nokia n900

nokia n900nokia n900

nokia n900

The first public premiere of augmented reality on Nokia's N900 mobile device will be shown in the Finland Pavilion. 芬兰馆将首次在诺基亚N900手机上公开演示增强现实技术。
The N900, which went on sale last November, is Nokia's first smartphone running its Linux based Maemo operating system. N900是去年11月份上市的,这款手机是诺基亚推出的首款基于自己的Maemo操作系统的智能手机产品,Maemo是从Linux操作系统改进而来。
Nokia has previously used the software on its internet tablets, but the N900 will be the first mobile phone to use this slick platform. 诺基亚先前曾在网络平板装置上使用该软件,但N900将是首款使用这一出色平台的手机。
Nokia started to sell its first Linux phone, the top-of-the-range model N900, this month. 这个月起,NOKIA开始销售第一台装有LINUX系统的高端手机N900。