make love

  • v.作爱
  • 网络做爱;做爱的意思;做爱是个舶来词

make lovemake love

make love


做爱Make Love)也称作爱、性爱,英文为make love。从广义上说,做爱是指雌雄异体动物种异性之间的交配行为。


Inz the Defenses of the Invasion… |... ... 性爱|性 sexual love|sex 作爱|作 make love|make 做爱|做 make love|make ...


求解:AV、OL、ML、XDJMS中的S。_重庆_天涯论坛 ... ML,make love做爱的意思 ...


  做爱是个舶来词make love),但却最符合中国人的秉性。中国人做爱是名副其实:只做不说。


ml是什么意思 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... ml= 亲密的朋友 make love 就是做爱 ml= 毫升 ...


美满婚姻26诀 |... ... 12. Listen to his / her needs 倾听需要 13. Make love 好好做爱 14. New things new day 每天惊喜 ...


电音三太子-混音舞曲专辑 歌曲列表 下载试听 ... Human After All( 回归) Make Love相爱) Robot Rock( 摇滚机器人) ...

Then he remembered the woman who had straddled his face and wanted him to make love to her with it and with the crown of his head. 他回忆起那个女人冲着自己的脸叉开双腿,要他用脸和头顶跟她干。
But for the moment, Audrey was still living with Johnny. Loving a man with whom she could not make love. Uncertain of her own health. 但当时,奥黛丽仍然和约翰尼住在一起。爱着一个她不能与之有亲密行为的男人。不确定她自己的健康状况。
Back at her apartment, she interrupted me before I could tell her what was on my mind. She said, "Let's make love. " 回到她的公寓后,在我开口说出我的真实想法之前,她就打断我说:“咱们做爱吧。”
I know Liza would never cheat on me, but how do I tell her something she did in her past is affecting me every time we make love? 我知道丽莎从没有欺骗过我,但是我怎么样才可以告诉她,每当我们做爱的时候,她的过去都会影响到我。
If do not wash his hands to retire for the night, make love, clearly of its delitescent danger. 如果不洗手便就寝行房,其潜伏的危险显而易见。
Uncle Bob: Hey, I knew it was your favorite movie star! Remember all the corny jokes we used to tell, huh. How do two porcupines make love? 鲍博舅舅:对,他是你最崇拜的影星,噢,你还记得咱们讲过的那些笑话吗?讲两个刺猬拥抱亲热的故事。
Yet he did not know how to make love to a girl like Ruth. 他不知道怎样跟露丝这样的女人恋爱。
He said he would watch the sea every day, but not make love with you every day. 老人说他天天都来看海,但没办法天天跟你做爱。
It was such a night when it is good to hear from faraway, across the dark fields, the slow song of a Negro on his way to make love. 在这样的一个夜晚,你听到远处越过黑黝黝的田野,传来一个去求爱的黑人的慢悠悠的歌声,你会觉得蛮有意思。
It's one thing to write letters to a woman you don't know; it's another thing entirely to call on her and make love to her. 卡尔吓得屁滚尿流,给一个陌生女人写信是一码事,去拜访她、同她做爱却完全是另一码事。
Today, I sent a text message to my girlfriend telling her how much I wanted to make love to her tonight. 今天,我发短信告诉我的女友:今晚,我是多么地想和她XXOO。
On the surface of things, everything goes on just as it does anywhere else: people work, have fun, make love, die. 表面上看起来,所有事情就和在别处一样地进行着:人们工作,找乐子,做爱,死去。
The main reason is that male pandas can make love with females in a very short season-only a few days a year. 但根本原因是雄性熊猫只可以在非常短的季节——只有几天和雌性熊猫交配。
I don't mean that this attraction is not good. It is only an additional element to make love perfect, but not love itself. 这种吸引并不是不好,我觉得它是一个让爱情更加完美的元素,但不是爱情。
Draco: What she needs is a man. . . to *dominate* her! To make love to her enough to make her love him! B man like you! 德拉古:她需要一个男人,去占有她,去和她做爱而让她爱上他!一个像你一样的男人!
All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You It was a rainy night When he came into sight, Standing by the road, No umbrella, no coat. 那是一个雨夜他进入我的视线他站在路边没有雨衣没有雨伞。
I never asked her if she was able to make love with her husband. 我从没问过她是否能和她的丈夫作爱。
Another man was listed on the sexual offenders' register for trying to make love to a bicycle. 而另一名男子也是试图与脚踏车做爱被记录在案并被列入性罪犯者名册。
Her husband walks in and she says: " you got to make love to me this very moment. " 她的丈夫进来了,她急忙对她的丈夫说:“这一会儿你得和我做爱。”
"It's got to be how it is when you make love with someone, " he says in the documentary, "It's got to be safe, secure and uninterrupted. " “它(分娩)必须是就像你如何与人做爱一样,”他在纪录片里说,“它必须得安全,有保障和不受打扰。”
"I can't help it! Some people are really annoying and I can't make love to them. " Wen Xianglin spoke as if she were being wronged . 「我没有办法呀!有些人实在讨厌,我没有办法和他们做爱。」文湘琳委屈地说。
Her ex-boyfriend had killed himself, seemingly due to the frustration of not being able to make love to her. 她的前男友自杀了,大概是因为无法顺利同她交合的挫败感导致的。
Therefore, she was unable to make love in the conventional sense, and had to rely on the oral variety. 因为这样,她无法进行传统意义上的性行为,只能依赖于口交。
The ancients used to make love amulets out of amber, and guaranteed that the wearing of one would attract a lover . 古人用来制造爱情护身符的琥珀,并保证服装的人会吸引了情人。
When I was a teenager, I tried to get you to make love to me, and you never would, which of course made me much more determined about it. 等我十几岁的时候,我想和你上床,但你总是拒绝,这让我更想和你在一起了。
Around 30 per cent make love once a week, and 24 per cent up to twice a month. 被调查者中,大约30%的人每周做一次爱,24%的人一个月有两次性生活。
When you and she make love, does not need to worry her, because has not made love the trouble which the experience brings. 你与她做爱时,不必担心她因为没做爱经验而带来的麻烦。
I'd offer to make love with you even if I couldn't stay the night. 即使你不留宿我,我也乐意与你如此。
the men and women make love have been inappropriate, she is only the innocent victim of the scandal. 男女做爱没有不妥当,她只是这宗丑闻的无辜受害人。
What if I ever did meet someone who wanted to make love with me? 如果我曾经遇到的某个人想和我做爱,那会怎么样?