
  • n.
  • 网络骆;卢奥族;卢奥人



河南话_百度百科 ... (la 来)沟 (luo )营 孙 (suan 酸)洼 ...

9画的字有?_百度文库 ... 茫( mang) ( luo) 栌( lu) ...


卢奥族Luo), 肯尼亚第三大部族,占总人口的12%,分布于维多利亚湖周围地区,由15世纪苏丹尼罗河附近部族迁入后定居…


...a)、索加人(Soga)、卢赫雅人(Luhya)、卢奥人(Luo)、苏库马人(Sukuma)和哈亚人(Haya);除卢奥人外(他们讲尼罗-撒哈拉语 …

粤语方言字—粤语基础学习——粤语学习--粤语学习网 ... 嘑 hu luo 嗻 zhe ...

广东话学习技巧 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... (wen) 找(搵到工啦?) (luo(攞钱去边啊?) (ke) 拉(尿)(我去咗疴尿 …


尼罗-撒哈拉语系 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... 巴吉尔米 Bagirmi 卢奥下语支Luo) 阿多拉语 Adhola ...


卢奥语 (Luo) 卢奥语(Luo)( luo ) Kaba Deme ( kwg ) Kaba Na ( kwv ) Kulfa ( kxj ) Sara Dunjo ( koj ) Sara Kaba ( sbz )

"The present videos on demand will still be free, but a certain gap exists between them and paid movies in definition and speed, " luo said. “现在的点播会继续免费,与收费电影在清晰度、速度方面会有所差异,”罗为民介绍。
The matter delivers that very day, the accedent rolling stock is what respondent Luo is some to borrow from a certain respondent Peng. 事发当天,肇事车辆是被告罗某从被告彭某处借的。
Xiao Luo: What you said remind me of the marvelous building in Belgium, which is supposed to be of a blood tie with World Expo, isn't it? 小罗:你这么一说我想起来了,好像在比利时还有一个特别棒的建筑,也有着世博“血缘”。
'As a model I never need to answer questions and I am shy around strangers, ' said Ms. Luo. 'I need to work very hard at it. 罗紫琳说,作为一个模特,我从不需要回答问题,面对陌生人我会觉得不好意思,我现在要很努力克服这一点,我还可以继续进步。
Miss Fan and Luo continued to see each other in the company of Wen and Miss Zhou. 罗与密斯范仍旧天天见面,见面总是四个人在一起。
Luo Yang, chairman and president of Shenyang Aircraft, wrote in a release that the company 'sees Cessna as a significant partner. ' 沈飞集团董事长罗阳在一份新闻稿中称,公司将Cessna视为重要伙伴。
Mr. Luo said the Olympic pork may be distributed in the general market after the Games. 他说,奥运会结束后这种专供奥运会的猪肉或许会在普通市场上出售。
As an ethnic Luo, Mr Odinga is proud of his friendship with Barack Obama, an American presidential candidate whose father was also Luo. 奥廷加先生作为一个卢奥民族(Luo)的子孙,他很自豪他能与美国总统候选人巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)保持友谊,因为奥巴马的父亲也来自卢奥民族。
Luo Wei, finally appeared, in our After buying food back there, and I come back later, that did not see his wife. 罗薇,终于出现了,在我们买完菜回来出现的,我晚回来一点,没见到他老婆。
In college, Luo Lan volunteered at a deaf-mute school for three years. She was able to talk fluently with deaf-mutes in sign language. 读大学时,罗兰当过3年的志愿者,定期去聋哑学校服务,她能熟练地和聋哑人用手语交流。
The laptop computer Luo Guangli carried out of the Apple flagship store in Beijing was no different from models sold in the United States. 罗广立(音)刚从北京苹果旗舰店买来的这台笔记本电脑,与美国柜台上摆放的产品并无不同。
Luo Long is not a wealthy man, just a good PhD, is a middle-level cadres of the company. 罗富陇并不是什么有钱的男人,也只是个优秀的博士生,是一家公司的中层干部。
Always ready to help others, Luo Lan runs up to tell her the direction in sign language. 一向乐于助人的罗兰连忙跑过去,用手语告诉女青年怎样去那个地方。
Luo Han Guo grown and harvested from vines in the Guangxi Province of China, this rare fruit is often used as a sugar substitute. 罗汉果,多年生宿根草质藤本植物,主要生长在中国广西省境内。这种稀有果实常被用于糖的替代物。
But Luo Lan feels it a pity at the thought that Wu Tianyu would only be able to gesture to her 'I love you. ' 可罗兰一想吴天宇不是一个健全人,他永远只能用手比划“我爱你”,就不免有些遗憾。
Like most artists, eager to return to the countryside to go deep into life, to create the same Luo Hai has found a home feeling. 像大多数艺术家热衷于回到农村去深入生活、去创作一样,罗宗海却找到了回家的感觉。
Wu Tianyu seems to have felt her changes, but he still cares for Luo Lan just as usual. 吴天宇似乎也觉察到了她的异常,但对罗兰依然关心体贴。
Comrade Luo Ronghuan and I struggled against Lin Biao, criticizing him for vulgarizing Mao Zedong Thought instead of viewing it as a system. 我和罗荣桓同志曾经同林彪作过斗争,批评他把毛泽东思想庸俗化,而不是把毛泽东思想当作体系来看待。
High-tech multinationals today pay midlevel China executives at least $300, 000 a year, twice what they paid six years ago, Mr. Luo said. 罗群说,今天,高科技跨国企业支付给中层管理人员的年薪通常至少为30万美元,是六年前的两倍。
However, Luo Yufeng, one of the biggest Web celebrities today, denies receiving any help on her road to stardom. 然而,作为当今网络红人之一的罗玉凤却否认自己成名与外援有关。
over the past years of novel writing in sichuan , luo weizhang undoubtedly is one of the representative novel writers. 在近几年的四川小说创作中,罗伟章无疑是其中的一个具有代表意义的小说作家。
Winger as if also while convenient satirized the big Luo's body weight question, if big Luo hears these words, he may reconsider. 温格似乎也顺带讽刺了大罗的体重问题,如果大罗听到这句话,他或许会反思反思。
Luo Xinmei and her NGO, the Asian Turtle Rehabilitation Centre, are trying to save wild animals by changing Chinese tastes. 罗昕媚和她的非政府组织——亚洲龟康复中心,为了拯救野生动物正在试图改变中国人的口味。
After receiving an American education, her father returned to Kenya to find that his family and the Luo tribe expected great things of him. 接受美国教育之后,他的父亲回到肯尼亚发现他的家庭和罗部落对他期望很大。
So the stranger easily drilling is not involved, it take the rather sophisticated Luo CP seem to have some power from above. 所以外人轻易钻不进来,看来拿下这位颇为老练的罗处长似乎得从上边来点儿力量。
Luo said the island will fix the woes in its tourism market by borrowing experience and expertise from regions where tourism is more mature. 对于(春节黄金周暴露出来的)旅游市场的问题,罗省长强调要认真借鉴和吸收旅游发达地区的好经验。
You used to say that you wish to be another Luo Da You. Is it true that you want to be influenced by him? 你曾说希望自己成为罗大佑,你想要的是他的那种影响力吗?
Speak of this, Luo nice Lin a bit not happy, equitable the smiling face aboard the face all in a twinkling evaporated. 说起这个,洛晴琳就有些不痛快,刚才脸上的笑容瞬间都消失了。
"Say to is the Luo Li that sees a best, take someone another to see goldfish. " The black hand says with a smile. “说是看到一个极品的萝莉,要带人家去看金鱼呢。”黑手笑着说道。
Asked about the residents, Mr. Luo was unapologetic. "Cities are always changing and developing, " he said. 当问到当地居民的时候,罗哲文毫无歉意,他说:“城市总是在发展变化。”