caught up

  • na.赶上;扰乱(说话人);立即采纳(新意见,新词等);吸住
  • 网络著了魔;对她着迷;只要你过得比我好

第三人称单数:catches up 现在分词:catching up 过去式:caught up

caught upcaught up

caught up


tencoaia :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: ... 8.Slow Down 慢下来 9.Caught up 著了魔 10.Just a Lil Bit 只要一点点 ...


Usher:《Confessions》_网易娱乐频道 ... 6. Burn 折磨 7. Caught Up 对她着迷 9. Superstar 超级巨星 ...


Yon Don’t Live Here Anymore... ... Someone In The Night 味道 Caught Up 只要你过得比我好 Early Morning 2003 年的第一场 …


欧美劲爆排行榜男人篇... ... 002 Bubblin 沸腾(蓝色组合) 003 Caught Up 追赶(亚瑟小子) 005 Feel Good Inc (街头霸王) ...


Let me get my breath&n... ... He held his breath and listened. 他屏住呼吸听着。 caught up 赶上 ...


1970~2004年Billboard年终排行榜冠军单曲 -... ... 06. Burn 折磨 07. Caught Up 对她著迷 09. Superstar 超级巨星 ...


迈克尔·克拉克·邓肯 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... 铁血双探 Back in Business 迎头赶上 Caught Up 玩家俱乐部 The Players C…


KKBOX - myBOX专辑 - 猫的亚瑟王子 ... Burn( 折磨) Caught Up( 对他著迷) Superstar - Interlude( 超级巨星序曲) ...

Don't get so caught up in your passion that you jump in and take action on a fatally flawed idea. 不要过分的沉迷于你的激情当中,以至于你投入和付诸行动的是一个存在致命缺陷的想法。
We can't get caught up in trying to compare to other teams right now. We're trying to establish ourselves and figure out who we are. 眼下我们不能斤斤计较于和别的球队对比,我们要把尽量把自己发展好,把自己的实力看清楚。
But when Ben left, I found myself caught up in his problem and longed to help. 当本离开后,我发现自己对他的难题很感兴趣,并希望能帮助他。
His unwillingness to think of a non-sport career caught up with him. 他不愿考虑运动之外的职业给他带来不幸。
When one is adolescent, one is often caught up in one's thoughts and dreams. 一个人处于青春期时,经常陷入深思和梦想之中。
Matt: No, I've been a bit caught up in Battlestar Galactica recently. 麦特:没有耶,我最近在迷「星际大争霸」。
Don't get too caught up in the daily or monthly fluctuations of your investment's return; remember your investment term and goal. 不要被投资回报的每天或每月的波动所困扰,记住你的投资期和投资目标。
It's easy to get caught up in client work and blogging. The hard part is making sure you don't lose touch with the world around you. 很容易就陷入客户工作和写博客中,难的是要确定不要和周围的世界失去联系。
The government seems to have got caught up in the argument between Russia and America. 政府似乎已被卷进了苏美争端中。
Dear God, we are so easily caught up in routines that we lose sight of the immensity of our creation, redemption, and future glory. 亲爱的神,我们往往营营役役过生活,以致忽视了我们的受造、得赎和将来的荣耀,看不到其中的深广及美妙。
Sometimes it's so easy to get caught up in "us" , that we forget about our obligations to one another. 有时候我们是如此轻易的执着于“我们”,而忘了我们彼此之间所应负担的责任。
Mars is one of several global food companies to have been caught up in China's melamine-tainted dairy products scandal. 玛氏是卷入中国三聚氰胺奶制品丑闻的数家全球食品公司之一。
Kocher says he's a technologist who had no desire to get caught up in a format war, and offered the technology to both camps. Kocher说他是一个技术人员,无意卷入格式大战,而且给两个阵营提供了同样的技术。
At the same time, a civil war was taking place in El Salvador, and again, the civilian population was caught up in the conflict. 与此同时,萨尔瓦多爆发了内战,再一次,平民被卷入冲突。
Some of that oil has gotten caught up in a powerful loop current that propels the oil toward Florida. 其中一些石油被强劲的洋流带到了佛罗里达。
This time, middle-class residents have been caught up in them. And Mrs Hill was the sixth person killed within a single 24-hour period. 这一次,中等阶级的居民也卷入其中,而希尔女士是在短短的24小时内第六个受害者。
Then, stay calm in the year ahead. This year's fried many a nerve, so be resolved not to get caught up in the day-to-day market swings. 然后,在一年里保持冷静。今年让很多人紧张,所以下决心不要被每日的市场波动所套牢。
Whenever you're an SMU student, it's easy to get caught up in the city and kind of your own little bubble, your own little world. 你如果是南部卫理公会大学的学生,你很容易陷在城市生活和自己的小世界里。
Such a change in strategy is happening today in those eurozone countries that have been caught up in the tailspin of the crisis. 那些曾深陷危机恐慌的欧元区国家,如今正在上演这样的战略变革。
For a few hours, we were innocent again, totally caught up in the contest. 在这几个小时中,我们完全被比赛吸引住了,暂时回归到无邪的时光。
Somehow I've been able to play a little bit better than I thought for a stretch and then it finally caught up with me last week. 不知怎么的,由于紧张,我能比想象中打得好一点点,它最终在上周赶上了我。
Child trafficking is rampant in Southeast Asia, with hundreds of thousands of children caught up in this lucrative and shadowy business. 贩卖儿童的行为在东南亚地区日益猖獗,成千上万的孩子被这种有利可图的暗中交易所利用。
Do not be caught up in any of this or react strongly to it. 请不要牵涉入上述任何的事情或者做出强烈的反应。
It seemed that she was always caught up in the household. 看来她总是家务缠身。
But I got caught up in it because politicians seem bent on ruining Iceland's natural environment. 但是偶不得不对此有所作为,因为政客们似乎执意要破坏冰岛的自然环境。
Her legs are caught up in her parachute and she smashes her knee into a rock. 她的腿被降落伞缠住,膝盖撞碎在岩石上。
In practical terms foreign scientists may be deterred from China, as they worry about getting caught up in scandals. 从实际角度出发,国外的科学家面对中国可能望而却步,他们不愿卷入这些学术丑闻之中。
He spent the next eight months making an honest buck as a builder in Ireland before Scotland Yard caught up with him. 然后,装做一个建筑工人而努力赚钱,在八个月后,被苏格兰场逮捕。
McCain and Barack Obama have sparred over ties to lobbying firms and financial institutions caught up in the Wall Street turmoil. 麦凯恩与奥巴马已经就各自与跟华尔街危机有瓜葛的游说公司和金融机构的关系进行了交锋。
Another reason it was hard to notice the danger of this new type of distraction was that social customs hadn't yet caught up with it. 人们没有意识到这种危险的另外一个原因就是因为它尚未遭到社会否定。