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安卓角色扮演_安卓角色扮演游戏_角色扮演... ... 混沌之戒Ω - ChaosRingsO 质量效应:渗透者 - ME In 滑雪大冒险 Ski Safari v …

Your thinking of me in such a friendly fashion will get off my new year to the very best possible start. 你这种友善的方式关心我,是我最好新年的开始。
I nearly jumped out of my skin when a hand grabbed me in the dark. 黑暗中有一只手把我抓住,可真把我吓了一大跳。
Mother had to fight off my dad because he went along with most of the professionals, the dark forces who wanted to put me in an institution. 母亲要同父亲斗争因为他同大多数的专业人士搭一条船,他是想把我送到福利院的暗黑势力。
waiting for me in the heaven, you know I really want to see you again. 请在天堂等待我,你知道我真的想再见你一面。
And Ms. Glick just took me in and I had so much fun at the program, It just felt great all the time. Glick夫人接纳了我,我在击鼓中找到了许多乐趣,它让我一直感觉到非常好。
But being congenitally unable to see a good idea when it was staring me in the face, I didn't do anything about it for another six years. 但是由于天生愚钝,就算一个好主意正在面前盯着我脸我都看不见它,我6年没有做关于它的任何东西。
Holmes: No doubt you think that you are complimenting me in comparing to Dupin. 福尔摩斯:你拿我和杜宾比较觉得是在恭维我?
I jumped up, rushed down the hall to intensive care and began knocking on the door. "Let me in to see him, " I begged. 我立马起来,匆忙跑过大厅,奔向特别护理室,边敲门边哀求:“让我进去看他。”
From his eyes I see that he loves me, in his opinion I never is a long small children. 从他眼里我看出他很爱我,在他看来我永远是个长不大的小孩。
The truthfulness of Christ is in me, that this boasting shall not be stopped as it regards me in the regions of Achaia. 基督的真实在我里面,这夸口在亚该亚一带,是不会在我身上被堵住的。
As best I could tell, Mike and I were the only poor kids in this school. Mike was like me in that he was in this school by a twist of fate. 迈克和我可以说是学校里仅有的两个穷孩子。他和我一样由于命运的捉弄而进了这所学校。
All the crew liked and even obeyed Silver, and he was always pleased to see me in the kitchen, which he kept as clean as a new pin. 所有的船员都喜欢西尔弗,甚至很听他的话,他总是很高兴我在厨房里,他总是把厨房收拾得干干净净。
My fate was otherwise determined ; the busy devil that so industriously drew me in had too fast hold of me to let me go back . 我的命运却注定不是这样;那个拉我走进罪恶之途的殷勤的魔鬼把我抓得太紧,绝不让我回去。
Jolin and I are in the same company. I would not degrade myself to think any less of her so as to put me in a prettier light. 现在Jolin和我同属同一家公司,我不会降低我的人格去贬抑她,来让我成为。
All his life until he met me in Porto and I made him a right-back, Paulo was a midfield player. 他在波尔图遇到我,我把他改造成右后卫,在这之前他的全部职业生涯,保罗是一个中场球员。
Maintain a relationship with me and treat me in a manner with which he or she feels most comfortable. 与我保持关系,以他感到最舒适的方式对待我。
When he had no money, the farmer sometimes used to pay me in kind , eg with a sack of potatoes. 那个农民没有现款时,有时候给我些东西抵帐(如给一袋土豆)。
To better illustrate all this , Hogan put me in his address position and then in his position at the top of his backswing. 为了更好地展示这一点,侯根让我采取他的站位姿势,并且像他那样上挥杆到顶。
Still, it is a "good" job with a steady paycheck, and I know millions of people would trade places with me in a heartbeat. 每个周末我都害怕周一的到来。这份工作其实可以算是一份收入稳定的“好”工作,我知道有数以百万计的人巴不得立刻跟我互换工作。
Looking up only in nearby, but you do not always with me in the same height. 抬头你只在不远处,却始终不跟我在同一个高度。
She stared at me in astonishment. 她惊奇地注视著我。
He had previously experienced some severe health problems, and he began to wonder "what would happen to me in that situation. " 由于先前遭遇过几次大病,开始思考“那种情况下会发生什么”这一问题。
I was the only one able to withstand him and he decided to instruct me in the arts of war. 我是唯一一个可以和他同日而语的人,因此他决定教导我战争法则。
Thank you for standing behind me in all that I do I hope you're as happy whit me As I am with you! 谢谢你的支持和帮助,希望我能给你带来快乐就象你给我带来快乐一样!
On Friday two old-timers separately came up to me in the coffee shop to ask me: 'Is it too late for me to buy gold? 上周五在咖啡店里有两位老人家分别走过来问我:“现在买黄金是不是太迟了?”
Kitty - Mom, you hung up a family picture without me in it! Don't ask me if I think you're insensitive. 妈,你挂了一幅没有我在里面的全家福上去,别问我你是否反应迟钝。
In my most sad, I never said the truth will be their friends to me, in my most happy when no one will feel happy for me, right? 在我最最伤心的时候,我从来都不会把自己的真心话说给我的朋友听,在我最最开心的时候,也没有人会为我感到开心吧?。
Thus hath the Lord dealt with me in the days wherein he looked on me, to take away my reproach among men. 说,主在眷顾我的日子,这样看待我,要把我在人间的羞耻除掉。
When I was ready to take a piece from a whole plate of duck cooked delicious, I saw my grandmother looking at me in the kitchen. 我正准备从一盘烧好了的鸭肉中拿一块时,我看到奶奶正在厨房看着我。
Those few words spoken to me in the worst moments of my life have continued to resonate in my mind. 在我人生最糟糕的时刻听到的这短短几句话,一直回想在我脑海中。