
美 [hæm]英 [hæm]
  • n.火腿;〔美国〕火腿(夹心)面包;(旧时的)小镇;村庄
  • adj.做作的;蹩脚的;自满的;搞业余无线电收发报的
  • v.(使)表演过火
  • 网络汉堡(Hamburg);业余无线电爱好者;火腿肉

复数:hams 现在分词:hamming 过去分词:hammed



n. v.

1.[c][u]火腿;火腿肉the top part of a pig's leg that has been cured (= preserved using salt or smoke) and is eaten as food; the meat from this

2.[c]无线电通讯爱好者a person who sends and receives radio messages as a hobby rather than as a job

3.[c](informal)拙劣演员(尤指表演过火者)an actor who performs badly, especially by exaggerating emotions


火字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 火头上〖 intheheatofanger〗 火腿ham〗 火网〖 firenet;barrage〗 ...


商务舱 | 机舱特色 | 阿联酋航空 中国 ... 海得拉巴( HYD) 汉堡( HAM) 胡志明市( SGN) ...


业余无线电爱好者Ham)可以使用无线电设备在一定的业余频段内接收和发射信号,并且随不同等级的Ham有不同的权限, …


关于早餐食物的英文单词_百度知道 ... cheese 奶酪 ham 火腿肉 coissant 羊角面包 ...


大学英语六级单词表 - 豆丁网 ... H halve vt. 对分;平摊 ham n. 火腿;(兽类的)后踝 hamper vt. 妨碍,阻碍,牵制 ...


汉姆Ham)——它的名字是墨西哥“霍洛曼航空航天医学中心-Holloman Aerospace MedicalCenter”的缩写,这只黑猩猩的身 …


火腿片 (HAM) 西芹菜叶 长豆/菜豆红萝卜 洋葱 黑木耳(干) (没有也可以)蘑菇(干) (如果没有黑木耳,可以用蘑菇代替)-*也可以加 …


也击败了西汉姆(Ham)联的全体时刻最庞大的足总杯初赛,富有却仍然努力,才是真正了不起的领导人。在2006年时,利物浦 …

Their father, Sol, was a Jew, the son of a rabbi, but sufficiently assimilated that he made his living importing both cheese and ham. 他们的父亲扫罗是一个犹太拉比的儿子。但他已经充分世俗化,以进口奶酪和火腿为生。
Manchester City left-back Wayne Bridge is on the verge of signing with West Ham United after it was revealed he was in London for a medical. 据悉,曼城左后卫韦恩.布里奇在伦敦接受了西汉姆联队的体检,他很快将与该队签约。
I knew then that we would have no turkey or ham for Christmas, and I felt sad. But I knew for certain that we would have French toast. 我知道在我们的圣诞节餐桌上肯定不会有火鸡或火腿,我感到难过。但我知道我们肯定会有法式土司。
The first goal was unbelievable and Luis showed a bit of magic like he did at West Ham last week when he set up Glen Johnson's goal. 第一个球真是不可思议,像上周对西汉姆他助攻格伦的那个球一样,他展示了魔术般的表演。
When two women war out a ham bowel each additional, the front door of this berth suddenly drive a hit to open. 就在两个女人互相争夺一根火腿肠的时候,这船舱的大门忽然被一脚踢开了。
He'll want to show Liverpool supporters what he is all about, as he did against West Ham. 他会希望在比赛中向利物浦球迷全面展现自己的能力,就像战胜西汉姆时他做到的那样。
He then came to me with the ham, put it in the basket beside me, and instructed me to deliver it to a customer who had it on order. 然后,他走过来将那根处理好的火腿放进我的篮子里,叫我给以个订火腿的顾客送去。
Portsmouth boss, Harry Redknapp, was quite happy to see the back of his former West Ham player, Joe Cole and winger Shaun Wright-Phillips. 朴茨茅斯的教练,哈里·雷德克纳普,非常高兴看到他的前西汉姆联的手下爱将乔·科尔以及边锋肖恩·赖特-菲利普斯。
Very sensible, ' I said. ' And what about the rest of your family? Are Ham and Peggotty going to Australia too? ' “非常明智的决定,”我说,“那家里其他人怎么办?哈姆和辟果提也去澳大利亚吗?”
The 30-year-old is likely to leave Benfica and sources in Portugal claim that the Biancocelesti will challenge West Ham for his signature. 这名30岁的前锋很有可能离开本菲卡,来自葡萄牙的消息称蓝鹰将与西汉姆联就他的签约展开竞争。
Lampard is delighted to see his former West Ham and current Chelsea team-mate Joe Cole earn a place in the final squad of 23. 兰帕德对于他前西汉姆联队现切尔西队的队友乔·科尔能在最后的23人名单中有一席之地。
How much ham shall we get? Three kilos. 我们要买多少火腿?三公斤。
If you are anything like me with tighter ham strings you may need to move a little further away from the wall. 要是你像我一样喜欢把腿绷直点的化,那你需要离墙远一点。
How much beef and ham shall we get? 我们需要买多少牛肉和火腿?
"Initially I thought it was cramp in the game at West Ham but when I tried to get up I knew something was badly wrong, " he said. 最初我觉得,那场对阵西汉姆联的比赛中我只是抽经了。但是当我试图站起来时,我就知道我受的伤还是挺严重的。
"He's not going back to West Ham, there's no chance of that happening. Certainly not now, " a source close to the player told Goal. com UK. “他不会回到西汉姆联,没有任何可能性,至少现在没有。”一个小乔的密友透露。
If West Ham stay up, the clubs will back a legal claim for loss of Premiership status on behalf of any club who drop into the bottom three. 如果西汉姆没有降级的话这几家球队会继续为了失去超级联赛资格诉讼。
A year later and Gerrard was at it again, helping Liverpool seal an FA Cup final triumph at the expense of West Ham in Cardiff. 一年后,杰拉德再度卷土重来,他帮助利物浦在加迪夫战胜西汉姆赢得足总杯最终的冠军。
He made a pig of himself and porked out on ham sandwiches all afternoon. 他像猪一样能吃,整个一下午都在把火腿三明治往肚子里塞。
He was something of a loner, and his early pursuits included studying magic tricks and ham radio. 早年的他有些孤僻,爱好变戏法和业余无线电。
On that very day Noah and his sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, together with his wife and the wives of his three sons, entered the ark. 正当那日,挪亚和他三个儿子闪、含、雅弗,并挪亚的妻子和三个儿妇,都进入方舟。
A leg of cured ham is on display right by the front entrance, and a black-and-white French movie is projected onto a wall in the back. 一根熏火腿醒目地摆在正门入口处。后墙成了幕布,放映着一部黑白法语片。
Nobody is certain if the ham-handed investigation was the product of rash incompetence or a deliberate attempt to hide the truth. 没有人可以肯定,如果笨拙的调查是不称职的皮疹产品或蓄意隐瞒真相。
Ham on the surface if the hair sticky please do not eat the product deterioration occurs. 火腿肠的表面如果发黏请勿食用,产品发生变质。
"Wait a minute, " said the boss, and he opened the load and took out a ham, which he started to bone and string up. 他说,说罢他解开货物,拿出一根火腿,开始剔骨头,接著用绳子绑起来。
He took the record from Danny Murphy when coming off the bench against West Ham last month. 他上月在对西汉姆一战中替补登场,刷新了丹尼·莫菲之前保持的纪录。
They were too hungry to stop to fish, but they fared sumptuously upon cold ham, and then threw themselves down in the shade to talk. 他们饿坏了,顾不得停下来捉鱼来吃,对着冷火腿,就是一番狼吞虎咽,吃罢就躺到荫凉下说话。
General Ham says the support involves "weapons and material, " but he did not provide details of what Iran sends or how much. 哈姆将军说,这种支持包括“武器和材料”,但是他没有详细叙述伊朗输送了什么或者数量有多大。
The teams doing the buying are the ones trying to pull away from the bottom of the league like Aston Villa and West Ham. 进行转会的是那些试图远离联赛垫底的球队,入维拉和西汉姆。
He had a few bites of a ham sandwich and a couple of sips of iced tea at noontime . 中午的时候,他吃了几口火腿三明治,喝了几口冰茶。