
美 [prep]英 [prep]
  • v.预备;把…准备好;为(患者)做手术前准备
  • adj.〈美口〉预备的
  • n.(某些私立学校的)课外作业
  • 网络准备(preparation);准备功课;Parish Religious Education Program

过去式:prepped 第三人称单数:preps 现在分词:prepping



n. v.


spec文件具体编写[转] - Tracy的日志 - 网易博客 ... * Header 头部 * Prep 准备 * Build 构建 ...


WLK 3.X名贼Neilyo版UI 囧→元旦... ... E = Evasion 闪避 ~ = Prep 预备(伺机待发) Shift+2 = PvP Trinket 饰品1 ...


life 44 - 圈网你我他 ... dry out (使)戒酒(毒) prep n. 准备功课, 预习 testimony n. 证词(尤指在法庭所作的), 宣言, 陈述 ...

Parish Religious Education Program

PREP (Parish Religious Education Program) RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Sacraments Seniors at Our Lady of...


建桥少儿英语预备级 上册 知识归纳_百度文库 ... neck 脖子 Prep 介词: behind 在…的后面 ...


悦田公司CR、DR、X-ray,美国iCRco... ... kVp Display KVp 显示 PREP 预备键 mA Display mA 显示 ...

Yet Mr Godley said he had a lonely childhood, involving a violent maiden aunt and the "chamber of horrors of a British prep school" . 他曾说过,自己的童年孤独无趣,暴力的未婚婶婶和犹如恐怖屋的预备学校更是雪上加霜。
At least two of the author's prep school acquaintances died young, one of them a boy of great brilliance. 作者至少有两个学校同学英年早逝,其中一个是个聪明绝顶的男孩。
He gave up a trip to take a summer prep program at Widener University, south of Philadelphia, then entered as a freshman that fall. 他放弃了旅行的机会,参加了费城南部崴德那大学的一个预备项目,最终在那年秋季成为了那所大学的一名新生。
One day, while I'm visiting Second High, Shirley asks me for help with an English passage in her test-prep material. 有天我去二附中时,雪莉拿着她备考资料中的英语文章向我求教。
If it were not for sees the share in the child on, I ability prep before is in his home. 要不是看在孩子的份儿上,我才不待在他家里。
Not going to be an easy feat, so here's a couple of prep shots and a little glimpse of the show proper. 这不只是简单的只是一个壮举,在这里是放上照片并且表示我的演出一切就绪。
The team ultimately decided to replace the ground and flight couplings on the system, which will take a day and delay other launch prep. 团队最终决定更换地面与航天飞机的联接头,这将花掉一天而且会推迟其他发射准备工作。
In view of her capability and knowledge, I would like to recommend her to your TOEFL or IELTS Prep Course. 鉴于她的才能和知识,我愿推荐她担任托福或雅思预备班教学工作。
All my aunts and uncles talked it over as if they were choosing a prep school for me . 我的叔伯姑姨们商量了一番,俨然是在为我挑选一家预备学校。
I was trying to remember all the little things I'd read, and this was perfect, and it didn't need any real prep time or anything. 我试着去回忆所有读过的细节,并没有花任何时间做准备,这很棒。
Two years ago , he decided to take a temporary summer position in Shanghai with China Prep, an educational travel company . 两年前,他决定在中国预备打暑期零工。中国预备是一家教育旅游公司。
When I persuaded Bob in February to interrupt his gaokao prep to talk with me, he was five months into what had become a daily routine. 当我在二月劝说鲍勃暂停备考,跟我聊一聊那会儿,他已经连续五个月每天重复同样的日程了。
There were kids from New England prep schools and prestigious Boston Latin who were way ahead of me in math. I also found physics very hard. 有的同学来自新英格兰预备学校,有的来自有名的波斯顿拉丁学校—他们的数学比我学得好,同时我发现物理也很难学。
Over the past week we've done three crafts that required a bit of prep time. 在过去的三个星期里,我们已经花了一些时间做了三个手工艺品。
Sponges used will not be tossed into a prep stand or onto the floor, but should be kept contained on the back table. 使用过的海绵不能丢弃于站立台或地板,应放入背后桌子上的容器内。
This method is called when the filter is instantiated by the container and is designed to prep the filter for processing. 这个方法在容器实例化过滤器时被调用,它主要设计用于使过滤器为处理做准备。
And yet test prep companies leapt to action, printing new books tailored to the new test and organizing classes. 而备考公司已经纷纷卷起袖子行动起来了,他们开始出版专门针对新考卷的教材,开设新的辅导班。
He remembers beginning aged 12, as a boy at prep school , when he was given one of those individual garden plots . 他记得自己12岁在预科学校念书时就开始了,当时他得到了那些单独园地中的一块。
But while his prep style made for a slightly different tasting shot, I also noticed that every shot he pulled was consistent as well. 但是当他提前准备做一些轻微不同的口感SHOT,我也发现每次他做的都是分常好的。
Costing over $4, 000 for a week, parents may well balk at the idea of sending their kids to Princess Prep. 王妃培训班价格不菲,4000美元培训一周的价格可能会让许多家长望而生畏。
No special prep, awful travel schedule and yet a personal best in a six-mile race. 没有特别的准备,没有完善的旅行日程,却成就了一个人在六英里赛里的最好成绩。
As you can understand, presenting an exam prep course, you need to look somewhat academically representative. 正如你能理解,提出考试预备课程,你需要看起来有点学术代表。
One of the most popular and lucrative part-time jobs is to tutor, either for a college-prep class or a specific subject. 最受欢迎、也最有利可图的兼职工作为大学预科班或某一科目做家教。
A week later, the founder of Urban Prep, Tim King, took to The Huffington Post to defend his school against Ravitch's charges. 一周之后,城市预科学院的创始人之一TimKing在赫芬顿邮报(HuffingtonPost)上就Ravitch的指控替他的学校辩护。
A test-prep program at his school taught him to get plenty of sleep, eat a good breakfast and pace himself on the test. 后来学校里的考试准备课程教他要有充足睡眠、吃好早餐及考试时调整好节奏。
In Salinger's 1951 book, the character runs away from an elite prep school and spends a few days roaming around New York City. 在塞林格1951年出版的书中,他从一间精英预科学校出走,连续几天游荡在纽约街头。
You and brocade lotus if the words wanting prep money and once had a meal us together quietly arrive the back door there go. 你和锦莲若是想去的话就把钱准备好了,吃过饭我们一起悄悄的到后门那边去。
Ok, guys. Gotta run. Obama has asked me to advise the Joint Chiefs on the mid east in a closed-door meeting tonight. I've gotta prep. 行了,大家。我要出门了。奥巴马叫我今晚去参加参谋首长联席会议讨论中东问题,我得先准备一下。
To properly prep a mango, first slice a bit off its bottom so the fruit stands upright on your cutting board. 芒果应该这么处理:先从底部切掉一点,这样它就能立在你的砧板上;
Other than prep. With the exception of; except for; besides: Other than one sister, she has no close relatives. 除了有一个姊妹外,她没有其他近亲了。