no more than

  • na.不过是;仅仅
  • 网络至多;只是;只不过

no more thanno more than

no more than


大学英语四级常用词组 ... stand the test 经受住考验 no more than 仅仅,只是 no other than 除…外没有;只有 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... no more 不再 no more than 至多,同...一样不 none other than 不是别的,正是 ...


人教版高中英语单词表(第一册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... Kentucky 肯塔基(美国州名) no more than 不过; 仅仅 in all 总计 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... stand the test 经受住考验 no more than 仅仅,只是 no other than 除…外没有;只有 ...


高考英语复习专题辅导教案 ... hear that... 听说 no more than 仅仅; 只不过 not more than 少于, 不足 ...


求高一英语必修4短语词组大总结_百度知道 ... ask for 要求…… no more than 不超过 come across 走过来;偶然碰到 ...


大学英语三级词汇 - 豆丁网 ... no more 不再 no more than 不多于,至多 no sooner…than 一…就 ...


专四高频词汇 - 豆丁网 ... no more 不再 no more than 至多,同……一样不 burst vi.,n. 突然发生,爆裂 3. ...

And some, he thought, were no more than sighs, like the one he once wrote on the sand of an Irish beach for the tide to take away. 有一些,他认为只是叹息而已,就像他曾在爱尔兰海滨的沙滩上写的一首诗,他愿海潮将它带走。
The application letter should be brief no more than one page in length It should be easy to read and include only the necessary information. 求职申请应该简洁明了,长度不超过一页,求职申请信还应该清晰易读,只需把必不可少的信息写上即可。
Lehman's limited partner fund interests, which hold less liability, probably total no more than $1bn, one person close to the matter said. 知情人士表示,雷曼的有限合伙人基金权益(持有负债较少)总数可能不超过10亿美元。
"From a medical point of view, the hymen is no more than a piece of tissue, yet people have given it too much symbolic meaning, " Zhou said. “从医学的角度,处女膜只是一张纸,但是,人们赋予了她更多的象征意义”周说。
It is the same with the Earth's crust, as the atmosphere moves with the Earth, creating no more than hurricane force winds on the surface. 地球的地壳也是一样的道理,在大气随着地球运动的时候,在地表产生的不仅仅是飓风。
So you own a piece of a landmark. But there's a catch. You may stay there no more than 120 days a year. 所以你拥有的是具有划时代意义的地标。但是还有要记住的事情。你在这里居住一年中不能超过120天。
Jupiter and Saturn, spheres so cold and distant that the sun is no more than a tiny beacon in a vast twilight. 从寒冷而遥远的木星和土星上看,浩瀚的晨光中,太阳看上去就像一盏微弱的灯光。
To make baby mice wine, stuff rodents no more than three days old into a bottle of rice wine and let stew for a year. 要制作幼鼠酒,你要把三天大的小老鼠泡入米酒里,静置一年。
His topic is no more than "It's priceless for an astray youth to turn back --- A faltered youth began to learn English" . 主题不外乎“浪子回头金不换,‘失足’青年学英语”,当然,非常不好意思的是:周奔驰的报告是用中文讲的。
Two or more systems loaded with no more than 50 percent of the total load. 两个或多个系统,每个系统的负载不超过总负载的50%。
The current system (or something no more than a few hours old) is always what checks out of the source control system. 当前系统(或仅仅几小时前)总是检查源代码控制系统。
Before people arrived it was home to just a flightless bird, a land crab and no more than 30 species of plant, none as big as a bush. 在人类到达这座岛屿之前,它只是一种不会飞的鸟类、一种陆蟹和不超过30种植物的家园,所有植物的大小都不超过一丛灌木。
Such a primary force would be really no more than an empty abstraction, with as little content as the abstract thing-in-itself. 因为这种原始的力其实只是一个空洞的抽象东西,正如抽象的物自体一样,没有内容。
To us it had been no more than just some little spot with thorns, bushes and trees. 它本来对于我们不过是某块长着荆棘、灌木和乔木的小地方罢了。
His whole schooling added up to no more than a year. 他受到的学校教育加起来不过一年。
He remembered the first time with Tysha as well. She did not know how, no more than I did. 他又想起他与泰莎的第一次,她不知道该怎么做,就像他一样。
For this subject, who thinks he can accede to himself by designating himself in the statement, is no more than such an object. 意识的主体仅仅是如此一个客体,因为他以为他能够在陈述中表明自己身份,他就能够接纳自己。
Take it easy; what he said was no more than a joke. 别紧张,他的话只不过是个玩笑。
She flicked them off with her fan, as if they were no more than flies buzzing about her head. 她弹了弹他的扇子,好像除了苍蝇没什么在她耳边嗡嗡。
Although a Nobel prize is awarded to no more than three individuals, fundamental physics is often done as teamwork. 尽管一次诺贝尔奖最多只能授予三人,基础物理学却常常以团队研究完成。
The garage was no more than a couple of big preformed sheds that had been bolted together with their interior walls knocked out. 说是车库也只不过是几个大的已经搭建好的棚屋绑在一起,并将它们的内墙打掉组合而成。
Up till now, the scope of area he photographs is no more than a few hundred meters from his home. 到目前为止,他拍摄的范围仅只距他家方圆几百米。
Janice Min, the editor-in-chief of Us Weekly, reckons the content of her magazine and its associated website overlap by no more than 15%. 《美国周刊》总编辑JaniceMin估计,其杂志与相关网站重复的内容不足15%。
There is no ultimate meaning to any person or activity . We are here by a fluke and are going to end up as no more than dust and ashes . 任何人或行为都没有终极意义。我们在这里只是个意外,我们只能像尘土一样完结。
IV. Your suggestion shall be easy to understand and no more than 90 words. 您的建议、意见力求通俗易懂,每稿一般不超90字。
By contrast, the total human population on Earth was no more than a few million until a few thousand years ago. 相比之下,直到几千年前为止,地球上的人口不过区区数百万。
His answer was to lift the vessel out of the water by making it ride on a cushion of air, no more than one or two feet thick. 他的解决办法是,用船底下一英尺或二英尺厚的气垫将船托出水面。
All his plans were suddenly overthrown, and the existence, so elaborately pictured, was no more than a dream which would never be realised. 眨眼间,他的种种设想都被打乱了,朝思暮想勾勒出来的生活图景到头只不过是一枕黄粱,永远成不了现实。
them have it during the gathering of drinking ! This , in fact, no more than revelry , would be better to take place in a sound-proof room. 的时候如愿以偿吧!只是这种闹饮,以在有隔音设备的房间里举行为。
The in-form midfielder's shot did not lack power but it fizzled over the crossbar, albeit by no more than a few inches. 尽管这位状态正佳的中场球员的射门并不缺少力量,不过球却稍稍高出了横梁几英寸。