look over

  • na.浏览;检查;察看
  • 网络查看;翻阅;调查

第三人称单数:looks over 现在分词:looking over 过去式:looked over

look overlook over

look over


初中英语短语大全 ... 38. wake up 醒来,叫醒 40. look over 检查 41. take exercise 运动 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... look into 调查,观察,过问;窥视 look over 检查,查看,调查 look through 仔细查看,浏览,温习 ...


动词加介词词组,._百度文库 ... go over 审阅,检查,研究 look over 翻阅,检查 get over 克服 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... look into 调查,观察,过问;窥视 look over 检查,查看,调查 look through 仔细查看,浏览,温习 ...


一些动词加介副词构成的短语动词 - 豆丁网 ... look out 注意,留神 look over 把……看一遍,察看 look through 浏览;详尽检查 ...


大学英语4级英语词组 ... look on 旁观,观看 look over 把…看一遍,把…过目;察看,参观 look through 详尽核查;(从头至尾) …


动词和动词短语 - 豆丁网 ... look on 观看; 旁观 look over 翻阅;浏览 look through 浏览;详细调查 ...

Take a look over my shoulder here. That red sludge spilled out of a reservoir at an aluminum plant on Monday. 从我的肩膀这边看过去,周一,红色的污泥从一个铝厂的蓄水池泄漏出来。
and he ought to and must inquire how the property was left, and look over the concerns of his brother-in-law. 他应该,而且必须去追询遗产的下落,并且照料与他内兄有关的事情。
And then we look over the body and we find like an old cigarette lighter and we say, "Jesus, it was dark. " 然后,我们搜查人家我们发现了一个老式的打火机,我们就说“天哪,果真不是什么好人”
If someone likes to look over the shoulder of someone else to see what he is looking at on his iPhone or iPad, he's called an i-Peeper . 如果一个人喜欢越过他人的肩膀看他正在观看iPhone或iPad上的什么内容,他就被称为i-Peeper。
With this data in front of me I then typically look over to the Trend data to see what I can find there. 在我的前面,然后这些数据我通常查看的趋势数据,看看我能找到那里。
Even clothes that on the surface look over-the-top proved to have an element of conservatism (in the ecological sense). 就连表面看起来挺过火的衣服,都有一种保守的元素(这是从生态学的意义上说的)。
It was insanely stupid of me not to have my own lawyers look over all the. 我竟然没有叫我的律师来检查一下真是太傻太天真了
" He showed up the next day to look over his field. He noticed a new sign next to his saying, " Now there are 2. 第二天,他到瓜地去看他的西瓜,发现在他的牌子旁有一个新牌子。
Every night before you go to bed look over your daily method of operation and ask yourself how accountable you were to yourself today. 每晚睡觉前检查你的计划执行情况,扪心自问今天对自己有怎样的交代。
The child was not tall enough to look over the wall. 这孩子个头不够高,不能从墙头望过去。
Amanda: Great idea. After you've done that look over the pile, as you put it, to see if I've missed anything. 好啊!你做完了就检查一下你说的那一堆东西,看看我有没有忘带什么。
It is. Well, come take a look over here. We try to make it as fun as possible. To get students involved. We paly games. We teach you. . . 的确。过来看看这儿。我们尽可能使它有趣。把学生们调动起来,我们玩游戏,我们教你…
He around the Eiffel Tower, take a look here, look over there, sometimes shaking his head smiled, sometimes Dudunangnang. 他围着铁塔,这边看看,那边瞧瞧,有时摇摇头笑笑,有时又嘟嘟囔囔。
Each time I feel lost , I climb up to the top of a snow - capped mountain, look over the vast open land and find my soul again. 每次我感觉失落时,我就登上雪帽山的最高处,看着广阔的大地寻找我的灵魂。
Often when you look over the history of a file, folder, or branch, you are trying to solve a problem or answer a question. 当您查看档案、资料夹或分支的记录时,通常都是在尝试解决问题或回答问题。
Take a few minutes -- it doesn't have to be extensive -- to look over the top sites and experiment to see what works for you. 这听起来像一个全职工作,但是朱利安指出你可以把你的一些内容在网站之间进行剪切和粘贴。
At its simplest, a Raven acts as a flying pair of binoculars that can look over the next hill, or escort a convoy from above. 由于结构简单,“渡鸦”既可以当作一架飞行望远镜,用来观察山那头的情况,又可以作为部队的空中巡逻。
If you need to negotiate or sign a contract in the last week of March, be prepared to look over the fine print carefully. 如果你要在三月最后一周做什么谈判或者签合同,仔细检查文件。
Every time I look over at him in class, he's staring off into space. 每次我在教室看到他,他都盯着空白的地方看。
I lived next to it from a young age. I would look over and wonder if there was a monster like the Scotland Lochness Monster in it. 我打小就住在汉江边上,那时我会向江心望去,思量里面是不是会有尼斯湖水怪。
Boss: Here's a contract for you to look over. Get back to me on this before Tuesday morning. 这份合同你拿去看一下,你星期二早上之前向我汇报这事。
He took a look over there and got a blurred image of it. 乌龟看了下那边并在地上画了个模糊的地图。
The maid walked to the side of the vessel to look over, when all at once the child sprang out of her arms, and fell into the water below. 女佣走到该船一边回过头来,当所有的孩子一下子从她的怀里出来了,到下面的落水。
He walked on a few paces, and went off to look over the tops of the hedges. 他走了几步,从篱笆上面望去。
Some of these firms use summer employment as an opportunity to look over promising newcomers to the profession. 一些事务所把暑假职业作为一个观察律师业中有前途的新人的机会。
When I wake up in the morning and I look over and I see my wife, that gives me the sense of purpose. 我早上醒来,转过头,看到我的妻子。这给了我明确的目标。
You live behind the wall and occasionally look over the top - and that you call relationship. 你生活在孤立之墙的后面,偶尔从上面窥视–这就是你所称的关系。
Review: Schedule a time with yourself every week to look over what you've done that week and what you want to do the next week. 回顾:安排一个时间用来检视这个星期做了些什么,下个星期希望做些什么。
Ben was white with anger. "No! " he answered. His eye glasses became wet and he had to look over top of them to see the other man. 本果为害怕而神色收白。“不!”他回答。他的眼镜变得湿起来,只好从眼镜上面看着猎人。
As the policeman look over the crashed car, a small monkey came out and hopped around the crashed car. 警察上下察看毁坏的汽车时,一只小猴子钻了出来,在汽车旁边蹦来蹦去。