make sure

  • na.尽力做到;深信;务必;务请
  • 网络确保;查明;确信

make suremake sure

make sure


求高一英语必修4短语词组大总结_百度知道 ... deliver a baby 给……接生 make sure 确保 by the time 这时候 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... for sure 确实,毫无疑问地 make sure 查明,确信,开确实 sweep clean 扫,清洁 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... for sure 确实,毫无疑问地 make sure 查明,确信,开确实 sweep clean 扫,清洁 ...


常用英语动词短语 ... 53.clear up=tidy up 整理、收拾; 1.make sure 确定; 2.find out 弄清楚; ...


make 用法归纳 ... make room for 为……让地方 make sure 确信;务必;弄清楚 make up one's mind 下定决心 ...


初中英语常用动词词组及短语240个词汇 - 豆丁网 ... keep doing sth. 一直做某事 make sure 确保;确认;查明 be 构成的词组 1) ...


make 用法归纳 ... make room for 为……让地方 make sure 确信;务必;弄清楚 make up one's mind 下定决心 ...


物业管理英语课程(整理:罗百辉) ... be aware of 知道,了解 make sure 确信,保证 be secondary to 居于其次,从属于 ...

A well-designed dashboard will at least make sure you know enough not to be surprised. 良好设计的仪表盘将确保你知道足够多的消息而不用惊讶。
It made me step back and look at my own spending habits. And now I make sure I go through a few steps before making a purchase. 这使我想起了自己的花钱习惯。现在我确定在购物之前都会遵循一些步骤。
Here's the list again, in case you want to print out a short form of it. I'm going to - just to make sure I'm always eating my own dog food. 下面再列示这个清单以方便你简短打印。我打算——只是确保我一直运用我自己总结的方法。
Make sure when you're planning and developing your site that you keep communication at the forefront of every decision you make. 当您规划和开发您的网站的时候,确保把方便用户之间的沟通放在第一位。
And he waited until the final approach, trying to make sure the plane crashed in a heavily populated area. 李说:“他一直在等待飞机最后接近目的地,努力确保飞机在人口稠密的地区坠毁。”
But at a club this size you know you'll be out of the team every now and again and you just have to make sure you're ready when selected. 但是在俱乐部,你知道你有时会被换下来,但是你必须做到的是当你被选中的时候,你确保你已经准备好了。
If you want to ask for an autograph or ask a question, you should make sure to know quite a lot about him or her before you start writing. 如果你想得到亲笔签名或问个问题,在动手写信前你一定要多了解一些他或她的情况。
Have family fire drills at least twice a year. Make sure everyone knows how to get out alive. 每年至少进行两次家庭防火演习。确保每个人都了解如何逃生。
Make sure that what you say and do around your child will help encourage a strong sense of security and self confidence. 所以,你要确保你在孩子面前的一言一行都能够让他们获取安全感和自信。
The house has no electricity, so I had to make sure there was enough propane in the tank to run the fridge and the stove. 这房子没有通电,所以要确保罐子里有足够的丙烷,让冰箱和火炉运作。
Untick the 'Administer System' check box to make sure that the children will not be able to change important setting in Ubuntu. 取消“管理员系统”确认框,确保孩子不能改变Ubuntu的重要设置。
But I never ran into any trouble because my friends had done their utmost to make sure that I would be short of nothing . 但是我不曾遇到一点困难,朋友们给我准备好了一切,使我不会缺少甚么。
Do you make sure to put all the toys away after, to straighten the bed up, or to do it when there's no chance they'll find out? 自慰后,你会把“玩偶”收起来么?会把床单抻直么?或者在他们不可能发现的时候自慰?
The main issue here is to make sure that you carefully cover all cases; it's easy to forget a special case, or not handle things correctly. 在这里,我们要讨论的主要问题是确保您小心地涵盖了所有情况;很容易忘记某个特定情形,或者没有正确处理。
Before you submit your resignation to your boss, make sure you are prepared to leave. 在你向上司递交辞呈之前,要好了走人。
He said the Obama administration will make sure interrogations are consistent with U. S. obligations under the Geneva Conventions. 他说,欧巴马政府将确保审讯程式符合美国对日内瓦公约应履行的义务。
Make sure you make it a habit to validate all your web pages before publishing. 确保你在发布站点之前验证所有页面的有效性。
Make sure your entire group understands what you are trying to achieve and how you are going to achieve it. 确保你们整个团体都理解你们想试图达到的目标,以及将如何达到目标。
We have to find more ways to make sure we have room to operate, but it's got to be an aggressive approach every time he plays. 我们必须找出一些方法,确保我们有空间去运转,能够达到良好的团队合作效果,但同时他必须在每次比赛中都保持攻击型。
The USA has found that it is not easy to make sure that every student receives the same quality of teaching. 美国已发现确定每位学生接受教学的相同质量是不容易的。
The G20 is trying to make sure it has a strong, common strategy for economic growth and for financial reforms. 20国集团试图在经济增长和金融改革上采取一个强劲的共同策略。
Therefore, make sure production (and any subcontracting) responsibilities are understood up front to avoid this sort of surprise. 因此,请确保生产责任(以及转包)事先都已经清楚了,以免到时候再遇见这种令人惊讶的事情。
When they do not sure the pronunciation of the word, they must look it up in the dictionary to make sure how to pronounce it correctly. 当他们不肯定词的发音时,他们必须看它在字典确定如何恰当地发音它。
If you buy either product, make sure it properly reflects the heat without completely blocking all light--or you'll be living in the dark! 如果你要买其中的一样,必须保证,它可以挡住热量,但不至于把光全部挡住,要不然,你岂不是住在黑暗当中了吗!
Put a cap to how much the gift can be. Make sure you get the consensus of everyone. 给礼物设置一个最高限额,不过要确定每个人都接受哦。
Checking to make sure no one suspicious was looking on, he took out his wallet and counted the money again. 他在确定周围没有什么怀疑的眼光后,拿出皮夹,然后又把钱点了一遍。
He said the U. S. is taking the situation seriously and will take every step possible to make sure the American people are safe. 他说,美国正在面临的严峻的形势,并会采取所有可能的步骤,以确保美国人民的安全。
The police are checking on every passenger to make sure that everything is all right. 警察在对每位旅客进行检查,以保万事大吉。
Clients 'check to make sure they own it; then they ask should I buy more? ' Mr. Middleton said. 'The answer is usually 'No. ' ' 米德尔顿说,客户总是会先问他们是否持有黄金,然后会问,是否应该再买一些,而得到的回答通常是“不”。
If it's the latter, make sure the person putting up the money is fully aware that it could take you some time to repay. 如果是借款,一定要跟借钱的人说清楚,你得过些时间才能把钱还上。