make it better

  • 网络让……更好;让它更好;让它变得更好

make it bettermake it better

make it better


其他短语与搭配_百度知道 ... 39 be bound to 肯定,注定 42 make it better 让……更好 43 make use of 利用 ...


Transcription – GEPT ... ) Make it worse. 让它更糟。 ) Make it better. 让它更好。 ) Discuss it some more. 多讨论一点。 ...


英语作文 My Brother's Hobby_百度知道 ... (choose 是选择) (make it better 让它变得更好) (hobby 是兴趣) ...


第十届中国MBA发... ... Continuous Improvement 持续改进 “Make it better.”“ 做得更好一点” Leadership Focus: 以领导力为导向 ...


大头咖哩儿的blog ... into 进入 make it better 变得好转 skin 外皮 表层 ...

My body is the house I live in, and I've never stopped trying to make it better. 我的身体如同我所在居住的房子,我一直努力让她变得更好。
Finally I hope you could provide such a chance for me, I am fully confident that I could make it better and would not let you disappointed. 最后,我希望你们能够给我一个机会,我有信心可以做得更好!不会让你们失望!
I have given the draft format, if you think you can even make it better that it is please let me know. 我给的格式草案,如果你认为你甚至可以做的更好,这是请让我知道。
Most of my attention has been focused on personal change, on adapting to the world rather than trying to make it better. 我的大部分注意力集中在个人的变化,集中在适应世界,而不是试图使之变得更好。
Unfortunately I'm not prepared to think of something that would revolutionise Formula 1 to make it better. 不幸的是我不指望有什么能为f1带来场革命让他变的更好。
Just because people have been doing it the same way since the beginning of time, I'm going to make it better. 从一开始,人们就一直用同样的方法做一件事,我要做的更好。
The bottle needs to be more sold and I thought a 25% increase in weight would make it better, it did not. 瓶子应该可以卖得更多一些,我认为重量增加25%的话就会好很多,但是现在这种瓶子不行。
Agility also provides Attack Power, and Crit, however, not enough to make it better than Attack Power for the BM Hunter. 敏捷还提供了攻击力,并击,但仍不足以使其攻击强度比为骨髓猎人。
Somehow, even with all this disappointment, he continued to work on his system to make it better. 尽管所有的情形都令人沮丧,布莱叶坚持改进他的系统,使其完善。
You're the light of my life. If anything is bothering you, just tell me and I'll do everything I can to make it better. 你是我的生命之光,如果有什么事让你烦恼了,就告诉我,我会尽一切所能去帮助你。
If I were you though, Id rewrite the last two paragraphs to make it better. 但如果我是你的话,我会重新写一下最后两段让论文更完美。
You also wonder what else you should aware of that can be used in conjunction with or to complement REST and make it better. 你同样想知道还有什么是你可以与REST共同使用,或能对其补充使其变得更好的。
There are a few things that might make it better for that purpose. 为此,我要做些事情使它更好些。
You always need new science to make it better but lack of knowledge is not the impediment to action. 你总是需要新的科学从而做得更好,但是缺少知识并不是采取行动的障碍。
Chronic accessory phlogistic, though not easy cure, but not be to say cannot control the illness or make it better. 慢性附件炎虽不易根治,但并不是说不能控制病情或使其好转。
GROSVENOR: I came to Oaxaca hoping to make it better, hoping to help Oscar find an answer to why death came for his dad. 格罗夫纳:我来奥萨卡是希望心情会好些,帮助奥斯卡找到“为什么”的答案。
So we're in the process of of trying to figure out how to make it better, faster, stronger. 我们还在探索的过程之中,探索如何让它更好、更快、更强大。
It does not make it better, but worse, that it is doing so largely to protect financial systems in other countries. 更糟(而非更好)的是,这种做法在很大程度上是为了保护其它国家的金融体系。
Sometimes I find myself staring at a blog design for long periods of time, but I still can't figure out how to make it better. 有时我发现自己长时间凝视着一个博客设计,但仍然无法弄清楚如何才能让它变得更加完美。
Simplify: what can you edit out of your current idea to make it better? 简言之,你能用什么办法把现在的想法做得更好?
Warm greet to you. Please leave your words. I'll try my best to make it better and better as you! 欢迎浏览留言。你们的支持下使我会努力把它建得更好!
It represents a significant simplification of SGML, and includes adjustments that make it better suited to the Web environment. 它在很大程度上简化了SGML,包括一些调整使其更适合于Web环境。
Craig: Well give us a kiss, it'll make it better. (JP gives him a quick peck) What am I? Your auntie. 那好吧给我一个吻吧,会让你心情更一些,(JP给了一个面颊吻),我是谁?你阿姨?
yes, the suffering of the North Korean people has been and conitnues to be horrendous. But bombing them won't make it better. 北韩民众是在经受苦难,不过朝他们扔炸弹也不会改善他们的状况吧。
Try to be understanding of their situation, and let them know that you want to make it better. 尽量体谅他们,让他们知道你只是为了他们好。
You don't have to choose between cable or Google TV--Google TV supports your cable, and wants to make it better. 你无须在有线与谷歌电视之间左右为难——谷歌电视可以接入有线网络还想让它变得更棒。
Study the techniques, and you can learn something from your peers; or maybe even make it better than the original. 钻研技术,你可以从你的同事那儿学习,可能甚至会比原来的更好。
As an outsider, I think that the business of artists is to show the world as they see it, not to make it better in their works. 作为局外人我人艺术家的职责是按他们所看到的去展示世界,而不是在作品中去美化它。
The article aims for the operation of its main problems put forward a sound idea to make it better, to play a greater role in society. 文章旨在针对其运行中存在的主要问题提出完善的思路,使之更加完善,发挥更大的社会作用。
I really should work on my site to make it better so all of you can post photos and videos too. 我真心致力于优化我的网站,以使你们能上传照片和视频。