
美 [ˈskedʒəl]英 [ˈʃedjuːl]
  • v.安排;预定;为…安排时间;将…列入
  • n.日程安排;明细表;工作计划;(电视或广播)节目表
  • 网络时间表;日程表;调度

复数:schedules 现在分词:scheduling 过去式:scheduled

tight schedule,busy schedule,full schedule,hectic schedule,strict schedule
make schedule,follow schedule,plan schedule,fix schedule,revise schedule


n. v.

1.[c][u]工作计划;日程安排a plan that lists all the work that you have to do and when you must do each thing

2.[c](电视或广播)节目表a list of the television and radio programmes that are on a particular channel and the times that they start

3.[c](价格、收费或条款等的)一览表,明细表,清单a written list of things, for example prices, rates or conditions


Yayasan Nanyang Press ... Beneficiaries 受益者 Schedule 时间表 Donation Form 捐款表格 ...


由图一可见,在点击了日程表Schedule)选项卡后,其日程表是空的,需要点击“New…”去新建日程表。见图二 a. 属性选项 …


Liran - 博客园 ... scalable 可伸缩的、可扩展的 schedule 调度 scheduler 调度程序 ...


电梯专业英语词汇(五) ... scenic lift 观光电梯 schedule 表,目录,计划 scheduled conrol 计划控制 ...


昌吉建设网首页 ... 中标公示 Successful publicity 日程安排 Schedule Index 首页 ...


英语托业考试词汇大全(WORD版)_百度文库 ... pilot 飞行员 15. schedule 时间表;计划表 15. route 路径;路线 16. ...


设定排程(Schedule),在特定时间自动寄发信件直接从现有的通讯录中汇入 Email Address自动处理被退回的信件Fully control a…

After factoring how much sleep you need, and repaying your sleep debt, factor it into your daily schedule. 在了解你需要多少睡眠,偿还了睡债之后,将它纳入日常时刻表中。
One, a realistic understanding of how much you can actually fit into your day. Two, a schedule. 第一点,可以现实地得知一天中你究竟有多久能融入其中。
He's ahead of schedule and was able to do conditioning drills on an adjacent field while his teammates went through workouts this week. 所幸他的状况好于预期,并且已经能够在本周队友进行训练时在附近的场地进行有条件的练习。
The organization that purchases it has no control over the specifications, schedule, or evolution of the software. 该组织表示,购买这方面没有控制权的规格,进度,或演化的软件。
There was a schedule change in my reservation. Due to other travel plans, I won't be able to make this new time. What do I need to do? 我所订的航班有变动。但是由于与我的旅行计划有冲突,我并不接受新的安排,我该怎么做?
do not take if it is almost time for the next dose, instead, skip the missed dose and resume your usual dosing schedule. 如果已经接近下一次用药时间,则不必服药,忽略忘记的那一次剂量,按常规方案用药。
The operating workers must be familiar with different brands, it's easy to increase the operational error, affect the schedule. 不同口径其接续位置亦不同,作业工必须熟悉不同厂牌口径的操作方式,容易增加作业失误,影响管材拆装时程。
With his customer plus-delta on his daily schedule, he's not the last to hear about problems. 在他的日常行程上用顾客的敏感分析模型,他并不希望他是最后一个听到问题的人。
For the past week I have been trying very hard to leave messages for all of you, trying to tell you all my schedule in Beijing and HK. 过去这一个星期,我一直努力试着要捎给你们一些讯息、告诉你们所有我在北京与香港的行程。
The cost of memory leaks is significant and is often associated directly with production down time, or a slipped deployment schedule. 内存泄漏的成本非常高昂,经常伴随着产品停机时间和零碎的部署安排。
Once I accepted those choices and built a schedule around them, I was amazed by how much I got done. 一旦我接受了那些选择,并按照它们建立出一份日程安排表,我惊奇地发现自己做了多少事情。
The passenger that this program can let wish of purpose accepts an inspection ahead of schedule, reduce the number that queues up to await. 这个程序能让有意愿的乘客提前接受检查,减少排队等待的人数。
Try setting a shorter schedule and you'll often be surprised how much you get done when you need to. 试着把时间调少一些,你就会经常大吃一惊地发现你可以完成任何你需要完成的工作。
Moving the project's schedule out to accommodate all this uncertainty may not be economically practical. 执行项目进度以适应所有不确定性在经济上是不现实的。
You don't have to call it a date, but just schedule time with them on a regular basis to do something together. 你不必称之为约会,仅仅是安排一个时间和他们一起定期做些事情。
What was President Hamid Karzai thinking in trying to schedule a snap election? 对于安排一个迅速的选举,卡尔扎伊总统是怎么考虑的呢?
Get out on adventures together. Schedule a weekly dinner or drinks just to talk about what's exciting. 与他们一起去探险,每周安排一次聚餐或是酒会聊聊让人激动的事。
Its just the matter of the schedule, that is, if it is convenient of you right now. 若是你们感应便利的话,我想而今计议一下日程安排的题目。
Thank you for your busy schedule can find time to be able to give me a chance to communicate with you face to face! 感谢您能在百忙之中抽出时间,给我一个能与您面对面交流的机会!
You do have to be someone who loves his freedom, likes to be able to set his own schedule, likes to work on things he's excited about. 你要成为一个热爱自由、自己安排工作日程表、做自己喜欢的事的人。
the best way is to make an appointment with him in advance, because most westerners often keep a strict person schedule. 最好的方法是预先与他订个约会,因为大多数西方人常常遵守一个严格的个人时间表。
Items Moved is the total number of items moved by the Managed folder assistant since the start of the most recent schedule interval. ItemsMoved是自最近的计划间隔开始以来,托管文件夹助理移动的项目总数。
I miss your love. Would you schedule an hour with me tonight or sometime soon just for me to share with you what's going on in my life? 我想念你的爱,你今晚会拨出一小时,或另排时间和我讨论我们生活上的问题吗?
She will have to ask someone to her home and not change the daily schedule of the dog, so it would not get unused to. 只能请别人住到家里来,早晚不改变它的起居时间表,能够让狗狗不会特别不适应。
The chief executive of Qantas said the company might be able to resume a limited flight schedule by Monday afternoon. 澳航首席执行官表示,该公司可能从周一下午起将恢复有限制的飞行安排。
In addition, he said, the drug's dosing schedule is only once per month. 此外,这种药物的给药方案只能是每月一次。
As you know timetables and dates are "works in progress" and even the most definite seeming schedule is really only a potential. 如你所知,时间表和日期都是正在进程中的工作,即使看起来是最确切无疑的计划实际上只是一个可能而已。
No matter how busy your schedule is and how much you have to do, schedule 15-20 minutes per day where you can do nothing but relax. 无论您的日程安排已经如何爆满,有多少的工作等着您去完成,您都要尽所能的每天抽出15至20分钟来放松放松一下自己的身心。
When he returned to his capital ahead of schedule, all the people there found out that the King had been moved by an ape's tears. 当他提前返回都城时,那里所有的人都知道国王被一只猿猴的眼泪打动了。
Let common sense and a smart training schedule determine how much you should be running. 让你的常识和聪明的训练计划来决定你应该跑多少。