new moon

  • n.新月;新月期
  • 网络月朔;朔月;暮光之城-新月

new moonnew moon

new moon



  《新月》(new moon):第二部《新月》2006年8月上市,名列《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜达52周之久,其中有31周名列榜首 …


月朔 (New Moon) (民数记 10:10; 28:11-15) - 每个月朔,要以吹角声和增加日常的献祭来庆祝。安息年 (Sabbatical year) (出埃 …


朔_百度百科 ... 朔气[ cold] 朔月[ new moon] (2)同本义[ the first day of the lunar month] ...


Michael Welch_百度百科 ... 暮光之城·月食( eclipse) 暮光之城·新月New Moon ) 新丧尸出笼( Day of the Dead ) ...


新月唱片 ( New Moon ) 6201 (七十八转老唱片)From : "唱片史料──薛觉先《壮士悲秋》" (by 黄志华)…


44楼 2009年11月20日 《新月之茧》(New Moon) 45楼 2009年11月25日 《变性女郎》(The Danish Girl) 46楼 2009年12月...


月牙》(new moon):第二部《月牙》2006年8月上市,名列《纽约时报》脱销书长幼秩序序榜达52周之久,此中有31周名列榜首 …

If you are trying to divorce, you will do best right after this new moon - if it is a simple division of property, don't let things lag. 如果你正准备办理离婚,那么在这次新月之后将是最好的——如果只是简单的财产分割,不要拖延。
This new moon is tied up with the positive energies between Pluto and the sun that are about to end in a couple of days. 这次的新月是和冥王星与太阳的积极力量相伴的,这股力量在不久之后就要消失了。
When this new moon sets up this trend, you will find it a magnificent change from the formal, hard-work focus you've had for weeks. 当这个新月确立了这个趋势,你会发现,有一些神奇的变化发生在你最近几个星期聚焦的工作上。
Saturn is known to add rock-solid stability to all that it touches, so this new moon behooves you to start searching out your options. 土星是众所周知的添加坚如磐石的稳定性,它涉及到所有,因此这个新的月球理应你开始寻找你的选择。
generally it is just light enough for us to be able to see its outline, so that we speak of seeing "the old moon in the new moon's arms. " 一般地这一部分也能有足够的光让我们能勉强刚刚能看清月球的轮廓,这就是我们所说的“新月抱着旧月”的现象。
On the feast of the New Moon the young Emperor came forth from his palace and went into the mosque to pray. ‘新月节’上,年轻的皇帝径直从他的皇宫里去往清真寺祷告。
"The old moon in the new moon's arms" is nothing but that part of the moon's surface on which it is night, lighted up by earthlight . “新月抱着亏月”只不过是月亮上处于夜晚的那一面被地球光所照亮。
Now Emily's an orphan, and her mother's snobbish relatives are taking her to live with them at New Moon Farm. 现在她成了孤儿,母亲那边的那些势利眼的亲戚将要把她带到新月农场跟他们一起住。
After millions of years in this position the new moon was drawn into a collision at a speed of less than three kilometres per second. 几百万年后,此状况下的新月亮以低于每秒3公里的速度要对撞了。
She had no idea if tonight was the new moon; she was not the sort who paid attention to these things. 她不知道今晚是否是新月之夜,她不是那种关注这类事情的人。
The free-for-all troupe in March morning, the sky is a new moon, a few slogans on the wall, a women are shooting directional. 三月上午的马戏团,天上是一弯新月,墙上是几条标语,一个女人正在射箭。
This same new moon will encourage an interest in fitness and health too, and will make it a good time to begin exercising. 同样新月将会激发你在健身和健康方面的兴趣,这将是一个开始锻炼的好时机。
"We struggled to see in New Moon a metaphor of teen conformity and longing but found only a muddle, " sniffs the Hollywood Reporter. “我们试图在《新月》中看出对青年一致性和渴望的隐喻,但是我们发现这部电影一塌糊涂,”好莱坞的一位记者嗤之以鼻道。
Tomorrow's new moon could bring a fresh start to one of those relationships or help you to attract a new partner. 明天的新月将是那些关系的新起点或帮助你吸引到新的合作伙伴。
Your work routine may change in some way, for this new moon happens to be a total eclipse of the Sun. 这一个新月刚好出现日蚀,你的日常工作会在某个程度上出现一些改变。
'I don't know if New Moon can beat [Transformers] as it is a huge number, but reaching over $100 million is still a big deal, ' he said. 德加拉伯迪安说,我不知道《新月》能否击败《变形金刚》,因为后者的成绩实在骄人,不过能达到1亿美元已经很不错了。
If you need to raise a great deal of money for a big plan, this new moon would be the perfect time to swing into action. 如果你需要为一个宏伟计划筹集相当多的资金,本次新月将是行动起来的完美的时刻。
Keep in mind that this new moon will show you a preview of what's to come later, beginning in October. 请谨记在心的是这次的新月会预告你在10月的开端将要发生什么。
The new moon March 15 could bring the kind of professional opportunities and talks you used to dream about in the two weeks that follow. 3月15的新月,会在接下来的2周内带来一直梦寐以求的事业上的机遇和谈判。
You would have to start your program quickly, however, for with each passing day, the energy of that new moon will fade a little. 不过你最好是速战速决,随着日月推移,新月的能量也在逐渐减退。
You must start at the new moon, or within a few days of that new moon. 一切必须在新月来临或来临前后的几天内开始。
The YiNing she got to the new moon, quarterly bonus crescent too few, coerce YiNing her things to niu niu all understand. 一宁把她得到的季度奖金给了新月,新月嫌少,要挟一宁她对妞妞的事情全都理解了。
A new moon cast pale silver beams on the surface of the lake, adding to its coolness. 一弯新月高高地挂在天空,在水面上投下淡淡的银光,增加了水上的凉意。
A conservative is a man who will not look at the new moon, out of respect for that ancient institution, the old one. 保守的人,是出于尊重那古代过时的制度--旧历法--而不愿看新月者。
A new moon begins with a very thin sliver of a crescent that grows and grows until it's a full moon. It's that growing we're looking for. 一轮新月开始时只有一条银白色的细弧,之后它慢慢地成长,直到成为满月。而我们在探究的就正是这一成长过程。
This new moon will be one of my favorites - one of the best of the year! 这次新月是我最喜欢的一个,是今天最好的。
A new moon opens a new path and usually demands a plan of action, but you won't be ready to design one. 新月能够打开新的道路,常常要求新的计划,但是您还没准备好做计划呢。
This kind of carte blanche new moon only happens once a year, so choose carefully how you'd like to use your time. 这种全权新月绝无仅有每年发生一次,所以请仔细选择您想如何使用你的时间。
If you haven't been dating, this new moon will act like a little matchmaker to help summon Cupid closer. 如果你目前没有约会,那么本次新月将充当红娘、叫来丘比特。
The month starts out with a superb new moon, December 5, in your tenth house of honors, awards, achievement, and fame. 作为本月的序曲,12月5日的完美新月发生在你的第十宫,掌管荣誉,奖励,成就和名声的一个宫。