my love

  • na.亲爱的;宝宝
  • 网络我的爱;我的爱人;吾爱

my lovemy love

my love


Endless Love_百度百科 ... My endless love 我无尽的爱...... My love, 我的爱 There's only you in my life 在我的生命中只有你 ...


untitled 27歌词的中文意思!_百度知道 ... Goodnight 晚安 My love 我的爱人 I miss you 我想念你 ...


36 首英文歌歌词 - 玉蕊冰心的日志 - 网易博客 ... Believe in who you are 相信你自己 My love, 吾爱 My first love, 我的初恋 ...


最新MTV__飘飘影视 ... 李贞贤_ _No More Terror 西城男孩_ _My Love 郭富城_ _para para sakura ...


꽃보다 그녀 예성 꽃보다 그녀mp3 꽃보다 그녀歌词 ... 亲爱的 我爱你 my love 给你我的一切 oh my love ...


♡♡Forever Love♡♡ ... Home♥ 我是小窝 my love我的挚爱 about me♥ 关于我 ...


《真爱来临》全部歌词 ... At last 终于 My love 我的爱情 Has come along 已经到来 ...

I could die for you and it still could not possibly show my love and feelings for you in proportion to which I feel them. 我可以为你死,它仍然不可能显示我的爱和对你有感觉的比例,我觉得他们。
'Ah, ' said the gingerbread man to himself, 'if she had only known of my love, she would have kept together a little longer. ' ‘如果她知道我的爱情,她也许可以活得更久一点!’他想。
Silver wings in a fiery sky Show the trail of my love and I Sing to you, Love is what I bring to you. 炽热天空中翱翔的银色飞翼拖曳着我爱你的轨迹我为你而唱那份爱正是我要带来给你的。
I share my heart with you and my love for you is overflowing. 我与你们分享我心灵的感受,我对你们的爱是满满的。
" Chi clouds with clear eyes stare into her eyes and said to me, " I don't want your pity, I also don't want you to give my love. 芷云用清澈的眼睛注视着他的眼睛认真的说,“我不要你的怜悯,我也不要你施舍给我爱。”
Tree wants have rest calmly but the wind not, my heart moves because of you, and my love either. You are my lover anf my life! 树欲静而风不息,我的心因你而动,我的爱因你而生,你的所有就是我的全部!
I wasn't prepared for the fact that the sheer weight of my love for her would reduce me to tears on a daily basis. 我没准备的是我对她的爱之沉重会让我为日常琐事流泪。
When I go alone at night to my love-tryst, birds do not sing, the wind does not stir , the houses on both sides of the street stand silent. 当我在夜晚独自去约会时,鸟儿不鸣,风儿不吹,大街两旁的房屋静静地站着。
I will use all my knowledge and all my love to let you know that I care about you and want your happiness. 我将用我所有的知识和我所有的爱。让你知道我是如何的关心你并希望你幸福。
Give my love to. . . and tell them how much I miss them. 向…致以我的祝福并告诉他们我很想念他们。
Since the province is only required by sub-culture is too high, and therefore missed me, but I never give up my love of writing. 只不过因为省内要求的文化课分太高,因此与我失之交臂了,但是我却从没有放弃我对写作的热爱。
Thoughts of her tugging at my heart, I decided to send a gift as a token of my love. 想法她用力拖在我的心脏,我决定送礼物作为我的爱象征。
As the poet Terence, the Roman poet once said, he said, "The less my hope, the hotter my love. " 就像罗马诗人特伦斯曾说过的:“我的祈求越少,我的爱情便越炽烈。”
A lot of things had changed over the years, but never my love for helping people and trying to make a difference. 这些年来许多事情已经改变了,但是我对救人和改变世界的爱好从来没有变。
He tossed his head and smiled. 'With what should I love my love if I gave thee my heart? ' he cried. 他摇头微笑道:“若我将心给你,我又将用什么来爱我的爱人呢?”
Hello my love, I know its been a year since Ive been gone, I hope it hasnt been too hard for you to overcome. 你好,我的爱,我知道从我离开已经有一年了,我希望,你克服它不会太难。
If I love you, I am growing as a result of my love. You are a stimulant for me to become more fully what I might become. 如果我爱你,我也会因为爱你而发展,你激励我成为更加完善的人。
The heart is only for giving away with a tear and a song, my love. 心只应该和一滴眼泪、一首诗一起赠送与人的,我爱。
He smiled at me, shook his head, without which it would be awkward to disclose my love, just a quiet, thank you for your concern. 我微笑地看着他,摇头,我没有难言之隐,只是生性爱静,谢谢你的关心。
I lock my love and give the only key to you, but you forget it in the corner where wind can't reach, so I become a man without love. 我锁住爱,把唯一的钥匙交给你,你却将它遗忘在风吹不到的角落,于是我成了没有爱的人。
One barrelled gun, two barrelled gun, targeted at a deer. It's not the deer that I'm aiming at, but at my love. 一枪,两枪,瞄准一只鹿。并不是瞄准著那只鹿,而是瞄准著我的爱。
In her autobiography China, My Dream, My Love (1990), Siao writes: "It was more like strolling on the music beats than dancing. " 在叶华的自传《中国:梦恋望》(1990)中,她写道:“与其说是跳舞,其实那更像是跟着音乐节拍漫步。”
when i go alone at night to my love-tryst, birds do not sing , the wind dose not stir , the house on both sides of street stand silent. 九当我独自在夜晚去约会时,鸟人不鸣,风儿不吹,大街两旁的房屋静静的站着。
My love for you is like a mirror. You can break it into a million pieces but when you look close. You're still in it. 我对你的爱就像镜子,你可以把它摔得粉碎,但若是走近看,你依旧在那里。
I love my boyfriend, but he certainly did not understand my love is so real, social reality is, when to go deal with this? 我爱我的男朋友,但是他是否一定不了解我的爱是,因此真正,社会现实何时是,去与此的成交?
you are important in my heart! you do not know how much i love you. my love is true forever! our love in my heart will go on. . . 你对我来说很重要,你不晓得我有多爱你,这回我是来真的,我们的爱将在我心中继续下去…
And yet my love of country comes over me like a strong wind and bears me irresistibly , with all these chains , to the battlefield . 但是,我对祖国的热爱却似一阵猛烈的强风,将我连同这些锁链一起吹向了战场。
Were the last words I ever heard him say I shall return for you, my love, on Christmas Day. 我听到他说会回来给你,我的爱,在耶诞节那天过最后的话。
By the care my love, the hearts of every little flower seems to have a round the joy of tears in the surplus Yang. 经了我多情的呵护,每一个小小的花心中都仿佛有一个圆圆的喜悦泪珠在盈漾。
My friend Yu sent her final paper "My Love has nothing to do with you" to me today , made me come to see, talking about the view of love. 好友宇今天把她的期末论文发过来叫我看看,题目是《我的爱与你无关》,讲的是对爱的看法。