美 [ˌem pi ˈeɪtʃ]英 [ˌem piː ˈeɪtʃ]
  • abbr.每小时所行英里数;英里每小时
  • 网络公共卫生硕士(Master of Public Health);英里小时;公共卫生硕士专业学位



1.每小时所行英里数;英里每小时miles per hour

公共卫生硕士(Master of Public Health)

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石油词汇英语翻译(M)--石油百科 ... mph 米小时 mph 英里小时 mphps 英里小时秒 ...


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比赛中的F1术语_百度知道 ... Kph 公里每小时。 Mph 英里每小时。 Parc fermé 车辆检查,在每个大奖赛周末,维修站中供 ...


m:million_英文缩写 ... MPhil 哲学硕士 MPH 公共卫生学硕士 MRFCS 多速率快速电路交换 ...


风速仪-DT-8880热敏式风速仪... ... Ft/min( 尺每秒) MPH( 米每小时) Knots( 海里每小时) ...

At its usual cruising speed (at least with me aboard) of 22-25 mph or so, the Fujin SL-II was as docile as the proverbial kitten. 在其一贯的巡航速度(至少跟我上)22-25英里左右,富锦市下午二-二是因为温顺,因为谚语中的小猫。
It managed to reach 12 MPH while running on a track, but it did not generate enough lift to leave the ground. 尽管飞机在跑道上的滑行时速已设法达到12英里,但仍未能产生足够的升力离开地面。
it up to 80 mph and enjoying the wind blowing through what little hair he had left on his head. 他开车上路,加速到时速80英里,享受着风儿吹过头上那头超短发的快感。
The system, which had maximum sustained wind near 35 mph, would be named Alberto if it reaches the 39 mph threshold for a tropical storm. 此次飓风的最大风速已接近时速35米,当它达到时速39米时将被命名为Alberto做为此季热带风暴的开端。
The man in the car sped up again, to his surprise the chicken was still running ahead of him at 60 mph! 开车那个人再度加速,令他吃惊的是,那只鸡却以时速60英里的速度跑在他前面!
He said the car reached 94 mph before a trooper, calling out instructions from a megaphone, helped him slow down and turn off the engine. 他说,车到达之前,骑兵九十四英里每小时,呼唤从扩音器指示,帮他放慢,关掉引擎。
Slowing to 25 mph, he strained to see the highway in front of him. 降到25英里每小时,他勉强的看着前方的高速公路。
So what he's going to say is, "did you know this window can close at 82 mph, it's the fastest-closing window in the world? " 所以男人们宁可说:“你知道这辆车的车窗能以每小时82公里的速度关上吗?这可是全世界最快的!”
Cruising speeds of 1, 350 mph meant westbound travelers got to New York more than an hour and a half before they left Europe. 1350英里的时速意味着如果向西飞行,他们抵达纽约的时间比他们在欧洲登机的时间要早一个半小时多!
Landslides, with debris traveling at speeds of up to 200 mph down the sides of the Nevado Huascaran mountain, destroyed whole villages. 夹带着瓦砾的泥石流坡以每小时200米的速度滑下瓦斯兰卡山,摧毁山下全镇。
Whether the driver reacts or not, at 19 mph or below, City Safety slams on the brakes to reduce the severity of a collision. 无论这名司机没有反应,或在十九英里每小时或以下,城市安全踩煞车,以减少严重的碰撞。
Travelers encountered blowing and drifting snow, driven by wind gusts up to 35 mph. , the Department of Public Safety said in an advisory. 公共安全部门发出通报说,旅客遇到了时速高达35英里的强风刮来的飞雪。
Tier II equipment is also designed for the general freight system, with speeds up to 150 mph. 第二级设备也是为通用货运系统设计的,用于那些时速达到150英里(240公里)的线路。
We are cruising along at 30 mph when, suddenly, the car flies up in the air and lands with a dull thump. 当我们用30英里每小时的速度进行巡航模式时,突然,车飞到空中,然而沉闷的落在地上。
The wind drift is given in inches for a 1 mph full value wind rather than in minutes-of-angle on the range card. 在距离卡上风偏是用英寸标示每1mph风速偏差而不是分角。
Aim was to produce a loco which would travel easily at 5 to 6 mph and thus be suitable for passenger hauling on Club tracks. 目的是要产生一宗旅行很容易将在5至6英里到因此会拖上乘客合适的轨道。(Thatisreal,notscalespeed)。(这是真实的,而不是大规模的速度)。
In the case of this snarling Chevy coupe, that would be an official top speed of 205 mph. 这款两座雪佛兰车的官方最高时速为205迈。
Landslides, with debris traveling at speeds of up to 200 mph down the sides of the Navado Huascaran mountain, destroyed whole villages. 山体滑坡携带者各种杂物从纳瓦多·瓦斯卡兰山以时速200英里速度急冲而下,将所有的村庄全部毁灭。
He made the record-setting flight in the same twin-engine Cri Cri airplane he flew to achieve his previous record of 162 mph in December. HuguesDuval在去年12月驾驶同架双引擎飞机CriCri创造了之前的记录,162英里每时。
You can reach a top speed of 13 mph and a range of up to 15 miles on this mobile cooler. 你乘坐在这只移动冰柜上,最高时速可达每小时13米,行程15英里。
and authorized to be one of the first schools in history to award the master degree of public health (MPH) in 2002. 2002年,被批准为首批公共卫生硕士专业学位(MPH)教育试点单位。
RIA Novosti cited a local coast guard official as saying winds on the sea were up to 30 meters per second (more than 65 mph). 俄罗斯新闻社援引当地海岸警卫队官员的话说,海上的风达到每秒30米(超过65英里)。
Comets zoom through space at almost 100, 000 mph and pick up speed due to Earth's gravitational pull, he said. 他接着说,彗星以每小时近10万米的速度在宇宙迅速移动,由于地球的引力还会加速。
"I can get away from him with no problem , " thought the man and flew down the road at over 100 mph. “要把他甩掉还不容易。这个人边想边加速”到100多英里急驰而去。
Underscoring the effectiveness of his aerodynamic bicycle design, Georgiev says, "we're using a half horsepower to move over 80 mph. " 为了强调他的流线型自行车设计的高效性,吉奥吉夫放言:“我们用一半的马力就能达到80迈以上。”
Passover desserts made with nuts, chocolate, and coconut can be calorie landmines, says chef and weight management specialist, , MPH, RD. 厨师和体重管理专家SarahKrieger认为:包括坚果、巧克力和椰子在内的逾越节甜点可以说是卡路里地雷。
A Ferrari is capable of doing 250 miles an hour but we don't allow it to do that in a hospital zone. 法拉利跑车的设计时速是250迈(mph),但我们并不允许它在医院附近开到这个速度。
GM is engineering an all-new Corvette, but the chances of it building any more 200-mph models are between slim and none. 通用汽车公司现在正在设计一款全新的考维特,不过该公司生产任何时速在200英里以上车型的可能性都很渺茫,近乎为零。
The Lexus LFA is the answer; and the result is a 202-mph supercar that looks like it jumped directly out of a video game. 雷克萨斯LFA给出了答案,这个最高时速202迈的超级跑车像是直接从电子游戏里蹦出来的。
The craft was triangular in shape, and was flying an aerobatic pattern over the interstate at approximately 100 mph. 一架三角形状的不明物体,以100时英里的速度在州际公路的上方高难度飞行。