
美 [ˈʃaʊər]英 [ˈʃaʊə(r)]
  • n.淋浴;阵雨;淋浴器;淋浴间
  • v.(洗)淋浴;洒落;纷纷降落;抛撒
  • 网络洗澡;沐浴;花洒

复数:showers 现在分词:showering 过去式:showered

take shower,predict shower
hot shower,shower afternoon,heavy shower,light shower


n. v.

1.淋浴器;淋浴间a piece of equipment producing a spray of water that you stand under to wash yourself; the small room or part of a room that contains a shower

2.淋浴the act of washing yourself with a shower

3.阵雨;阵雪a short period of rain or snow

4.一大批;一阵;一连串a large number of things that arrive or fall together

5.送礼聚会(为即将结婚或分娩的妇女举行)a party at which you give presents to a woman who is getting married or having a baby


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... get up 起床 shower n. 淋浴;淋浴器 take a shower 淋浴;洗澡 ...


雅思官方主页-公共主页 ... drizzle 毛毛雨, shower 阵雨, thundershower 雷阵雨, ...


冠词_百度百科 ... have a nice trip 旅途愉快 have a bath/shower 洗澡,淋浴 in a/one word 总之(一句话) ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... get up 起床 shower n. 淋浴;淋浴器 take a shower 淋浴;洗澡 ...


新概念英语青少版 2A 词汇 - 豆丁网 ... bath n. 沐浴 shower n. 沐浴 broken adj. 破碎的,损坏的 ...


... 水箱 Water tank 花洒 Shower 水龙头 Faucet ...


建筑学常见英语词汇 ... 浴室 bathroom 淋浴间 shower 更衣室 locker room ...

Fifth, drink less and avoid cigarettes. Alcohol does harms to sleep. Smoking stimulates the body as if you were taking a cold shower. 第五,少喝酒,别抽烟。酒精能使睡眠不好。抽烟的刺激作用就像用冷水洗澡一样。
During pregnancy the extra estrogen in your system is responsible for less strands ending up in your brush and down the shower drain. 怀孕期间身体系统内多余的雌激素保证你每天梳子上和洗漱池里面掉少量的头发。
Just a few meteors per hour stream away from the shower's radiant point near bright star Vega in the constellation Lyra . 天琴座中明亮的恒星是流星的源头,每小时只有几颗流出。
When the heart is hard and parched up, come upon me with a shower of mercy. 在我的心坚硬焦躁的时候,请洒我以慈霖。
I used to shower in the evenings, but I found that morning showers helped me to be more alert. 我原来都是在晚上沐浴,但是我发现早上沐浴可以让我更清醒。
They do not get up: they eat propped on an elbow, use bedpans and shower lying down on a waterproof gurney. 志愿者不能起来,他们吃放在肘上的食物,使用便盆,躺上防水翼布上洗澡。
The shower door was slightly dodgy and kept falling off its runner - nothing major but enough to be irritating after a few times. 浴室的门也不太稳,经常掉-虽然不是什么大问题,但是次数多了也很烦人。
There was no hot water and after travelling from London, a hot shower would have been nice! 我们从伦敦远道而来,洗个热水澡再好不过了,但是酒店没有热水!
In the last of the paper the conclusions were tested and verified through the design of a shower, a wash basin and a toilet. 结论中提出的原理与流程在论文最后通过淋浴间、盥洗器及坐便器的设计实践进行了说明验证。
I began to unpack but was overtaken by my habitual urge to have a shower at the end of a day's cycling. Was there anywhere to stay? 我开始打开行李,但是骑了一天车以后,我已经习惯要冲个凉,还有别的地方可以住吗?
'It's fantastic , ' I said, 'you prepared all this in the time it took me to have a shower and get dressed. ' “真是奇迹,”我说,“我冲澡穿衣这一会儿你就把这些都弄好了。”
I used to work all day without taking a shower in my PJ's, but I never got much stuff done. 我过去时常穿着我的睡衣工作一天,而不冲个澡,但是我从来没有完成很多事情。
I love these gloves! ! They are so much better than a loofah. I love the texture, I always feel clean when I get out of the shower. 太喜欢这个手套了,比沐浴棉好用多的多。没次洗澡后我都觉得自己非常非常的干净。
She won't even get into the shower until 6: 50, so you'll be calling to apologize, and inconveniencing everyone as you all wait for her. 她到了6:50都没有洗澡,所以,你将要打电话道歉,对每个人造成了不便,一边你…
To fall or pour down in or as if in a shower. 下阵雨以或似以阵雨般降落或倾倒。
climbing in and out of the bath tub could be dangerous . shower stalls are safer . shower curtain is better than sliding glass door. 患者进出浴缸或企缸都较危险,淋浴间则较安全,最好用胶浴帘代替玻璃趟门。
One of the key duties as a bridesmaid is to help to plan the bridal shower and bachelorette party with other bridesmaids. bridemaid一个职责时的关键是要帮助规划的婚纱淋浴和未婚党与其他伴娘。
Notice how this pulsating 'bow' of silvery-white and other intertwined colors rains down in a shower of sparkles on your diaphragm. 请注意这如何跳动这银白‘弓形’和其它缠绕颜色在你的横膈膜上闪耀如大雨倾下。
After every shower of rain, just as the sun burst through the clouds, a beautiful rainbow would appear in the sky. 每当下完雨以后,太阳穿过云彩,一道美丽的彩虹就会出现在空中。
Jump into the shower with him for a quick, hot make-out session. 和他跳入浴室淋浴来个开门见山。
Especially, when a strong meteor shower is coming, the amateur astronomers all over the world mostly observe visually. 特别是在强流星雨来临的时候,遍布世界的爱好者绝大多数均使用目视观测。
We moved to the small apartment, there was only a shower in the bathroom, it was so cold to take a shower in such a freezing winter. 我们搬到了一个小号公寓,在浴室只有一个淋浴,在这样冷的冬天洗淋浴很冷的。
There's only one shower in our apartment, my brothers and I had to duke it out to see who uses it first. 因为我们的公寓只有一个淋浴,所以我和哥哥们为了谁先用而打架。
As flexible as a swallow, as fierce as a lion, it poured down from the sky and baptized me with a shower of happiness and refreshment. 如燕般轻灵,如狮般勇猛,它从天而降,给予我议常欢快和自由的洗礼。
For You: Apply while skin is still damp from shower or bath for superior moisturization. Use daily to help refresh extremely dry skin. 婴幼儿:宝宝洗澡后马上涂于身上。每天使用,有效锁住皮肤水分,防止皮肤磨伤。
The Shower by Al Batt A famous line from a great book reads, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. " 浴室变奏曲作者:阿尔·巴特某本伟大的书里有这么一句名言:“那曾是最好的时代,也是最糟糕的时代。”
To combat his agonizing sweats and trembling, Wynn embarked on a routine of climbing into the shower, then returning to bed. 为了抵抗痛苦淋漓的汗水及浑身颤抖,韦恩爬起来冲个澡,然后又回到床上。
She got steeped in the shower of yesterday evening, and there she has sat the night through, and I couldn't prevail on her to stir. ' 她昨天晚上在大雨里泡,而且她又坐了个通宵,我也没法劝得她动一动。
It was the kind of car that made you feel dirty like exhaust fumes, like you needed a shower after driving around in it. 这是什么样的车,使你感觉像肮脏的尾气一样,你需要一个淋浴后,驾驶转转。
Never get out of a cold shower into a cold room. 在冷水浴之后,不得进入寒冷的室内。