the walk

  • 网络散步;向前走;慢步

the walkthe walk

the walk


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One young man, waiting on the walk outside for the appearance of another, grinned at her as she passed. 外面人行道上,一个小伙子正在等人,看见她走过,朝她露齿一笑。
The mist that enveloped us at the start was now beneath us. This was without doubt the nicest bit of the walk. 在森林以上的地方仍有灌木丛和树木,开始笼罩着我们的薄雾现在已经在我们脚下了,无疑这一段是整个徒步旅程中最美妙的。
The walk down Broadway, then as now, was one of the remarkable features of the city. 漫步百老汇大街,在当时也和现在一样,是这个城市引人注目的特色之一。
Diana came down the walk to meet Anne. Even in the moonlight you saw that her hair was still black and her cheeks rosy and her eyes bright. 戴安娜走出门来迎接安妮,在月光下你可以看到她依然有着黑色的头发,玫瑰红色的脸颊还有她的眼眸依然闪亮。
It was just as well. By this stage in the walk, we were having to use machetes to hack a path through the jungle. 不过无妨,徒步到这个阶段我们用砍刀在丛林里砍出一条路来。
On a Sunny January morning two weeks later, Ben almost ran up the walk "Wait till you hear this" he said, grinning. 两个星期后,一月的一个阳光明媚的早晨,本差不多是跑着来的。“等一等,听我说。”
The meaning of the walk was a gift for giving me courage and I had that walk the whole time I worked here, for five and a half years. 的含义是步行的礼物给我勇气,我认为整个步行时间我的工作在这里,为5年半。
Start the walk early in the morning and have warm clothes and sunscreen with you - it might be very sunny yet chilly. 早上早点出发,带上保暖的衣服和防晒霜,那儿可能阳光明媚但也有些冷。
No, indeed. I do not wish to avoid the walk. The distance is nothing, when one has a motive; only three miles. I shall be back by dinner. 当然不是这个意思。我不怕步行,只要存心去,这点儿路算得上什么。才不过三英里路。我可以赶回来吃晚饭。
Several spring after the walk to go there often to see many fresh Chunsun, head out in droves to, how lovely you! 几场春雨过后,到那里去走一走,常常会看见许多鲜嫩的春笋,成群结队地探出头来,多么可爱呀!
It was on one of the days when she persuaded M. Leblanc to leave the bench and stroll along the walk. 在这些日子里,她常要求白先生离开座位,到小路上去走走,事情便是在这些日子里发生的。
The walk will take place in the afternoon local time, with the astronauts returning to Earth soon afterward, the office said. 办公室还说,太空行走将于当地时间的下午进行,在那之后宇航员将返回地球。
A few minutes away can help you think clearly and the walk will get rid of some of the tension in your body. 只要离开几分钟就能促使你思维清晰,而散步还能让你摆脱身体的疲劳。
Then as we went further into the walk that day, I asked him, who didn't make it out of the prison as strong as him. 后来在我们继续散步的过程中,我问他被监禁的那段日子里,哪些人没能像他一样挺住。
Marius had hardly made this scene at her with his eyes, when some one crossed the walk. 正好在马吕斯用眼睛和她闹性子时,小路上又过来一个人。
Now, Miss Crawford, if you will look up the walk, you will convince yourself that it cannot be half a mile long, or half half a mile. 克劳福德小姐,你要是顺着这条小路望去,就会觉得这条路不会有半英里长,也不会有半个半英里长。
Major cities in the United Kingdom to foreign labor management: the United Kingdom is in a dilemma between the walk. 英国各大城市对外来劳工的管理:英国正游走在两难之间。
Most of these guys say they have religious beliefs, but only a few of them can talk the talk and walk the walk. 这些家伙中大多数说自己有宗教信仰,但是只有一小部分人说得像又做得到。
Death belongs to life as birth does. The walk is in the raising of the foot as in the laying of it down. 死亡隶属于生命,正与生一样。举足是走路,正如落足也是走路。
When the fore leg and the hind leg on the same side move almost on the same beat, the walk tends to become an almost lateral movement. 当同侧的前肢和后肢几乎同时动作时,慢步会倾向于几乎是同侧运动。
Some might say its small but thats by european standards, it has everything you could possibly need and the walk in shower was fab! 如果按照欧洲人的标准,可能有些人会觉得有点小。房间里有一切你需要的设施,尤其是通往浴室的小路很有特色!
On the walk back into town I kept pace with a man and his dog, out to visit his sister. 在进城往回走,我一直与一名男子和他的狗的步伐,拿出来探望他的妹妹。
The walk being here less sheltered than on the other side, allowed them to see him before they met. 这一带的小路不象对岸那样隐蔽,因此他们隔得很远便可以看见他。
But on the walk home I realized the conversation I had with him was actually quite nostalgic for me. 可在走回家的路上,我意识到我和他之间的对话对我来说是那么熟悉。
Japan must begin to see itself as a global citizen and as an Asian country, and it must walk the walk on both counts. 日本必须开始把自己视为全球公民和一个亚洲国家,必须在这两方面有所行动。
I thought of the early polar explorers as I braced myself for the walk. 当我缩起身子走路时想起了早期的极地探险者。
But we must bear in mind the walk way of life: - close to the heart of history. 但我们要谨记生命所游走的方式:——向历史的心灵靠近。
The speed detector detects the synchronism of the walk of the trolley, and the force detector detects whether the force is over a set value. 测速装置测定台车行走同步性,测力装置测受力是否超过设定值。
On the walk back, Michael turns around and sees a squat yellow hydrant with a wheel crank jutting out from the ground in a remote corner. 在回牢房的路上,Michael转身观察着远方的角落,一个带有轮形曲柄的黄色消防栓从地上伸出。
During the walk, Discovery crew members' * will be raised on the end of the long extension pool grasped by the station's robotic arm. 此次太空行走中,发现号成员SP将会通过空间站的机械手臂被送到延伸长杆的另一端。