make it happen

  • 网络唯舞独尊;舞梦成真;美梦成真

make it happenmake it happen

make it happen


唯舞独尊(Make it Happen) -Lady GaGa Just Dance(舞力全开) Loading... Language: English Country: Worldwide Safety: Of...


电影[舞梦成真(make it happen)]舞蹈片段 配曲是ladygaga的just dance_派派论坛网络检测工具 | 手机版 | 触屏版 | 招聘信息 | To…


mariah carey歌名中文翻译_百度知道 ... One Sweet Day 甜蜜一日 Make It Happen 美梦成真 We Belong Together 我要我们在 …


... 跨越死亡线/ Already Dead 辣舞激情/ Make It Happen 浪漫的老鼠/ The Tale of Despereaux ...


make的 的用法?要回答全面!_百度知道 ... make love 做爱 make it happen 让它发生 To help promote;further: 帮助提升;推 …


我英语名的含义_百度知道 ... 善待生活,博爱,笑口常开 Live well,love lots,and laugh often 让理想变成现实 Make it happen ...


星际争霸原声语音_百度知道 ... Hailing frequencies open. 随时敬礼 Make it happen. 使它发生 Set a course. 定一个路线 ...

The data is "out there" and the processing power to make sense of it is, too: All that is needed is for you to make it happen. 数据“是现成的”,处理能力也是:您只需要实现它。
Damon was playing today and motioned me over. "They need to get us one of these games at home, " he said. "Make it happen. " 戴蒙今天在玩的时候,一直在和我打眼色“老闆一定要买一台放在家里啦”他说“快去想办法吧!”
Fate! There is such a thing as fate, but it only takes you so far. Then it's up to you to make it happen. ' - Can't Hardly Wait. 命运!有些事好比命运,把你领到面前。而后面的发展却取决你。——等不及说爱你。
Make it happen, take it with you. You'll find that nothing beats holding the hand of your grandchild as he walks his first steps. 你会发现没有什么比扶着小孙子迈出他人生的第一步更重要。
Make it happen. Don't wait for someone else to take over or to offer to help you out. 动手去做,不要等着别人接手或是出手帮你解决。
The magic of this is all explained in a very compelling book by Henriette Klauser called Write It Down, Make It Happen. 有一本非常好的书,是HenrietteKlauser写的,书名叫《WriteifdownMakeithappen》解释了这样做的魔力何在。
Change can only occur when you make a conscious decision to make it happen. Identify the Right Business for You. 只有从心出发,希望改变的愿望,才能使情况得以改善。
However, if I did, he knew I'd be there right in the trenches with him to make it happen. 然而,如果我那样做的话,他知道我会和他在同一战壕中来完成任务。
Or I can choose to make a specific amount and work backward to see what I will have to do in order to make it happen. 而我还可以选择获得特定数额的收入然后回归头来看要达到这个目标我需要做什么。
Finally, having clarified your vision, you're able to break it down into a step-by-step plan to make it happen. 最终,确定你的外形,将它分隔成一步步可实行的计划。
Focus on a truly meaningful goal and put forth the effort to make it happen. Take bold, effective steps in the direction of your dreams. 坚定一个真实的可行的目标,然后全力去实现,朝着你的梦想的方向迈出勇敢、更有成效的步伐。
That perception is reinforced by the CEOs of those companies who are happy to tell you all the clever things they did to make it happen. 这种想法会得到这些公司首席执行长们的强化,他们会很乐于告诉你为了实现盈利他们所做的一切精明之举。
They may decide to go for a weekend in Thailand on the spur of the moment, and the personal assistant has to make it happen. 他们可能一时冲动,决定去泰国度周末,这位私人秘书就只好让美梦成真。
Necessity creates pressure and forces you invent something or to make it happen or to use your potentiality. 需求创造压力,逼着你去发明一些东西,或者让某些事情发生,或者发挥你的潜力。
"But I am very confident that with the team we have got assembled we are going to be able to make it happen. " “我们有很多工作要做。但是,我有信心,我们组成的团队可以完成这个任务。”
However, he said only public demand for his plan would make it happen, given likely resistance from banks and national governments. 索罗斯声称,这些措施可能遭到银行和各国政府的反对,但只有公众的压力才能让此变成现实。
But when I was hurling my body onto yours , you did not seem to want to make it happen . 但当我对你投怀送抱的时候,你似乎并不想让它发生。
Connecting people is an extremely helpful good deed, so it's worth a bit of thinking and prodding to make it happen. 把人联系起来是及其好的一件事,所以它值得思考和推动一下。
We're really excited about this fight and that the two sides have come together to make it happen. 我们非常高兴这一斗争和双方走到一起,使之成为现实。
But I certainly think the ball is up in the air for exactly who will make it happen next in the political arena. 但是,我同时也想到,这个想法已经形成并且是可行的,只是谁将来把它运用到政治舞台上去。
The only way you're going to get out of a non-ideal situation is if you make it happen. 摆脱当前困境的唯一的办法就是你自己要摆脱它。
I realized that by identifying this desire for change and focusing on it we were essentially asking the universe to help make it happen. 我意识到,通过确定变化这一愿望并把精力放在它上面,我们实质上在要求整个宇宙促使它们发生。
Microsoft did not have to give Yahoo! an upfront payment to make it happen, as many Yahoo! investors had hoped. 微软没有许多的雅虎投资者所预期的那样,为达成合作提供给雅虎预付款。
Anything is possible. Just don't give up and believe in yourself, and you'll make it happen. 任何事都是有可能的。所以别放弃,相信自己,你可以做到的。
Or are we going to finally have this political will to make it happen in the next two years? 抑或者是在两年内就开展这项政策?
And like all financial markets, foreign exchange trading feeds on itself: a belief that the euro will fall is enough to make it happen. 而且与所有的金融市场一样,外汇市场会自我演绎:相信欧元会下跌就足以让它真的下跌。
Putting pressure on yourself to find the perfect career right now will not make it happen any faster, so remove the sense of urgency. 给自己太多压力,要求自己马上找到完美的职业,只会适得其反,因此不要有紧迫感。
There are so few opportunities in India, so many stars need to be aligned for you to make it happen. 在印度机会实在是不多,很多东西都需要我们去努力才可以实现。
Don't give up your day job but if you're passionate about your topic and believe it's possible you may well be able to make it happen. 不要放弃你每天的工作,同时如果你对博客有相当的热情,那请相信它会成为另一收入来源的。
Brent Carey, a graduate student at Rice University in Texas, thinks he has found a way to make it happen. 布伦特凯利是一名德州莱斯大学的研究生,他认为他已找到了实现这一设想的办法。