
美 [ˈnid(ə)l]英 [ˈniːd(ə)l]
  • n.针;针头;指针;缝针
  • v.穿过;刺激;拿针缝;拿针穿
  • 网络针状物;编织针;缝衣针

复数:needles 现在分词:needling 过去式:needled

percutaneous needle,intravenous needle,disposable needle,steel needle,hypodermic needle
needle use,sterilize needle


n. v.

缝纫for sewing

1.针;缝衣针a small thin piece of steel that you use for sewing, with a point at one end and a hole for the thread at the other

编织for knitting

2.编织针a long thin piece of plastic or metal with a point at one end that you use for knitting. You usually use two together.

药品for drugs

3.注射针;针头a very thin, pointed piece of steel used on the end of a syringe for putting a drug into sb's body, or for taking blood out of it

仪器on instrument

4.指针a thin piece of metal on a scientific instrument that moves to point to the correct measurement or direction


a needle in a haystack

草垛里的针;几乎不可能找到的东西a thing that is almost impossible to find

商务英语词汇大全_外语教育网 ... thread 线 needle button 钮扣 ...


新大纲四级 - xieyuchao670的日志 - 网易博客 ... nearly 几乎,差不多 needle 针,针状物 Negro 黑人 ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... necklace 项链 needle 针,指针,针状物 neglect 忽视;疏忽 ...


医院日常用品和设备英文单词 ... Thermometer[ 体温表] Needle[ 针头] Syringe[ 注射器] ...


高中英语... ... neighbourhood n. 地段,地区,四邻;邻近地,附近 needle n. 针,针状物,注射针,编织针,唱针 necklace n. …


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... need 需要 needle 缝针 needless 不必要的 ...


seam中文 ... transparency 透明... 缝衣针 needle 纵切面;剖面 section ... ...


高一必修2英语单词_百度文库 ... inject 注射 needle (注射用的)针,针管 reduce 减少 ...

The retailer said there had been a shift away from traditional trees in favour of more unusual, pine-needle free creations. 该零售商称消费者的购买意向已经从传统的圣诞树转为寻求不同寻常的,没有松针的替代品。
The needle handle or needle end of the needle is provided with an air filtering apparatus and a back flowing preventing apparatus. 该针的针柄或针尾设有空气过滤装置和防反流装置。
Searching for my keys in the garden is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. 在院子里找我的钥匙就好像是在大海里捞针一样困难。
Today, I found my boyfriend in his room picking off the dead skin from his feet with a needle. 今天我发现男朋友在房间里拿着根针挑脚上的死皮。
Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. 我又告诉你们,骆驼穿过针的眼,比财主进上帝的国还容易呢!
Ultrasonic imaging and microscopy of a fine needle sample constitute the first-line investigations. 超声波成像和良好的显微针样本构成第一线调查。
'Ll make his shroud? I, said the Beetle, With my thread and needle, I'll make the shroud. 谁为他做寿衣?是我,甲虫说,用我的针和线,我会来做寿衣。
Tell him to make me a cambric shirt, parsley sage, rosemary and thyme, without no seams nor needle work, then he'll be a true love of mine. 告诉他为我做一件细布衬衫,那些芳香迷人的花儿啊,不用针穿也不用线缝,他将成为我的爱人。
I, " said the beetle, " With my thread and needle. 是我“,甲虫说,”用我的线和针。
She took a needle and pricked me in such a way that it appeared that she was not testing my blood, but was sewing a shoe sole instead. 天呀,她拿起个针头就狠劲地往下戳,简直不像在抽血做化验,而是在锥鞋底呢。
Volcanic rocks (along with other types) often contain small, deep holes, as if they had been repeatedly punctured with a needle. 火山岩(以及其他类型)通常包含小,深洞,如果他们曾多次用针头刺破。
He took a needle out of his pocket, and as he could thread it as well as ever he had done, his heart danced with delight. 他从口袋里掏出一根针,和以前一样,很快就把线穿了过去,他的心里乐开了花。
Good job! Some of you will get a vaccination that looks like this. There's no needle - it's a spray that goes into your nose. 好样的!你们还有人会像这样接种疫苗。没有针头——它是一种喷雾剂,通过你的鼻子进入。
PEP is often recommended for health care workers exposed to needle stick injuries in the workplace. 通常还建议在工作场所被针具刺伤的卫生保健工作者采取这一预防措施。
i , said the beetle , with my thread and needle , i make the shroud. 我来,甲虫说,我将为他做寿衣,用我的针和线。
A little bit like a crocodile, Nothosaurs had a long flat tail and short stumpy legs. Plus it had a mouth full of needle-sharp teeth. 幻龙有点象鳄鱼,都有扁长型的尾巴和四条短腿,它们还有一张长满了钉子状尖牙的大嘴巴。
Lincoln takes the IV needle out his arm and calls Michael's name into the grate, Michael excitedly knocks back against the new metal plate. Lincoln拔掉手臂上的静脉注射针,在栅栏处大声叫唤Michael的名字,Michael激动地敲击新的金属管道向他做出回应。
The lion looks at him, puts down his needle, and starts to beat the hell out of the rabbit. 狮子看看小白兔,放下手中的针筒,把小白兔猛揍了一顿。
Bob's on the table, and we take this sort of small needle, you know, not too big. 鲍勃在手术台上,我们用这种小针头,你知道的,不是特别大的。
The Bible warns that it's harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. 圣经警告说,一个有钱人要进入天堂比一头骆驼钻进针眼还要难。
Francis: Ah, there's a reason for that. There's been needle between them ever since Garfield beat Jake to the top marketing job. 法郎西斯:那是有原因的。自从加菲尔德抢在杰克之前,获得销售部最高级职位,两人就一直不和。
it was obvious to see by looking at the needle marks on her arms that the young girl was a victim of drug abuse. 从她臂上针扎的痕迹来看,很明显,这位年轻女子是吸毒的受害者。
CT-guided percutaneous needle biopsy was one of the main methods in the diagnosis of pulmonary tumor. CT引导下肺穿刺(活检)术是目前诊断肺内肿块的主要方法之一。
Said retainer can be embodied in such a way that it is fixable and formed by the curved free end of the needle stem. 止动器也可设计成不可分离的并由针杆的自由端弯曲而成。
She cried out, "Pierce me with the awl, but keep that slender, hair-like slave (the needle) out of me. " 她大喊道:“你可以用锥子扎我,但别用那细得跟头发丝似的奴才(针)刺我。”
The tapered plug or "needle" is screwed in or out of a mating orifice in the body and thus controls the effective orifice size. 其锥形插头或“针头”是阀体上配置的螺纹旋进旋出的节流道,因此能够有效控制节流面积。
" Li Bai laughed loudly: " How could such a thick rod be sharpened into a delicate embroidery needle? 李白大笑:“这么粗的铁杵怎么可能磨成那么细的绣花针呢?”
Cai head smashed fade, a week living Hospital, linking the heads of a dozen needle, the hospital is still lying out. 蔡头被砸蔫了,住了一周医院,头上缝了十几针,现在还在医院躺着不出来。
Stitch by stitch he made each suit, feeling the needle in his fingers as he sewed a piece of silk or wool. 由缝线他每西装,感觉他的手指缝一针,他的丝绸或羊毛片。
She had some cloth in her hand and a needle. The cloth in her hand was as white as the snow. 她手中拿着些布和一枚针,她手中的布就象雪一样洁白。