man and nature

  • 网络人与自然;人类与自然;人与大自然

man and natureman and nature

man and nature


中国有哪些电视节目[用英语]_百度知道 ... 12.Lucky 52 幸运52 13.Man and Nature 人与自然 1.Evening News 晚间新闻 ...


他们的油画《人类与自然》(Man and Nature)赢得了在马萨诸塞州的春田市(Springfield)的史密斯艺术展(Smith Art Muse…


...)是一个环境的先知先觉者,早在1864年所撰写的「人与大自然」(Man and Nature)一书中忧伤的指出「人类的活动,可能干 …


... Major Economic Cycles 大经济周期 Man and Nature 人和自然 Man and the State 人和国家 ...

It seems here as if the work of man and nature fuses into one, echoing the Incan concept of duality. 但看起来这里的人为艺术已经和自然融为一体,这与印加文明中的二元概念互相辉映。
Harmonious education should be a harmonious unity of virtue and intellect with a link to aestheticism, of man and man and of man and nature. 和谐教育应该是以审美为纽带的德性、智性的和谐统一,是人与人、人与自然的和谐统一;
The concept of environmental consciousness comes into being with the increasing contradiction of the relationship between man and nature. 环境意识的概念是随着人与自然的矛盾加剧而产生的。
Today it is broken, after the break of the business environment, would be a supreme state of the harmony between man and nature. 今天一切被打破,这种打破之后的商业环境,会是一种天人合一的至高境界。
Marxism profound relationship between man and nature used to thinking of our building socialism with Chinese characteristics in the road. 把马克思博大精深的人与自然关系思想运用到我国建设有中国特色的社会主义道路上。
Through to analyses the Tao, Qi, Tian, Ming four categories, reveals the Cosmic View and the theory of man and nature of Zhuangzi. 通过对道、气、天、命四个范畴的分析,揭示庄子的天道观和天人观。
Hoi Po is a Chinese character "person" as a core creative, because only supported one another throughout the world, man and nature. 海宝是一个汉字“人”作为中心创意,由于只要活着界各地支持相互,人与天然。
Agriculture-based culture, to relationships and a harmonious relationship between man and nature as an ideal target. 农耕型文化把人际关系以及人与自然关系的和谐作为理想目标。
Third, be attributed to its fairy-tale land deal with ethical issues of character, and to explore the man and nature should be maintained. 归结其以童话处理土地倫理议题的特色,并探究人与自然应维持的关系。
One of the core principles of traditional Chinese culture is to maintain harmony between man and nature. 中国传统文化的一个核心原则是维护人类和大自然的和谐统一。
The ecological civilization of the harmonious development between man and nature is the base of a harmonious society. 人与自然和谐发展的生态文明,是和谐社会的基础和前提。
Fuwa to children around the world pass the friendship, peace, and the entrepreneurial spirit of harmony between man and nature aspiration. 福娃向世界各地的孩子们传递友谊、和平、积极进取的精神和人与自然和谐相处的美好愿望。
The union between man and nature could be realized with the existence of Lord and King, and social wealth as its material guarantee. 社会财富是实现它的物质保证,有等级的和谐是它的根本特点;
The Old Town of Dali shows an example in the harmonious relationship between man and nature, with its abundant ecological intelligence. 大理古城是人与自然和谐相生的典范,展示出丰富的生态智慧。
Whereas, whether attributing nature to man or man to nature, such kind of man and nature are both belong to master-slave relationship. 然而,无论是把自然完全归属于人,还是将人完全归属于自然,其建构的人与自然关系都属于“主—奴关系”。
Undeniably it has to a certain extent intensified the confrontation between man and nature, too. 无可否认城市化进程也在一定程度上加剧了人与自然的对立关系,
With the emergence of the modern industrialized society, the relationship between man and nature is getting tougher and tougher. 当代社会,随着工业化社会的到来,人与自然的紧张关系正呈现扩大的态势。
Material transformation; Man and Nature; Ecology and Ethics ; ecological thinking; ecological environment. 物质变换;人与自然;生态伦理;生态思维;生态环境。
Ecological aesthetics with man and nature, man and environment of the ecological aesthetics relation between as research object. 生态美学以人与自然、人与环境之间的生态审美关系做为研究对象。
By standard production way of documentary, this program narrates the relationship between man and nature smoothly and vividly. 用规范的纪录片语言,生动流畅地叙述了人和自然的关系。
Transforming the existing mode of production and social system is to achieve reconciliation between man and nature and among man. 变革现存的生产方式和社会制度,实现人类同自然的和解以及人类本身的和解。
A remote paradise on earth where harmony reigns , where the gods walk among the people, and where man and nature embrace . 这是一个遥远的人间天堂,这里和谐主导一切,神人交会,天人一体。
Harmony between man and nature is the quintessence of the oneness of Confucius, Confucius philosophy of final destination. 人与自然和谐相处是《论语》天人合一思想的精髓,也是孔子人生哲学的最终归宿。
Uighur Uighur traditional ecological ethics is the relationship between man and nature, belief systems and behavior norms of integration. 维吾尔传统生态伦理是维吾尔族人与自然关系信仰系统与行为规范的集成。
First we describe the background of the time, including the lack of faith, trust crisis and the conflict between man and nature. 首先描述了普世伦理提出的时代背景,包括信仰缺失,信任危机和人与自然的矛盾。
The connotation of eco-civilization reflects the harmony of man and nature, man and man, man and society, as well as body and mind. 生态文明内涵体现出人与自然和谐、人与人和谐、人与社会和谐、身心和谐四个主旨。
As a best carrier of eco-cultures, Qinglong Lake will present the perfect image of harmonious coexistence of man and nature to the world. 作为生态文化的最佳诠释载体,青龙湖将把人与自然和谐相处的完美形象展示世人。
With today's emerging advocating harmony between man and nature, back-to-nature trend that runs counter to the basic culture. 与当今正在兴起的崇尚天人合一、回归自然的基本文化趋向相悖。
The world is not the eternal things, and constantly changes in man and nature are eternal truths. 世间没有永恒的东西,不断的变化是人与自然永恒不变的真理。
One of the major issues in eco-criticism is how to view the relationship between man and nature and scientific technology. 生态批评中一个亟需研究的问题就是如何看待自然、科技与人的关系。