人一定会度过一段开心的时光。