moving out

  • na.搬走;【军事】开始行动
  • 网络搬出去;搬家;移过去

第三人称单数:moves out 现在分词:moving out 过去式:moved out

moving outmoving out

moving out


求红警2的语音翻译_爱问知识人 ... Conscript reporting. 动员兵报告。 Moving out. 开始行动 Order received. 命令收到。 ...


EVERYBODY LOVES 《人人都爱雷蒙德》 ... 6.Halloween Candy 万圣节的糖果 7.Moving Out 搬出去 8.The Article 文章 ...


SimpleCD | 《新东方商务口语》3CD[ISO] ... ) Home Improvements 家庭改建 ) Moving Out 搬家 ) Going to the Restaurant 去 …


求红警2的语音翻译_爱问知识人 ... I am going. 我正在去。 Moving out. 移过去。 This gun is heavy. 这支枪很沉呀 ...


红色警戒兵种说话的中文意思_百度知道 ... - Consript reporting 动员兵报到 - Moving out 出发 - Order recieved 得到命令 ...


肥猫大战三小强 -... ... 33 阿肥做模型( Ugly, Dirty and Good) 34 搬家阿肥Moving Out) 35 潜水艇大作战( Deep Trouble…


Life in Moses Lake: February 2007 ... 准备起程。 Time to leave. 飞机离开机棚Moving out. ...

'Print is still pretty important round here but, wherever possible, if there is an opportunity, we are moving out of it. ' 印刷版仍然占据我们这里十分重要的地位,但是,如果有机会,我们会逐渐放弃这样做
After two years of living in her six-story Shanghai mansion, Mattel's iconic American doll Barbie is moving out. 上海的六层豪宅住了两年后,美泰公司(Mattel)的美国芭比娃娃(Barbie)要搬出去了。
Hunter came slowly out of his work and he said, "We have to speed it up; we've got to get that coal moving out. " 亨特在工作中慢慢地苏醒过来,他说:“我们应当赶快,我们必须使煤能够运出去。”
Moving out of the laboratory and onto the water, with a working oil-collection system, is the next step. 计划的下一步是将实验用之于实践,并形成一个收集石油的体系。
Today, I found out my ex-boyfriend is moving out to California to be with a girl he met while on Chatroulette. 今天我发现前男友正要搬去加利福尼亚跟视频聊天认识的女孩一起住。
Moving out of the well-lit office, my eyes haven't adjusted to the dark. 刚从灯火通明的办公室出来,我的眼睛还不适应黑暗。
The D mode operates and feels like an automatic, except for a subtle but noticeable stutter when moving out of first gear. 除了一档起步时会有轻微但能够察觉到的抖动之外,D档的操作感觉和自动档汽车差不多。
Farewell long already gradually moving out of guilt, I it had gradually become indifferent heart once again feel the warm heat. 告别已久的愧疚之情逐渐流溢出来,我那颗原本渐渐趋于冷淡的心也再次感受到了温暖的热量。
Collections seem to be moving out of the centre of museums' focus and activities. 藏品似乎正在淡出博物馆关注和活动的工作中心。
Senator McCain's not here. He probably wanted to distance himself from me a little bit. You know, he's not alone. Jenna's moving out, too. 参议员麦凯恩不在这里。他可能想与我保持点距离。你知道,他不孤独。詹娜也搬出去了。
Vision: You have it. A dream has taken form and shape, moving out of your fantasy into reality. 想象:你已经拥有了。一个梦想已经形成,它正从幻想变成现实。
With the news that the White House has canceled the Constellation Program, NASA seems to be moving out of the human space flight business. 有新闻说白宫已经取消了星座计划(ConstellationProgram),美国国家航空和航天管理局似乎取消了人类太空航行业务。
We desire to see you all moving out of this cycle with ease and without complication. 我们渴望看见你们所有人都轻易地毫不混乱地脱离这个循环。
Using R2 and caressing the ball, or moving out of your feet, depending on the stats of the players is class. 最经典的是使用R2键护球,或者移动,完全依靠你这个球员的能力值。
One day, he said, "Betty came to ask when I would be moving out of the cottage. " 有一天他说,“蓓蒂过来问我什么时候搬出小屋。”
Wife: I don't know when I became the enemy. I think she blames me for your moving out. 我不知道她何时开始对我产生了敌意。或许她怪我让你搬走。
The next day, Union soldiers began moving out of Chancellorsville and the wilderness. 第二天,联盟军开始离开强斯洛丝维尔和那片荒毛地。
Do you kids mind moving out of the picture? I've got the story to cover here and I'm in a bit of hurry. 你们这些孩子能从镜头前移开吗?我这有新闻要报道,而且我现在要赶时间
Moving out of a square adjacent to an enemy: Normal movement out of a square adjacent to an active enemy provokes an opportunity attack. 移出紧邻敌人的方格︰移出能行动的敌人紧邻方格的普通移动会引发机会攻击。
Now, with a bailout plan for Greece emerging, some investors are moving out of those now money-losing trades. 而现在,随着救援希腊的计划逐渐成形,上述交易已经在赔钱,一些投资者正在撤出。
Another checked the bus tires police shot out to prevent the hostage-taker from moving out of a police cordon. 另一组则检查了被警方击中的大巴轮胎,警方当时这么做是为了防止劫犯逃离封锁区。
I told them of my plan to save money by moving out of my beach cottage and renting a room for the few remaining months. 我告诉为省钱我决定搬出海边的小木屋,在离开前的几个月内租一间房间住。
For most people, it means having to deal with a couple of days of moving out of the area and then moving back. 对于大部分人,它可能意味着要花好几天搬离一个地方,飓风过后又要搬回来。
While he is still fragile, he is moving out of his most vulnerable development stage. 尽管他仍很脆弱,但他正努力度过最易爱伤害的发展阶段。
Evidence that it was dragging part of its body suggests that it was probably moving out of water, Whyte said. 怀特表示,它托拽自己身体时留下的证据显示,这只水蝎很可能已经移出了有水的地方。
There were rumours that Shenzhen Rishen might be laying off staff or moving out of the city centre to cut costs. 有传言称,日神公司可能会裁员,或搬离市中心以降低成本。
I do, but how am I supposed to make it look like a perfect candid if you keep moving out of your pose? 是的,但是如果你一直动,我怎么拍得出完美的快拍效果。
B I guess I would say that would be moving out of my parents' house for the first time. 我想那应该是第一次搬离父母家。
BBC REPORTER: Moving out towards the sea, there's literally no beach left any more. The sea has completely swallowed it up. BBC记者:我向海边靠近,发现海滩根本就不存在了。大海完全吞没了它。
She says she cried, as a girl of 12, when she learned that her family was moving out of the state where she was born. 她对爱荷华公众说,‘12岁那年,获悉自己一家将离开爱荷华这片生她养她的热土之时,自己痛哭不已。’