my life

  • 网络我的生活;我的生命;情深到来生

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my life


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Starlight_百度百科 ... You in my arms 握在手心 My life 我的生命 You electrify my life 你给予了我生命的电流 ...


情深到来生(My life)=============================================直到永远(Always)导  演: 史蒂芬史匹柏 (Steve…


...,也拜各媒体炒作各类畅销书,如前总统柯林顿的自传《我的人生》(My Life)、《哈利波特系列》以及悬疑小说《达文西 …


我的一生》(My Life),Erich Raeder著,Naval Institute出版社(1960年)《沉默的胜利》(Silent Victory),Clay Blair著…


二十三MY LIFE)这首歌他经常唱。。。。

It was only when I started writing things down in a journal that my life began to change quickly and dramatically. 当我在一次旅途中开始写的时侯,我的生活才开始了戏剧性地快速的变化。
The day Nelson Mandela told me and helped me was one of the happiest days of my life. 那天,曼德拉告诉我该怎么做,而且还帮我的忙,这是我一生中最高兴的日子。
Would I remain on track to becoming a doctor like my parents wanted? Am I just going to keep acting like a child for the rest of my life? 是遵照父母的意愿做一名医生呢,还是继续像小孩子一样晃荡来度过余生呢?
If I had to live my life without you near me, the days would be empty, the night would seem so long. 如果我的生活我的生活没有你离我近点,日子将是空的,夜晚似乎这么久。
But I told him that, looking back at my life, my biggest asset was the 11 years I spent in China as a child. 但我告诉他,回首往事,我最大的财富就是我在大陆度过的11年少年时光。
You are the sunshine in my life, but you don't know how much I need you! 你是我生命中的阳光,但你却不知道我是多么的需要你!
Dave: You know, just once in my life, I'd like to have a simple conversation without the other guy actually being someplace else. 要知道,我一直想在进行一次简单的对话,一次就好,对话的另一方并没有出现在另外的地方。
I'd known for weeks that it was to be a miraculous addition to my life. 几个星期来我早知道它将为我的生命中带来奇迹。
Since then almost everything I've done in my life has been part of an attempt to make sure that Italy would be part of my life. 从那次旅行开始,几乎我人生中做过的每一件事都在反复确认这一点:意大利就是我人生的一部分。
Whenever I think of this humorous bit of wisdom 2 , it reminds me to not take my life so seriously. 每当我想起这颇有点幽默的人生哲理,它便提醒我不要把我的生活看得那么严肃。
Carl: It was one of the best times of my life. 卡尔:那可是我一生中最美好的一段时光呀。
You make me happier than I ever thought I could be. If you let me, I'll spend rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way. 你给了我难以想像的幸福,如果你愿意,我愿意用我的一生让你感受到同样的幸福。
And in that moment, I knew that I was no longer the choreographer of my life. 那个时候,我明白我已经不再是主宰自己生命的指导了。
And I will take you and the memory of you with me for the rest of my life. 而在我将来的生命中,你们,以及你们为我留下的回忆还会在一起。
Sometimes I feel like the best parts of my life are in dreams. 有时候,我觉得自己生命最美好的时刻存在于梦境中。
The hours I spent with you were the happiest of my life. 与你一起相处的这段时光是我一生中最愉快的。
the warmth of my life is just this much, and i gave it all to you, but when you chose to leave me, how can i ever smile to someone again. 我生命里的温暖就那么多,全部给了你,但是你离开了我,叫我以后怎么再对别人笑
"The children are so much a part of my life and Brad's that we don't worry or stress ourselves about not working more often. " “孩子是我和布拉德生活中的一部分,对于我们不能做更多的工作,我们不担心也没有感到压力。”
Did I make it that easy to walk right in and out of my life? 我所做的只是让从容去面对让你走入我的生命再离开
My love, what i'm going to share with you is the rest of my life. 亲爱的,我要与你分享的是我的余生。
Well, you might be curious about what my life was like on the streets, and I've never really talked about it in depth. 那么,你也许会好奇我流落街头的日子是怎么过的,我从来没有真正地深入地谈过这个。
C: Well, I would be an ungrateful wretch if I didn't tell you at least once that it was you who brought some meaning back into my life. 上校:如果我一次也不跟你说:是你给我的生命带来了新的意义,那我可就是个忘恩负义的坏蛋了。
With the heart of confession I face to them you are part of my life. You are my precious part. I can live up to day because of you. 带着忏悔的心,向她们说:你们是我生命中的一部分,非常宝贵,有了你们我才活到今天啊。
Of course, it's not enough at all, and I'm doomed to be an English learner all my life. 当然还远远不够,而且我注定永远是个英语学习者。
Wherever I go, I would automatically take pictures of what I have seen and eat so I could upload in my blog and share my life with you guys. 无论我去哪里,我会自动记入我所看到的照片和吃,所以我可以上传你在我的博客,分享我的生活家伙。
If I hadn't have been sent off we almost certainly would have won the match and my life would be much easier now. 如果我没有被罚下的话,那么我们几乎肯定能赢下比赛。
Sure once in a while "silence is golden" as they say, but I think my life would be super tough and boring if the soundtrack were taken away. 当然偶尔也有他们所说的“沉默是金”,但如果音乐被带走,我觉得我的生活将越发步履艰难并且极其无聊。
I have no choice in the matter . I have come here seeking the love of my life . 我别无选择。我来此是为了寻找我终生的爱情。
Nothing I touch seems to have any permanency, and even literature, the greatest love of my life, is beginning to lose its perennial joy. 没有什么我接触的是永恒的,即使是文学,我生命中的最爱,也开始失去它持久的快乐。
You saved my life, the boss uttered in pain. For a moment, I though he might dismember me with his knife. 你救了我一命,老板忍着痛对勇士说,刚才,我在想他可能会用刀子把我大卸八块吧。