
美 [laʊd]英 [laʊd]
  • adj.响亮的;大声的;洪亮的;高亢的
  • adv.大声地;响亮地
  • 网络高声的;吵闹的;娜喊

比较级:louder 最高级:loudest

loud voice,loud noise,loud music,loud cry,loud laugh


1.喧闹的;响亮的;大声的making a lot of noise


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... lot n. 许多,好些 loud a. 大声的 loudly ad. 大声地 ...


英语新标准初中二年级上册单词表_百度知道 ... *maybe adv. 也许 *loud adj. (声音)响亮的 *party n. 聚会 ...


高中词汇表_百度文库 ... along ad. 向前;和……一起;一同 alongside ad. loud ad. 大声地 aloud ad. 大声地 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... lot 大量,地皮 loud 高声的 loudly 高声地 ...


我想找L开头的英文单词和中文意思_百度知道 ... lot n. 许多,大量;签,阄 loud a. 响亮的;吵闹的 loudspeaker n. 扬声器,喇 …


娱乐杂志《Entertainment... ... 入选作品:《粉红星期五》( Pink Friday) 入选作品:《娜喊》( Loud) 入选作品:《盗梦空间》( I…

Then fell I down upon my face, and cried with a loud voice, and said, Ah Lord GOD! wilt thou make a full end of the remnant of Israel? 于是我俯伏在地,大声呼叫说,哎。主耶和华阿,你要将以色列剩下的人灭绝净尽吗。
I was even singing it out loud, which was a little embarrassing even though I was the only one there. 我甚至高声唱了起来,只有我一个人但还是让人有点尴尬,尽管她非常流行。
as it was approaching the house, suddenly some loud sound of firecrackers came out of the house. 当它快要接近屋子时,突然屋里传出一阵鞭炮声。
I had a good loud scream, and I sucked in air, preparing to use it, but my throat was so dry I wasn't sure how much volume I could manage. 我的尖叫相当地响亮,我深吸了一口气,准备让它派上用场。但我的嗓子实在太干了,我不敢肯定我能发出多大的音量。
As she left she heard a loud crash behind her. When she went back to see what had happens, he was sprawled flat on the floor. 当她走的时候,她听到身后传来巨大的声响,她回去看,只见他跌倒在地上。
he would gently place the first three, this film can be really loud, a few words on the duty of the children do go away. 说完便将头轻轻地点了三下,这马屁拍得可真够响的,几句话把值日儿干打发走了。
And when the unclean spirit had torn him, and cried with a loud voice, he came out of him. 污鬼叫那人抽了一阵疯,大声喊叫,就出来了。
Almost immediately, neighbors began to talk about loud noise and a disturbing strobe light effect. . . 几乎就在同时,邻居们开始谈论(由风能发电装置)产生的噪声以及令人不安的闪光灯效果…
Seeing their puzzled expressions, he said in a clear and loud voice: "Can't you see his mind is taking a happy walk? " 哲学家看了看迷惑不解的弟子,朗声道:“难道你们看不到他的心灵在快乐地散步吗?”
With the arising of a loud hum of excitement, she looked up to see her father slowly descending the stairs. 随着一阵兴奋的声音,她看见父亲慢慢的从楼上下来。
A fart, which is the expulsion of gas from the anus, is often accompanied by a loud noise, a vibrating sensation, and an unpleasant odor. 屁,是从肛门排出的气体,通常伴随一声巨响、阵振动感,以及一股难闻的臭味。
Instead, practice solving these interview questions just as you would in an interview: out loud or on paper. 重要的是要像你在面试中一样地练习回答这些面试问题:大声地或写在纸上回答。
There was Kroa who belched like a pig and always let off a loud fart when he sat down to table. 那位克罗打起嗝来像头猪,一坐下来吃饭总要先放一个大屁。
You could spend all day watching your name or your brand morph among the loud people online. 你可能花整天的时间让那些喧闹的在线人群上看您的姓名或您的品牌。
My friends broke into a loud laugh, and I saw that he was carefully frying to put a signature in my yearbook. 闯进了一个响亮的笑声,我的朋友,我看到他精心炒制,把我的年鉴签名。
As it turns out, with a whisper. The only thing loud about him and the Lakers is their neon 14-1 record after beating the Raptors. 毫无声息,但他和湖人在击败猛龙之后取得的14-1却产生着巨大的反响。
Then I hear its loud cry - like a powerful voice from the bottom of its heart or a call in the dark for its comrades in arms. 接着听见了它的鸣声,如同巨大的心的呼号,或是在黑暗里寻找伴侣的呼唤。
It is quite a loud ground, but I enjoy the atmosphere, it gives you a bit more motivation and keeps you focused. 这是一个很喧嚣的场地,不过我很享受这样的球场氛围,这会给你更多的动力,并且让你保持专注。
He began this season yelling "championship or bust" as loud as he could, hoping his teammates would listen and follow suit. 从赛季开始时,他就高喊着“不夺冠就是失败”的言论,希望他的队友们可以听见他说的并且以这样的决心一直干下去。
Be loud and clear, they urged the players, and always use a strong arm gesture to call a strike. Never be tentative or unsure. 他们敦促球员要声音洪亮而清晰,叫好球时手臂永远要作出一个有力的动作,不能犹豫不决。
she says, laughing out loud and waving her hand in the air as if batting away the notion. 她响亮地笑着挥舞着她的手仿佛要击开这个观点。
We all laughed out loud when Reece joked, "For a minute, Grandma, I thought you were going to bring out the kitchen sink! " 莉丝玩笑着说:“奶奶,我还以为你要拿出个厨房里的水槽呢!”
Loud noises do not contribute to the harmonic flow that you are trying to create. 大的噪声不可能为你提供你所要建立的和谐流动。
I had no sooner got back to the kitchen than the door-bell rang loud enough to wake the dead. 我刚走回厨房,门铃又响了,响得足以把死人吵醒。
Some Chinese economists worry out loud that China's massive stimulus-spending might have bought the country only a temporary reprieve. 一些中国经济学家十分担心该国大规模消费刺激[计划],可能只换来了一个暂时缓刑。
I would like to join with you and my mother laughed loud, I wear pants you son of cattle, to wear your slippers to run in your family. 我要与你和妈妈一起大声说话大声笑,我要穿你的牛子裤,穿你的地拖鞋在你家里乱跑。
I figured if I said it out loud, it just might come true. 我想我要是能大声的说出来的话就会实现的。
No doubt Stalin remained skeptical, but it was as loud and powerful a commitment as Roosevelt could give him. 当然斯大林依然满腹狐疑,不过这已是罗斯福所能对他作出的最最响亮有力的保证。
when I walked through the door, they greeted me with a loud chorus of "Happy birthday, Bella! " while I blushed and looked down. 我刚一进门,他们便用一齐用大声的“生日快乐”做为问候,令我脸红得垂下眼去。
Nancy listened hard. She was hoping to hear the audience laughing loud and often . But she heard very little laughter during the first act. 南希仔细聆听。她希望听到观众大笑,经常。但她极少听到笑声在第一幕。