
美 [hɑrm]英 [hɑː(r)m]
  • n.伤害;损害
  • v.伤害;损害
  • 网络危害;害处;损伤

第三人称单数:harms 现在分词:harming 过去式:harmed

do harm,cause harm,bring harm,harm reputation,prevent harm
great harm,serious harm,potential harm,real harm,irreparable harm


n. v.

1.[u]伤害;损害damage or injury that is caused by a person or an event


it wouldnt do sb any harm (to do sth)

(做某事)不会对某人有坏处;不妨used to suggest that it would be a good idea for sb to do sth

no harm done

没造成严重损害(或伤害)used to tell sb not to worry because they have caused no serious damage or injury

out of harms way

在安全的地方;被隔离in a safe place where sb/sth cannot be hurt or injured or do any damage to sb/sth

there is no harm in (sbs) doing sth|it does no harm (for sb) to do sth

做某事没有什么坏处used to tell sb that sth is a good idea and will not cause any problems


遏字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 断绝〖 cutoff〗 伤害harm〗 遮拦;遮蔽〖 shelter〗 ...


字典中 敝 字的解释 ... (2) 弃[ cast away] (3) 损害[ harm;hurt] (1) 同本义[ worn-out;old and shabby] ...


蠹字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 〖malady〗 弊病 〖harm危害;损害,破坏 〖borethrough〗 蠹虫蛀蚀 ...


害_百度百科 ... 2. 害虫[ injurious insect] 3. 害处[ evil;harm] 4.害口[ morning sickness of a pregnant woman] ...


英语词性转换 - 豆丁网 ... interested( 感兴趣的) - harm( 伤害;损伤) harmful( 有害的;致伤的) - ...


坏_百度百科 ... 1. 坏包儿[ rascal;rogue] 2. 坏处[ harm;disadvantage] 3. 坏蛋[ scoundrel;bastard] ...


《博得之门二》功略手册 ... Fire Seeds( 火种) Harm伤害术) Heal( 究极治疗) ...

Being tired all the time is often put down to anaemia and women think they should take more iron, but that could do more harm than good. 女人总将长时间的疲劳归因于贫血,自以为多摄入点铁元素就没事了,但是这样做弊多利少。
Doing so did not harm my health; on the contrary, it improved the well being of my hair in general and made me feel great! 这样做不仅不影响健康,相反,还从整体上改善了头发状况,让我感觉好极了!
The children don't do much at their youth club, but at least they stay out of harm's way. 孩子们在青年俱乐部没有什么大的业绩,但至少是平平安安的。
And for me it's a recession beater too -- what's the harm in using my assets for a bit of extra cash, " Hiley said in a statement. " 而且对我来说,这还能使我在经济衰退的环境中捞点外快。用我自己的母乳赚点钱没什么害处。
There is no report, including from the US Government, of any of our releases ever having caused harm to any individual. 没有报告发现,其中包括来自美国政府,我们的任何版本曾经有造成损害的任何个人。
In practice we see that although many people do have the desire to serve the masses, they end up in failure, doing great harm to the masses. 实践证明,许多人并非在主观上没有为人民服务的愿望,但是他们仍然把工作做坏了,使群众受到重大的损失。
To be able to see clearly the word prevail, at least 50 cm to 75 cm distance, thus reducing the harm of electromagnetic radiation. 为了能够清楚地看到这个字为准,至少50厘米到75厘米的距离,从而减少了电磁辐射的伤害。
'We didn't want to put people unnecessarily in harm's way, ' he said. 'We were the first agency to know everybody was out of the plane. ' 卡萨诺说,“我们不希望任何人受到不必要的伤害。当时我们是第一个得知所有人均已离开飞机的部门。”
"When it was explained to us that the problems had no solutions, I thought to myself, 'well, there's no harm in trying, '" he said. “老师解释说,这难题没法解,我就想,好吧,试试也没啥不好。”他说。
But if markets can inflict pain, the harm from trying to tame them is often worse, argue those who would let the invisible hand carry on. 但是如果市场可以施加痛苦,那么试图驯服市场带来的伤害往往更严重,愿意让“看不见的手”继续发挥作用的人士如此声辩。
My tongue will tell of your righteous acts all day long, for those who wanted to harm me have been put to shame and confusion. 并且我的舌头,必终日讲论你的公义,因为那些谋害我的人,已经蒙羞受辱了。
However, the A Sangqi said that this short-lived reputation of his arrest warrant is still a harm. 不过,阿桑奇则表示,这种短命的逮捕令对他的名誉依然是一种损害。
(Benign and idiopathic ) mean there was no evidence of harm and no identifiable cause like a (growth) or (stroke). 良性和突发性意味着没有会造成伤害的证据以及没有可确认的原因,如肿瘤或中风。
In the dark world of warfare, each new tool is a more effective way to harm people. The A-bomb could be the point of no return. 在战争的黑暗世界里,每一个新的工具都是更有效地杀人工具,就像原子弹那样成为一条不归之路。
So, is it laziness and ignorance. And precisely because of these lazy and ignorant, do not know how much harm a dog's life. 所以,还是人们的懒惰和无知。而正因为这些懒惰和无知,不知道残害了多少狗狗的生命。
Cats seem to go on the principle that it never does any harm to ask for what you want. 猫猫似乎坚信这个原则:想要什么就向主人要,没什么不对的!
Some of the children reportedly were forced to kill or harm other children while part of the Lord's Resistance Army. 据报道一些儿童在圣主抵抗军“服役”期间被强迫杀害或伤害其它的儿童。
It seems not only brought a harm, but not a strong drill, if not be touched was injured all over the body? 看来不善钻营带来的只有坏处,但不善钻营而强钻,是否不会被碰得体无完肤?
One day Maya came to get him. He was afraid that this man might surpass his position with his strong belief in God, so he tried to harm him. 有一天,魔过来要抓他,因为看他相信上帝太厉害,等一下会超过他的地位,就想办法下去害他。
Right, I'll let you know. No doubt it was just a clerical error. No harm, no foul. 好吧,我会通知你的。毫无疑问,这只是一个笔误。没有损失就没有过错。
"In that case, you may use it to guard my daughter. " said the lord, "I depend on you to keep her from harm. " “如果是那样的话,你就用你的剑去保护我的女儿吧,”君主说,“我将依赖你使他免于伤害。”
If I could turn back time, let me to choose one, I must send nine lilies, and never let any harm! 如果时间可以倒转,让我重新选择一次的话,我一定要送九朵百合花,而且不会让其受到任何伤害!
We feel that this world can be the harm, but they still pay for the complaint, the only father and mother. 这个世界上能被我们毫无顾忌的伤害,而依然为我们无怨无悔的付出的,只有爸爸妈妈了。
It was a power by which she could do great harm to mankind, but she had never used it in all her life. 那是一种可以强烈伤害人类的力量,但她从没有用过那种东西。只是,现在,她愤怒了。
"He made a terrible mistake in having these files on his computer and going to China, " Tunick said. "He never intended to harm anyone. " “他把这些文件下载到自己的电脑里,而且去了中国,犯了一个严重的错误,”图尼克说,“他从未意图伤害任何人。”
prince vassily used not to think over his plans . still less did he think of doing harm to others for the sake of his own interest. 瓦西里公爵不去周密地考虑自己的计划,他更少地想到谋求私利和作出危害他人的事。
The great works can never do any harm to a mind, which, having no impression at all, can have no false impression. 伟大的作品不可能会对一个人的思想带来什么害处,因为对它们既然完全没有印象,何来错误的印象。
The company says its payments were within the rules and did not harm consumers. 该公司称,他们的付款完全符合规则,并没有损害消费者的利益。
I then told him, I saw you first. If I had meant to harm you, I would have done that already. 我告诉他:是我先看到你的,要是我有意想伤害你的话,我早就做了。
Many doctors question the magnitude of harm from combining these medicines, and a second, smaller study suggests it may not be very large. 许多医生都质疑这种联合用药的不良性,而且另一个较小规模的研究显示这一危害可能并不是特别大。