
美 [meɪl]英 [meɪl]
  • n.邮政;邮袋;〈美〉(一批)邮件;〈美〉邮递
  • v.〈美〉把(邮件)投入邮箱;邮寄;使穿锁子甲
  • 网络信件;邮件信息;邮件类

复数:mails 现在分词:mailing 过去式:mailed

mail letter,deliver mail,mail check,sort mail,forward mail



807词汇 - 豆丁网 ... diet 饮食 mails 邮件 restaurant 饭店 ...


上海市中等职业学校英语课程标准_清风铃... ... Guides( 指南) Mails信件) News( 新闻) ...


QQ西游SF数据库表详细说明... ... -battle_score / 类似战斗,帮战分数 -char_mails / 邮件信息 -char_rename / 类似角色改名记录 ...


4.3 一个邮件类(Mails)的例子  Do you want to add mails(Y/N)?y//询问有是否添加邮件  Address information:      //要求输入地址信息


...志 位,并将选中邮件放进废件箱中,在废件箱中可以将邮件从数据库mails)中 信息彻底删除,实现邮件的删除功能。


Foxmail 7.0邮件的转移、备份与恢复 - 提速电脑 ... 1、AccCfg: 帐号 3、Mails所有的邮件 4、Address: 地址簿 ...


8B Unit 3 短语... ... 6. an educational CD—ROM 教育光盘 10. send and receive e—mails 收发电子邮件 1. have no idea 不知道 ...

Jumo will send out e-mails and updates tailored to its users to help them stay engaged, he said. Jumo会通过发送email以及适合用户的更新资料来留住用户,他说到。
But to the naked eye, Firefox looks just as smooth when zooming in and out of Google Maps or opening e-mails in Gmail. 然而据肉眼观察,当在谷歌地图中放大和缩小页面,或者在Gmail中打开电子邮件时,火狐表现得与Chrome一样平滑。
I was getting phone calls and e-mails from all over the place, and it was beginning to make me feel better. 我不断地收到来自各地的电话和电子邮件,这开始让我感觉好一些了。
It was no secret the U. S. was considering compulsory Iraq service for its diplomatic corps, but the e-mails sparked outrage nevertheless. 美国正在考虑强制性地派外交团队前往伊拉克,这已经不是什么秘密了。但是,这些电子邮件还是引发了一片愤怒。
Even when someone mails me with a file I might need , I email them back and say thank you and that I received it . 即使某人发邮件给我一个我需要的文件,我都会回复邮件感谢对方,我已受到。
Now, if your team happens to be dispersed, well, then, you know, maybe you've got to do phone calls or send e-mails or do video conferences. 现在,如果您的团队碰巧要被分散开,那么您知道,也许您们就必须打电话或者发送电子邮件或者进行视频会议了。
But she has got a number of e-mails asking her to include sizes for men (like Babbage) and children. 但是她收到了很多电邮请她把男性和小孩的尺寸也包括进来(如巴贝奇男装就提出过此类要求)。
Yet just a decade ago, the whole idea that adults would happily type e-mails using a keyboard the size of a credit card seemed absurd. 而仅仅在十年前,相信成年人会在信用卡大小的键盘上兴奋的发送电子邮件的想法是荒谬的。
And yet the e-mails will weaken the fight against climate change, while also helping to explain why skepticism seems to be on the rise. 然而,这些邮件在帮助解释为何质疑大有上升之势的同时,也将影响气候变化之战。
Even when managers do get away, one-quarter check e-mails and voicemail messages, and 13 per cent call the office at least once a week. 即使经理人真的去度假,其中也有四分之一要查阅电子邮件和语音留言,还有13%的人至少每周要给办公室打一次电话。
One thing caught my eye about the e-mails. And that was the slogan "building eminence" written across the top of each. 这些邮件有一点引起了我的注意,那就是每封邮件页眉上写的口号:“构建显赫”。
Enter your email address below, and you will receive easy-to-understand mails that will help your English learning progress. 请在下方输入您的email地址,您将会收到浅显易懂的邮件来帮助您不断提高英语水平。
I've been getting a few e-mails and tweets recently asking how much of the deficit is the result of bailing out the banks. 最近,我收到了一些电子邮件和Twitter留言,问我财政赤字中有多大部分是由于救助银行的行动造成的。
Generally speaking, business is going well, but something unexpected happened and I believe you've learned all this from our E-mails. 总的来说,生意不错,但也发生了意料不到的事情,我相信您从我们发的电子邮件中已经了解到了一切。
It's frustrating when you put a lot of work into a class presentation, and you know your classmates are looking at their e-mails. 当你为你的课堂发言而努力准备而你的同学却在查看电子邮件时,你会变得很沮丧。
I got a chance to speak with him through e-mails and he seems very knowledgeable and dedicated to his product and to serving people. 我曾有机会通过电子邮件与他交谈,而他似乎是位非常渊博,并致力于健身产品的开发及为他人服务的人。
We facilitate actions of every sort: sending e-mails out to millions and millions of people, organizing tens of thousands of events. 我们让任何一种行动变得简便易行——向数百万人发送电子邮件,组织数万个活动。
Well, apparently this was not the first time he had reached out to a woman on Craigslist as some of those mails suggest. 很显然,他也不是第一次在Craigslist网上向其他的女性发送这样的邮件了。
What god didn't tell him was that I would check his email and find all thee-mails to and from his new girlfriend. 那么上帝没告诉他我会检查他的邮件并且发现他和新女友偷情的e-mail么?
In an exchange of e-mails, Ferguson told me the Banco di San Giorgio was "a hugely important institution, there is no doubt" . 在同弗格森的一次电邮交流中,他告诉我,圣乔治银行“是一个非常重要的机构,这一点毫无疑问”。
I have never met this person, and most likely never will, but I had been exchanging heated mails with him in regard to the matter. 我从来没有见过他,也许永远都不会。但是对于这件事我发了一封充满恨意的邮件给他。
Brilliant. Man's got mails in his heads. Let's put him in a giant magnet. You want films from three axis point and a C-arm in surgery. 真笨,这个人的头上有钉子,你要我们把他放到一个大磁铁里去,可以借助手术室中的“三轴点”和“c臂”
E-mails began to arrive from friends overseas, alarmed by news reports and asking if we were all right. 新闻报道让海外的朋友们大为惊慌,他们开始发来电子邮件,问我们是否还好。
For once he'd been able to talk to his team and find what they were up to, read his e-mails properly and even had a new idea. 他第一次有机会和他的团队交谈,了解他们下一步的打算,认真地读电子邮件,甚至还想出了一个新主意。
Some mails, especially those generated automatically, do not specify the character encoding which needs to be used to properly display them. 有些邮件,尤其是自动生成邮件往往不指定正确显示邮件所必需的字符编码。
And that's why like, I. . . you know, I ask fore-mails and I ask for pictures, but then again, it's hard to be the boss lady. 而且那就是为什么,我…你知道,我索要电子邮件,我索要照片,但再一次,当女老板很难。
Due to the large volume of mails to be sent out, it may take up to a week for your upgrade to be received. 由于我们会寄出大量的邮件,所以这可能要花几周时间完成。
If that email address is occupied with an account on Facebook, it gives us full confidence that this e-mails address is a real one. 如果该电子邮件地址是一个Facebook帐户被占领,它使我们完全有信心,这个E-maill地址是真实的。
Previously worked with a few freelancers but found they are unreliable, unable to reply to mails or more importantly meet deadlines! 以前曾与一些自由职业者,但发现它们是不可靠的,无法回邮件或更重要的是满足最后期限!
This gives Mr Zhan's translators and Mr Ferrari, who taps out his own English-language e-mails, a bit of extra time to craft their messages. 因此,詹纯新的翻译以及亲自撰写英文电子邮件的费拉里本人都能有多一点的时间来构思措辞。