
美 [ˈnjuːkɑːsl]英 [ˈnju:ˌkɑ:sl]
  • n.【城】纽卡斯尔



But of the British banks that had to be rescued, three out of four were headquartered in Yorkshire, Newcastle and Edinburgh. 但不得不接受纾困的英国银行中,有四分之三总部位于约克郡、纽卡斯尔和爱丁堡。
That may be a step down for someone so renowned in his youth but it would constitute a renaissance after four years of decline at Newcastle. 对一个年轻时那么大名鼎鼎的人来说,可能这是在倒退,但在纽卡斯尔走了四年下坡路之后,这么做也许会帮助他东山再起。
Newcastle professor Karim Nayernia has applied for permission to carry out the work and is ready to start the experiments within two months. 纽卡斯尔的教授KarimNayernia已经申请了进行这项研究的许可,并准备在两个月之内开始试验。
Newcastle hope to hear from Liverpool and Arsenal within the next 10 days after accepting that Jose Enrique needs to leave. 在接受何塞·恩里克的转会申请后,纽卡斯尔希望在接下来的10天听取来自利物浦和阿森纳的报价。
Chelsea's private chartered BMI flight was unable to leave Aberdeen airport to pick the squad up at Newcastle, so they were stranded. 切尔西的私人包机航班BMI无法离开奥博丁机场,也无法到纽卡去接球队,所以切尔西被困了。
I think at Newcastle he will play from the beginning and it will be a chance for him to show me that he is back to his best. 我认为在纽卡斯尔他会首发,这将是他的一个机会来告诉我他已经回到了自己的最佳状态。
Martins revealed the prospect of teaming up with Owen was one of the main reasons he joined Newcastle. 马丁斯还透露说能和欧文搭档是他来纽卡的主要原因。
When you've got a Newcastle team doing that, with their great support behind them, you know you're going to get a difficult game. 如果纽卡能这么踢,相互支持的话,你就知道他们能来点邪乎的。
He's a great lad and we were all gutted to see him leave Newcastle but it was a no-brainer, really. 他是一个伟大的球员,我们都很难过看到他离开纽卡斯尔。
Roy, there's been a bit of talk about that team meeting after the Newcastle game. Can you tell us what happened? 老霍,现在有报道说输给纽卡后球队开了个会。你能告诉我们发生了什么吗?
The 22-year-old appeared to have a promising career at City ahead of him until Shay Given arrived from Newcastle in January. 这个22岁的年轻人看似有一个美好的职业前景,但ShayGiven从纽卡斯尔转会过来之后就不一样了。
I was asked afterwards about Newcastle's managerial position and I said that anyone that's asked to go and work there should just go. 事后有人问我关于纽卡的主帅位置,我表示无论谁只要被邀请去那里执教,都应该会前往的。
He made it clear that the prospect of a move into the Premier League with Newcastle appealed to him and we couldn't stand in his way. 他也表明要以后会往英超联赛与纽卡斯尔发展,我们不能阻止他的道路。
Liverpool have agreed a fee with Newcastle United for the transfer of Jose Enrique - but how much do you know about the defender? 利物浦就恩里克的转会费与纽卡斯尔达成一致,但是对于这名后卫你们知道多少呢?
For someone of 22 years of age, that's a lot to carry on your shoulders and he's shown at Newcastle that he is capable of doing that. 每个人在22岁的年纪就已经开始要承担很多的责任,而卡罗尔在他的老东家展示他完全可以应付得来。
After I finished my work, he said that he wanted to give me a hand. I thought that his idea was just to carry coals to Newcastle. 我完成任务后,他说他想帮我。我认为他的想法是多此一举。
The Newcastle scheme however will not be operational for at least a year as researchers now need to apply for funding. 那卡斯尔计划尽管至少一年的时间不能实行,研究者现在仍需要申请资金。
Michael Owen has angrily denied a report he has already decided to call time on his Newcastle United career. 关于迈克尔欧文已开始为他在纽卡的职业生涯倒计时的报道,欧文愤怒地否认了。
Cole, 24, has been a regular in recent weeks and is determined to go from strength to strength after scoring against Newcastle on Saturday. 二十四岁的科尔已经在最近的几周里固定了自己在球队首发中的位置,而且通过周六对纽卡斯尔的进球进一步巩固了自己的继续首发的决心。
Griffiths has landed back in Australia and will resume duties with Newcastle, at least for the rest of this season, shortly. 格里菲斯已经降落在澳大利亚,将恢复与纽卡斯尔的职责,至少在本赛季余下的比赛,在短期内。
From what most of you Newcastle fans are saying you should be pleased I left the club! If i had known that earlier I could have left sooner! 大多数的纽卡球迷,听你们的意思,我离开了纽卡你们挺开心的。如果早知道是这样,我就该更早一点走!
Terry has been struggling with his back since the Newcastle game and pulled up in training yesterday. 特里由于在与纽卡斯尔的比赛中背部受伤而缺席了昨天的训练课。
I almost envy you the pleasure, and yet I believe it would be too much for me, or else I could take it in my way to Newcastle. 你这眼福几乎叫我嫉妒,可惜我又消受不了,否则,我到纽卡斯尔去的时候,也可以顺道一访。
Wayne Rooney has sensationally revealed that he was ready to join Newcastle in 2004 before United made their eleventh-hour move to sign him. 韦恩。鲁尼轰动揭示2004年在曼联签下他前夕他正准备加入纽卡斯尔联队。
One day after Manchester United dropped two points at home, Chelsea had to be content with a scoreless draw away at Newcastle United. 在曼联主场失去本应得到的两分后,切尔西也应该对与纽卡斯尔的零进球平局感到满意。
His club Newcastle have decided to turn to the surgeon who saved the careers of Alan Shearer, Ronaldo and Ruud van Nistelrooy. 他的俱乐部纽卡斯尔联队已经决定将欧文转交给曾经挽救过艾伦希勒,罗那尔多以及范尼斯特鲁伊等人职业生涯的外科医生治疗
We knew on Saturday we would be playing Newcastle and that it was Owen's comeback. It was a buzz. 我们知道周六要和纽卡比赛,那是欧文的回归赛。
He struggled when he first went to Newcastle, but last season he was one of their best players. 纽卡的科洛奇尼也是如此,他第一次去的时候非常挣扎,不过上个赛季,他已经成为他们的最佳球员之一。
After all, she said she was going to be in Kent, and she would have been in Newcastle had anything happened. 最后她说她要去肯特郡,她本应该到了纽加塞尔出点什么事情。
Oba has just started his career at Newcastle and I expect him to be here for many, many seasons. 马丁斯才刚刚开始他在纽卡的职业生涯,我希望他可以在这里踢很长时间。