
美 [mæsk]英 [mɑːsk]
  • n.面具;面罩;面膜;掩饰
  • v.掩饰;掩藏
  • 网络遮罩;掩码;口罩

复数:masks 现在分词:masking 过去式:masked

wear mask,surgical mask


n. v.

1.面具;面罩a covering for part or all of the face, worn to hide or protect it

2.假面具something that covers your face and has another face painted on it

3.护肤膜;面膜a thick cream made of various substances that you put on your face and neck in order to improve the quality of your skin

4.[ususing]伪装;掩饰a manner or an expression that hides your true character or feelings


首页-Molis莫丽斯 伪娘专门店+紧身衣Club-淘宝网 ... Accessories 配饰 Mask 面具 Corset 束腰 ...




Siuluvmi ... 眼部护理 eye care 面膜 mask 敏感修护 sensitive skin ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... marry v. (使)成婚,结婚 mask n. 口罩;面罩(具);遮盖物 mass n. 众多; 大量;(复)群众 ...


3缓存掩码MASK):可以设置每种帧缓存的掩码,再写入相应缓存时就会被掩码作用,具体表现为 GlIndexmask(Glint mas…


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... marry v. (使)成婚,结婚 mask n. 口罩;面罩(具);遮盖物 mass n. 众多; 大量;(复)群众 ...


掩膜mask)就是遮罩,在Photoshop里面就是图层蒙板,图层蒙板是一个附加在创建它的图层之上的灰色图像,对于其中的 …


光罩Mask):当铬膜玻璃上的图像能覆盖整个晶圆时称之为光罩。^ 光罩.Mask.Reticle 这是与科学相关的小作品。

Switch on the system at the main switch of the tablet press and wait until the system is booted up to the starting mask. 按下压片系统上的压片主开关,等待直到界面引导系统启动。
Likewise, he said the tail's remains suggested that it was designed to shroud or mask metal parts, which are much more visible to radar. 另外,他说,尾翼残骸表明它是为了包裹或掩盖金属部分而设计的,金属部分更容易被雷达探测到。
The paste is a little thick, but try to think of it as a mask for your teeth. 这种糊状物有一些厚重,但试着把其作为牙齿的保护膜吧。
The usage welds the mask and the light mirror suitability, putting on the protection to protect your eyes and the body. 使用合适的焊接面罩和滤光镜,穿上防护服,以保护您的眼睛和身体。
In this case, a full-face respirator is called for. It provides a clear face mask or clear eye pieces that protect the eyes as well. 这种情况下需要用到全面罩呼吸器,可以提供透明面罩或者只是眼部透明,就同时保护了眼睛。
Remember how the flight attendant tells you to put on your own oxygen mask before helping others? 记住飞机上的服务员告诉你的,在帮助别人之前先带好自己的氧气罩。
In Michigan a man in a President Obama mask robbed a bank. Either that of President Obama has an exciting new plan to reduce the deficit. 在密歇根,一名戴着酷似奥巴马总统面具的男子抢劫了一家银行,要不然就是奥巴马总统想出了一个振奋人心的新减赤计划。
There was no mask that he took off when he went home, a character of a great leader. 他回家后没什么面具要卸下,他依旧保持着一名伟大领导人的气度。
I did not know who he was until he took off his mask. 他摘下面具我才知道他是谁。
The other night I met my lover at his office and I was wearing the leather bodice, heels, mask over my eyes and a raincoat. 那个晚上我在他的办公室见到了他,我穿着皮质紧身上衣,高跟鞋,带着面具,还有雨衣。
He began to appear in public wearing a surgical mask, and seemed to be asexual, with no significant relationships during his 20s. 他开始戴着医用口罩出现在公众视野中,样子显得不男不女,这跟他二十多岁的时候比起来已是大相径庭。
I hid my mask, hat and shoe covers whenever I needed to leave the surgery floor to be sure they were available again. 每次离开手术楼层的时候,我都会把口罩、帽子和鞋套藏起来,以免被人拿走;
I recognized him the moment he took off his mask. 当他把面具摘下的时候,我立刻就认出了他。
I will call Dr. Cui now to see if he can walk in sooner. But, please, at least keep the mask on to let your baby have enough oxygen. 我马上给崔大夫打电话看他能否尽快来。但请你至少让孩子接着吸氧。
A search of his computer revealed videos of the robber modeling the old-man mask and trying to speak like an elderly person. 警方还在其电脑中发现了抢劫犯戴老人面具,学老人说话的视频。
He had to wear an iron mask for the whole trip and pay his way by selling pictures of himself. 整个旅程他必须戴着一个铁面具并通过卖画为生。
He called himself the "underwear bandit" ; he put pants on his head, like a mask, and went in people's rooms and hit them with towels! 他称自己为“内衣土匪(underwearbandit)”;他把底裤套在头上,像一个面具,然后冲进别人的房间,用毛巾袭击他们!
And just as he finished saying this, he realised that he had forgotten to remove the mask and costume of the little pig! 就在他说完这话的时候,他发现自己忘了把小猪的化妆面具和演出服给换下来!
He said he and the team used reports of other injuries to mask the severity of his torn meniscus . 他表示,他和球队经常利用其他伤势的报告来掩盖他的半月板撕裂的严重性。
If I'd known I was coming to a place that had nothing but fresh air, I would have brought a surgical mask. 如果早知道我来的地方只有新鲜空气,我就会带一只口罩来了。
Connie wondered sometimes if it were a sort of mask to disarm opposition, because it was almost too fixed. Was he really such a sad dog? 康妮有时自问着,他这种神气,这种不变的神气,是不是拿来克敌的一种假面具,他真是一条可怜的狗吗
Man is the least himself when he talks as his own person. Give him a mask and he will tell the truth. 人谈到自己的时候最不真实。给他戴个面具,他自然会说真话。
In a passage in the Georgics, Virgil applies the word to a small mask of Bacchus hung from trees to move back and forth in the breeze. 在农事诗集的一节中,维吉尔用这个词指挂在树上在微风中来回摆动的酒神巴克斯的小假面具。
I do not know why, as with the iron mask on his head when he suddenly armed. 不知为什么,象有了铁制的面具,对他当头罩下,他忽然武装起来。
The invention provides a method for replacing a mask for improving the yield of a novel mask replaced by an old mask for exposure. 本发明提供了一种更替掩模版的方法,提高新掩模版替换旧掩模版进行曝光的良率。
as though such knowing worn like an amulet, a mask, will ward away the evil, the terror. 仿佛这种认识能让人像带着护身符或面具一样,可以抵挡邪恶和恐惧。
Use a few drops in an oil burner or lamp ring to mask unpleasant odors or to bring the scents of Asia into your home. 加几滴广霍香精油到基底油中熏香,可以遮盖不愉快的气味,也可以给你的家里带来一种亚洲的气息。
Soft taped music in restaurants tends to mask the clatter of crockery and the conversation at the next table. 餐厅里的轻音乐可以掩盖陶器的碰撞声和邻桌的交谈声。
If I told you that I loved you You'd maybe think there's something wrong I'm not a man of too many faces The mask I wear is one. 如果我告诉你:我爱你,你可能会觉得那是假的,然而,我并不是一个多面人,我只是带着一张面具。
No one can see under the mask of me, no one can take advantage of these secrets to threaten me, destroy my life. 没有人能看到面具下的我,也没有人能够利用这些秘密来威胁我,破坏我的生活。