
美 [hɪp]英 [hɪp]
  • n.臀部;【解】髋;【建】屋脊;【动】(昆虫的)基节
  • adj.机灵的;市面灵通的;赶时新的;〈美〉颓废派的
  • v.使(家畜)扭脱股关节;用屁股撞;【建】使做成四坡屋顶;使忧郁
  • int.(集体的)喝采[欢呼]声
  • 网络高抗冲聚苯乙烯;臀围;改苯

复数:hips 比较级:hipper 最高级:hippest

hip fracture,left hip



很多高抗冲聚苯乙烯(HIPs)是属于聚苯乙烯和聚丁二烯的二相共混体系,其中聚苯乙烯是连续的塑料相,聚丁二烯是分散的橡胶相. …


秦舒培_百度百科 ... 胸围 bust:81cm 臀围 hips:87cm 鞋码 shoe:39 EU ...


批发改苯(HIPS)门窗报警 价格面议 批发【加工】橡胶缓冲垫 橡胶 价格面议 批发橡胶脚垫 橡胶缓冲垫 橡 价格面议 批发橡胶制 …


所有形容人的形容词的英文拼写_百度知道 ... Rocklike 石头般的 HIPS 臀部 Plump 丰满的 ...

主机入侵防御系统(Host Intrusion Prevent System)

关于主机入侵防御系统hips)的详解!!! Sorry我是条子  Host-based Intrusion Prevent System 主机入侵防御系统。


东莞市鑫怡塑胶原料有限公司 ... EVA 乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物 hips 高冲聚苯乙烯 PP 聚丙烯 ...


箱体材料 高压聚苯乙稀(HIPS)/内部填充8mm 厚聚氨酯 护栅 多层钢网热固性复合防水材料 过载保护 SonicGuard* “声音保护” …

US researchers found a type of fat that accumulates around the hips and bottom may actually offer some protection agaist diabetes. 美国学者最近研究发现,堆积在髋部和臀部的脂肪实际上在抑制糖尿病发病方面起着积极作用。
of my bed and saw Beloved Adi Da standing there, surrounded by golden light, with His hands on His hips, and an amused look on His face. 我在我的床尾看到挚爱阿谛达站在那儿,他的手和臀部都被金色的光芒环绕,脸孔流露出愉悦的神情。
Instantly my hips began to rock again and I was unaware that I had begun to forcefully grind Ming-Lee's wand into my sopping wet pussy. 立即地我的臀部再一次开始摇摆,而且我是不知道的我已经开始有力地磨擦明-李的棒进我的浑身湿透的湿猫之内。
Holly's cloak was fastened with a silver clasp, and Frenya had a girdle of hempen rope wound about her middle from her hips to breasts. 霍丽的斗篷用一只银别针系住,弗兰雅的胸部与臀部之间则绕着着一条麻制绳索。
Sliding a half top over her head, a skirt up her long legs and over her hips, she was ready to go. 套好上衣,将裙子经修长的大腿提过臀部,她作好了出发的准备。
Then Kenobi flexed his hips and retreated nearly all the way out of her body, tearing a whimper from her lips. 然后克诺比翘起他的屁股,几乎把整根都从她体内拔了出来,让她不禁抽泣了一声。
A dainty, self-conscious swaying of the hips by a woman was to him as alluring as the glint of rare wine to a toper. 对他来说,一个女人风骚巧妙地摆动臀部的姿势就像美酒的色泽对酒徒那样具有吸引力。
A woman's attractiveness relates to the size of her waist compared with her hips, according to New Zealand anthropologist Barnaby Dixson. 新西兰人类学家巴纳比·迪克森研究发现,女人是否具有吸引力,与腰臀比例有关。
but, I declare, my hips are so dreadfully tired that I believe that I'll give up my plan and content myself with a look from this hill. 但是我得说,我的屁股累坏了,我相信,我就要放弃计划,在这山丘上望一眼就满足了。
But she still might have osteoporosis in her backbone or hips. 但是,她仍有可能在背部或是臀部得骨质疏松症。
His lordship's head was buried in her breasts, his hands locked around her hips. Jaime cleared his throat. "Lord Jonos. " 伯爵大人将头埋在她的双乳间,双手环绕着她的臀部。
If the fetus is male, the mom carries most of the weight low and in the front, like a basketball shooting from her hips. 如果胎儿是男的,妈妈承受的重量比较低而且在前方,像一个从她的臀部投篮的球。
Opening the outer hips and lengthening the spine tends to help deepen and improve twists. 打开髋外侧以及拉长脊柱,有助于加深扭转。
It's a bit of a myth that models sashay their hips from side to side in a very pronounced manner. 一直以来有一种神话称模特们在走路时会以非常明显的方式从一边到另一边滑动臀部。
The part of the body of a human being or quadruped on either side of the backbone and between the ribs and hips. 腰部人类或四足动物的身体部分,位于脊柱两侧,肋骨与臀部之间
"Not bad! " she says, hands on her hips, blonde hair tumbling from her straw hat. “味道不错!”她说,手掐着要,金发从草帽里落了下来。
Engage your core. Keep your shoulders down, and contract your gluteal muscles to push your hips up in the air. 核心区域的肌肉参加用力。肩部向下,臀肌收缩,将臀部抬起悬于空中。
Then, kick your legs up and down together in a whipping motion generating from the hips and bending at the knees, as if you were a dolphin. 通过髋关节和膝关节用力运动,上下踢你的腿,就像海豚一样。
A trademark used for a light plastic hoop that is whirled around the body for play or exercise by the movement of the hips. 一种很轻的塑料圈的商标名,这种圈通过臀部的运动环绕身体转动,用于表演或锻炼身体。
The knotty joints of his hips and shoulders stood out a good three inches from his body. 腰胯和双肩的关节瘦骨嶙峋,突出身体三英寸之多。
Three weeks later he came into my office with his hands on his hips. 三个星期后,他来到我的办公室,两手叉腰。
For her part, Jolie makes a modicum of effort with her cut-glass accent, but mostly lets her eyes, lips and hips do the work. 女主角,朱莉对她那种能“切碎玻璃”的口音做了微不足道的调整,不过大部分的工作都是靠她的眼睛,嘴唇和臀部来完成的。
Also try not to let your hips sink while you're on your back, which will require you to KICK and BEND your legs too much. 也不要让你的臀部沉入水底,而你在你的背后,这就需要你来踢弯曲你的腿太多了。
While lying on the back in this drill, keep the surface of the water level with your chest, stomach, hips and thighs at all times. 本训练始终当以仰泳方式躺平时,让您的胸、腹部、臀部和大腿在水面上。
Sitting in a chair or riding a bicycle on a regular basis signals the brain to set the length of the muscles about the hips for flexion. 坐在椅子上或者骑自行车,大脑会发出特定的信号设定肌肉臀部肌肉伸展的长度。
Whatever the reason, kissing, licking and nibbling at her hips will send currents of delight down to her toes and up to the top of her head. 无论是什么原因,亲吻,舔或咬噬她的臀部都会让她全身产生一股不可言语的电流。
Move the hips back as if you were going to sit in a chair. 如同要坐在椅子上一样移动髋关节。
Barefoot walking enhances strength of the group muscles in lower part of the body particularly that of the feet, legs and hips. 光脚走路能够强健我们身体下部的肌群,尤其是脚部、腿部还有臀部。
Each downward pulse of your chest should raise your hips above the surface and the same should happen during the single stroke. 每次你的下巴的向下运动都会把你的屁屁送出水面,做每个完整的蝶泳动作时也是一样。
Make sure your hips and butt come up off the bench as you raise your knees up to touch your elbows and. 确认你的臀部和胯部坐在长椅上,然后抬你的膝盖够到手肘