make yourself

  • 网络做你自己;自配

make yourselfmake yourself

make yourself


请问英文的翻译....... -... ... 走你自己的路 Walk your road 做你自己 Make yourself 坚持做你想要的 Insist on make you want ...


自配Make yourself)劳 动 人 员 Worker上料砂浆水泥 Add cement2 人(person)下成品 Wait for the output1 人(person) …

Benjamin: Really, I'll be so excited to see them. Make yourself at home. Let me make some tea for you. 本杰明:是吗?真是盼望与他们见面。你先坐,我去给你沏茶。
With a little self-discipline and practice you can make yourself a happier more balanced person through just a few simple practices. 用一点点自律和练习,你就能通过几个简单方法让你更加快乐,更加平衡。
Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be. 不要因为不能使别人像你希望的那样而生气,因为你也不能使自己像你希望的那样。
The next secret of seduction, for men at least, is to make yourself seem as popular as possible. 第二条建议是让自己看起来很受欢迎。这至少对男性来说很有效。
Though you are badly hurt now, do not make yourself pathetic. Embrace the next beginning with your arms, or find one on your own! 即使你现在很受伤,也别把自己搞得那么凄凉,尽快出来迎接下一个开始吧,或者自己去寻找另一个开始。
If you no longer bother to put in the effort to make yourself attractive to your spouse, she could lose interest in being intimate with you. 当你不在乎为吸引你的伴侣而付出努力的时候,她就失去了和你亲热的兴趣。
As if to say: Trying to make yourself out better than the rest of us? 好像说:你想使自己比我们其他人都神气一点啊?
Please make yourself comfortable here, Mr. Lynn, and I'll tell Mr. Holt you are ready to leave. 林先生,请在这里随意坐一下,我就去告诉候特先生您要走了。
Hurst wood wrong all property in his wife's name, make yourself into a corner. 赫斯特伍德错把一切资产记在细君名下,使自身堕入窘境。
Changing to make someone else happy won't make you happy, just as you can never truly change someone else to make yourself happy. 当你不能真正地改变别人来使你快乐的时候,改变自己来让别人快乐同样不会使你快乐。
I do not feel guilty or remorseful about this. It was the only thing that could be done. So why make yourself feel worse about it. 我对此并没有任何罪恶感或是自责,因为那是当时唯一可以做的事情,又为什么要让自己为此变得更加糟糕呢?
Make yourself out to be the victim and you still don't see that it was your decision. 使自己成为受害者了,你还看不出这是你的决定。
In the kudos-obsessed world of street racing, if you make yourself look a bit of a berk , your reputation's shot. 在这个被荣誉所缠绕和街头赛车世界中,如果你让你自己看起来有点傻的话,你的名声就完了。
Take a moment, just once a day, to make yourself feel good, and remind yourself that you re responsible for your own happiness. 花些时间,只用一天一次,让你自己感觉良好,并且提醒自己要为自己的快乐负责。
Benjamin: Really, I'll be so excited to see them. Make yourself at home, I make some tea for you. 本杰明:是吗?能见到他们太激动了。你先坐,我去给你沏茶。
Make yourself sexier. At least that's the solution proposed by an Italian mayor -- and a woman mayor at that. 那就把自己弄得性感点儿吧——至少,这是意大利一个镇长提出的建议,这可是一位女镇长呢。
Practise every day. Make yourself a study plan. Decide how much time a week you are going to spend studying and stick to it. 每天都要练习,为自己订一个学习计划,决定每周花多少时间来学然后坚持学。
I doubt you could ever make yourself into a completely universal person, if only because you can only travel in one direction in time. 百分之百的无所不知恐怕是不可能的,至少,你只能往一个方向作时间上的旅行。
Also, if you really just can't fit it in, or make yourself do it, try to go for a twenty-minute walk each day. Or two ten-minute walks. 如果你真的很难专门挤出锻炼的时间,那也没关系,试着每天散步20分钟吧,或是拆分为每天两次、每次10分钟的散步。
Next time a man smiles at you be on your guard - you could be about to make yourself submissive. 下次一个男人要是对你微笑,可要当心了——也许你马上就会屈服了。
You don't need to commit yourself to the company for a decade , but don't make yourself sound like a flight risk, either . 你没必要向公司承诺效力十年,但是也不要把自己说成是不安分的人。
Make yourself calm down before doing everything, and give yourself a reason to make sure you know why and what exactly you're doing. 做每一件事情前首先让自己冷静,确保自己知道,你要做的是什么和你为什么要做这些。
Grandfather: The pleasure is all mine. Please sit down, my dear. Make yourself at home. 祖父:我很高兴。请坐,亲爱的。请别拘束。
Or make yourself emotionally strong and self-confident as you learn that you are resilient and can handle much more than you might think. 也无法使你情感坚强或让自己像知道自己能够复原或知道自己能够承受比自己想象的多那样的自信。
It's not easy to make yourself do what you don't like to do. 让自己做不喜欢做的事并不容易。
'Get out there and make yourself beautiful! ' my aunty commands after the devastating break-up. 'Show him what he's missing out on. ' “出去,把你自己弄得漂亮点!”在我经历灾难般的分手后,我的阿姨这样命令着我。“让它见识一下他到底错过了什么。”
Treat yourself to something nice to make yourself look better like a hair cut, facial, buy a new pair of jeans, etc. 奖赏自己,让自己看上去看上去更漂亮,例如:剪个发、面部美容、买一双新牛仔,等等。
If you do distort reality you will experience anxiety, depression and ultimately panic, because you are trying to make yourself unreal. 你若扭曲了实相,自会感受到焦虑、沮丧,终至惊慌失措,因为你企图把自己变为非真之物。
To create accounts, you must first make yourself the root user and then create a new nagios user account and give it a password. 要创建帐号,必须具备根用户身份,然后才能创建一个新的nagios用户帐号并设定密码。
You could make yourself to be a paramedic, manufacturer, retailer, or even distributor. 你可以令自己成为医护从业员、生产商、零售商,甚至是分销商(行销)。