made in china

  • un.中国制造
  • 网络在中国制造;中国生产;国产

made in chinamade in china

made in china


中国制造made in china)遍及世界时,世人同样为之感叹,感叹这低廉的价格还有无以伦比的仿造技术,几乎覆盖了世界 …


2. “中国制造”在相当程度上只能称为“在中国制造”(Made in China),而不等于“由中国制造”(Made by China)3.“中国制造”在 …


中国生产(Made In China)还是日本或马来西亚(Made In Japan,Made In Malaysia)?网友采纳 2007-02-09 21:00 等待您来 …


首页-up2u 专业美国代购-淘宝网 ... 英产 MADE IN ENGLAND 国产 MADE IN CHINA 诚信接力 NEWs ...


中国制造网made in china)中国制造网创建于1998年,是由焦点科技开发和运营的,国内最著名的B2B商务网站之一,在行 …

She just wanted to see if it was possible to remove "Made in China" products from her home. 她只是想看看是否有可能让“中国制造”的产品从她的家消失。
When he made a visit to Japan last June, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao was presented with a Made-in-China Hello Kitty doll wearing a kimono. 去年6月,当中国国务院总理温家宝访问日本时,就是手持一个中国制造的凯蒂猫和服玩偶亮相的。
But as it turns out, "Made in China" is a bit of a misnomer these days. 但现在的事实表明,“中国制造”有点用词不当。
The procurement cost of a $160 pair of basketball shoes made in China is already small and cannot be pared by much. 一双中国制造的160美元篮球鞋的采购成本已相当低廉,因此无法大幅度降价。
Its return address was a company warehouse in the United States; a small Made in China label was on the bottom of the box. 盒子上的回邮地址是这家公司在美国的一个仓库;而在盒子底部则有一个小小的MADEINCHINA的标志。
This thing isn't stealthy at all. Paint it a dull dark grey , call it stealth, and tag it Made in China. 这根本就不是隐形的,把飞机喷成深灰色,称之隐身,然后标上“中国制造”
Thus, on average, of every dollar spent on an item labeled "Made in China, " 55 cents go for services produced in the United States. 因此,平均下来,每花1美元购买“中国制造”商品,55美分购买到的是美国的服务。
It all used to be made in America. Now, if it is not made in China, they are going to third world countries to have products made. 以前,都是写着“美国制造”,现在,如果不是“中国制造”,那就是第三世界国家制造的。
"Can we get another one of these? " he asks one night in the tub, holding up a green plastic boat. No surprise, it was made in China. “我们可以再买这样一个吗?”一天晚上,他在浴缸里举着一只绿色的塑料小船说。不用说,那是中国制造。
More importantly, the company will have to overcome the perception of products designed and made in China. 对海尔来说,更为重要的事情是消除中国公司重制造轻设计的印象。
Some hide the "Made in China" label in the bottom of an inside pocket or stamped black on black on the back side of a tiny logo flap. 有一些是将“中国制造”标签藏在袋子里面的底部,或者在一个很薄的商标牌黑色的背面打上黑色的印记。
Their solution is to break China's dependence on foreign technology, moving from a model of "made in China" to one of "innovated in China. " 这一情况将会使中国不再依赖国外的技术,从而走上一条由“中国制造”向“中国创造”转变之路。
American closets and cupboards, after all, seem to be chock-full of stuff "Made in China. " 毕竟,现在美国人的家里充斥着中国制造的产品。
Hate to break the bad news to you. But that computer you just typed you HuffPost comment on, chances are 90% of it was made in China. 不想把这坏消息告诉你。但是,你刚刚在郝芬顿邮报论坛发评论的计算机有90%的概率是中国制造的。
Most things nowadays might seem to be made in China, but North America remains the true workshop of the world. 虽然许多产品现在看来都是中国制造,但是北美仍是真正的世界工厂。
Every time someone buys something made in China, they buy a little bit of this war plane. 你每买一次中国产品,你就是在为中国这架战争飞机付一部分钱。
This sort of calculation, above all, makes a sophisticated laptop or iPad made in China affordable in Copenhagen. 这么算起来,总的来说,哥本哈根的人是可以支付得起中国制造的精密的笔记本电脑或者iPad。
It, s a disgrace. Made in China. Dr. King, s last fight was for the union workers of Memphis and yet we import his statue. Just terrible. 真是侮辱。中国制造!金博士最后一战是为孟菲斯联合工人争取权利,而且现在我们也很珍惜他的雕像。真是糟糕。
While so much of the world's clothing is made in China, the country has yet to produce a menswear designer of note. 全世界大量的服装在中国制造,不过中国自身却还缺乏真正有份量的男装设计师。
How much of the stuff you buy in America is made in China? 你在美国买的东西有多少是中国制造?
But out of it will emerge an economy where Made in China is not just sold abroad, but bought at home too. 但是除此之外,将出现一种经济现象,那就是,中国制造不只向国外销售,也会在国内购买。
S. Adding it all up, the researchers conclude that the total share of "made in China" goods in U. S. household consumption is just 1. 9%. 把这些都算上的话,海尔和霍布金得出的结论是,“中国制造”的商品在美国家庭消费中所占的总份额仅为1.
The kind of medical subsidiary material made in China will be the main raw material in producing the enteric microsphere . 国产此类药用辅料有望成为肠溶微球生产的主要原料;
Goods imported from abroad are not always better than those made in China. 进口的高品并不一定比国产的好。
Hey folks, nothing to worry about! The 'made in china' mark is enough to put my mind at ease. Enough said! 嘿,伙计们,不需要担心!“中国制造”的标签让我很放心,无须多话!
The Apple iPod may be made in China, but it was dreamed up in America, and that's where most of the profits go. 苹果的iPod也许是中国制造,但它是在美国构思设计出来的,也就是在美国,大部分的利润都去了那里。
Let's compare two simple products that are primarily made in China: a stuffed toy animal for a baby and a Frisbee. 让我们比较一下两种主要在中国生产的简单产品:填充动物玩具和投掷游戏飞盘。
"They are made in China, but I don't know why you need to know that, " she said, then abruptly hung up. “鞋是中国造的,可是我真不明白你干吗非知道这不可,”说完她就粗暴地挂了电话。
We are confident that none of our chocolate or confectionery products made in China include any dairy ingredients adulterated with melamine. 我们相信无论是我们在中国生产的巧克力产品还是糖果产品都没有含有三聚氰胺的奶制品原料。
Chinese legal person should be a comprehensive solution to the "Made in China" issue is to make a contribution. 中国法律人应对全面解决“中国造”问题做出一份实在贡献。