make a difference

  • na.发生差别;使…有差别;(结果等)是重要的
  • 网络有关系;有影响;很重要

make a differencemake a difference

make a difference


大学英语四级常用词组 ... die out 消失,灭绝;熄灭 make a difference 有影响,有关系 in difficulties 处境困难 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... die out 消失,灭绝;熄灭 make a difference 有影响,有关系 in difficulties 处境困难 ...


高二英语Living with technology教案 ... a waste of time 浪费时间 39. make a difference 很重要 40. such as 例如;比如 ...


大学英语自学教程 - 豆丁网 ... make sense 有意义 make a difference 有影响,起(重要)作用 needless to say 不用说 ...


高中动词短语搭配集锦 - 豆丁网 ... of 由。。。材料制成 make a difference 有差别,有关系,很重要 make up to sb 讨好某人 ...


高考英语复习专题辅导教案 ... 1.练习描写人 practise describing people 2.有所作为 make a difference 3.来自 be from ...


新目标英语八年级上第一单元知... ... ◆ start with 以……开始 ◆ make a difference 使得结果不同,有重要性 ◆ go shopping 去 …


...老师,谢谢你相信我,谢谢你让我觉得自己很重要,让我相信我有能力去改变(make a difference)!”

But how much energy does it actually take to get around? Does having longer legs really make a difference? 但是究竟走动要耗费多少能量呢?腿长一些是不是真的有区别呢?
Try pairing up for trips to work or to social events - even an occasional carpool or ride on public transportation will make a difference. 试着在去上班或参加社会活动时与别人拼车—即使是偶然一次合伙用车,或乘坐公共交通,都会有很大的影响。
Thompson for believing in me. Thank you so much for making me feel important and showing me that I could make a difference. 非常感谢您使我感受到自己的重要,并让我知道我能做出改变。
The King Tiger was a case of too late and too few in number to make a difference in the outcome of the war. 虎王坦克因为出现的太晚数量太少,而没有能够左右战局。
In his weekly radio address, the president says broad-based tax relief should be big enough to make a difference. 在每周的广播讲话中,总统说大规模减免税收可能使(事情)变得不同。
What does make a difference to poorer students' achievement is how much time they spend being taught. 影响贫困生成绩的一个重要因素,是他们接受教育的时间。
If you think you're to small to make a difference, you've never been to bed with a mosquito. 如果你觉得自己太渺小,没有任何的与众不同,那你一定从来没有和蚊子同床共枕过。
Do me a favor if ya can, help those who need it this christmas, even if it's just a smile. . . . IT really does make a difference. 请帮我个忙,在这个圣诞节帮助那些需要帮助的人,即使给他们一个笑容。真的会让你感觉不一样。
With a little bit of font-acy and "Vers Libre" candle holders, your candlelight dinner party will certainly make a difference! 随着一个字体,有点素养工作的可见和“弗斯自由报”烛台,烛光晚宴,你一定会有所作为!
A lot of things had changed over the years, but never my love for helping people and trying to make a difference. 这些年来许多事情已经改变了,但是我对救人和改变世界的爱好从来没有变。
Mom and Dad, he proved, really can make a difference when they set out to instill a bit of financial wisdom in their children. 发生在儿子身上这件小事证明,当父母开始向子女灌输理财知识时,他们的努力总能使事情有所改观。
It is often the little details that make a difference. 发挥重要作用的往往是细微之处。
But it is still both a sizeable proportion of our budget for Asia, and a sum of money which, sensibly spent, can help us make a difference. 但在我们的亚洲区预算中,这是相当一笔数额了。使用得当的话,这笔专款将发挥十分重要的作用。
Patience, realistic expectations of an ability to make a difference, and a sense of humor are good coping strategies in these circumstances. 在这些境况下,耐心、对自己改变现实的能力有一个现实的期望值,以及幽默感都是很好的应对措施。
The factor that really seemed to make a difference was how much of a hurry the students were in. 真正起作用的因素竟然是他们在路上究竟有多匆忙。
Today is the only day you can begin to make a difference in your life. And pursuing your dreams is what life is all about. 就是今天,就是当下,你可以让自己的生活变得不一样,而追求你的梦想就是你生活的全部。
Nobody is really sure how much QE pushes down long-term interest rates but it appears to take a lot of it to make a difference. 没人确切知道,到底多大力度的定量宽松才会压低长期利率,不过看上去,似乎要实施很大力度的定量宽松才能见到成效。
How much more tofu and oat bran would it take to make a difference? 那么,吃多少豆腐和燕麦麸才算有意义呢?
If he was able to get their endorsement, it would make a difference to the boys and give him the necessary boost. 如果他能获得这些人的支持,那们对那些孩子们来说就会起到作用,并给自己那必须的一次鼓励。
Here were the disciples in the midst of a storm and almost ready to drown, and Jesus, the one they knew could make a difference, was asleep. 门徒们在暴风之中快要沉到海里了,主耶稣是他们唯一的救命稻草,竟然睡了。
you know you were educated to make a difference not just for yourself, for your own comfort and satisfaction, but for the world around you. 你们知道你们所受的教育,让你们不只是为自己的舒适和满足而活,而且还要为你们周围的人而活。
For its part, BHP Billiton sees Potash Corp as one of the few takeover targets that would make a difference to its long-term growth. 在必和必拓集团眼中,Potash公司是为数不多的几个能够对他们的长期增长产生影响的收购对象之一。
Age did not seem to make a difference in the propensity to share. 年龄在对共享的偏爱上没有什么区别。
So if people believe in leadership down in the organization, those are the guys who can really make a difference. 因此,人们应当重视在基层的领导者,他们能够真正地为企业的发展做些实事。
This will, in turn, impact on how you're able to use the special gifts that God has given you to make a difference in this world. 而且这将会影响到上帝赐给使你成为这个世界上与众不同的人的特殊礼物。
Being able to make a difference a little at a time in my own humble way. 能够以我微小的能力和方式循序渐进地努力使这个世界变得更好。
I'll make a difference in your face if you don't get out of here. -Oh, the truth hurts, doesn't it, Captain Carnivore? 你不离开这里,我就在你脸上有所做为。-噢,实话伤人,不是吗,食肉船长?
But, as she notes in her book, it remains the true power we need to live a full life, make a difference and pursue our dreams. 但是,我们如果想生活的充实,对世界有所影响,并追求自己的梦想,勇气仍旧是我们所需要的真正力量。
Ha ha. . . as if the region a mortar and pestle was manufactured would make a difference. 哈哈…好像这地区一套人造的研钵和杵会使药草有所不同。
God, please give me a chance again, I won't do this again. Revision: God, please grant me another chance, and I'll make a difference. 上帝啊,再给我一次机会,我不会再这样了。