
美 [ˌpɔrtʃəˈɡiz]英 [ˌpɔː(r)tʃʊˈɡiːz]
  • n.葡萄牙人;葡萄牙语
  • adj.葡萄牙的
  • 网络葡萄牙文;葡文;葡萄牙系列



Ancelotti said the return of Portuguese full-back Bosingwa was a boost for his squad. 安切洛蒂说葡萄牙后卫博辛瓦的回归为他的队伍注入了一支强心剂。
The winger has two years remaining on his contract and, a few months ago, was unsure whether he would prosper under the Portuguese. 这位边锋里合同到期还有两年,几个月之前,他还并不清楚自己在葡萄牙人穆里尼奥手下能否锋芒毕露。
These reflections were brought about by a visit to the home of portuguese hospital employee and his wife . 我们这些感想是走访了一所葡萄牙医院的雇员和他妻子的家以后产生的。
By way of analogy, let "s say that you were going to be learning Spanish, Italian, French, or Portuguese. " 通过类推的方式,让我们这么说你一直在学的西班牙语、意大利语、法语或者葡萄语。
Like the Portuguese man-of-war (see picture), the new creature is actually a colonial organism, made up of many animals. 就像僧帽水母(Physaliaphysalis)一样,这种新物种实际上也是一种群体生物,由许多动物组成。
The Portuguese tactician has never been out of the spotlight at Stamford Bridge since arriving at the club in the summer of 2004. 这个葡萄牙战术家自从2004年夏天来到这个俱乐部就从来没有离开过斯坦福桥的聚光灯。
Portuguese water dogs, which do not shed so much hair, are said to be less aggravating to people with allergies. 葡萄牙水犬不怎么掉毛,对于过敏体质的人来说相对安全一些。
Later he took to inviting clerics from various religions, including Portuguese Jesuits from Goa, to debate their faiths. 他邀请各个宗教的神职人员,比如从果阿请来葡萄牙的耶稣会士来新都为他们的信仰而辩论。
Macao, which had been leased to the Portuguese from 1557 till the eve of the Opium Wars, has turned into a leading international trade city. 澳门于1557年被葡萄牙人租住,至鸦片战争前夕,巳成为重要的国际商业城市。
The Portuguese driver gave it a good bash and had to pit at the end of the lap for a new nose before continuing. 葡萄牙车手得到了一次猛击,必须在那一圈之后为了一个新的鼻翼进站,才能继续比赛。
WHEN the Portuguese began trading with China in the early 1500s, porcelain was one of the luxury goods they carried home in their ships. 早在16世纪初,葡萄牙与中国的贸易开始贸易往来之时,瓷器就作为奢侈品之一被他们用船只载回本国。
But the contract did not mention the Portuguese-speaking training, including training, to which the school, how the burden of accommodation. 但是合同未提葡语培训的情况,包括去哪个学校培训,食宿怎么负担。
Rooney's last World Cup ended with one of those red cards after his boot made firm contact with the groin of a Portuguese player. 鲁尼的上次世界杯之旅是以一张红牌结束的,那次在与葡萄牙的比赛中他因蹬踏对方球员的腹股沟而吃到红牌。
Newly unsubsidized, potters were forced to turn to foreign patrons like the Portuguese and the Dutch who monopolised exports to Europe. 那些得不到资金的陶瓷工人被迫投奔葡萄牙和荷兰等外国赞助商,当时,荷兰垄断着对欧洲的出口。
A bombastic Portuguese legislator gave an impassioned plea for the right of little people to have their fun just one night a year. 一个爱夸夸其谈的葡萄牙议员慷慨激昂维护小百姓一年只有一个晚上能痛快玩玩的权利。
Rui Furtado, the head of the Portuguese firm AFA, our local partners, introduced me to his country's treasures. 我们当地合作伙伴葡萄牙公司AFA的负责人鲁伊·福塔多(RuiFurtado)向我介绍了他们的国之瑰宝。
Calling it 'a new concept for mobile living, ' they named their design Casulo, the Portuguese word for 'cocoon. ' 他们称之为“移动生活的新概念”,他们把这个设计命名为Casulo,葡萄牙语里的意思是茧。
Portuguese people want to use their votes to elect a real ability to help the government out of the economic plight of the President. 葡萄牙人民希望用手中的选票选出一位真正有能力帮助政府摆脱经济困境的总统。
It also remarked that some investors had begun to pull out of investing in Portuguese debt in recent days. 而且近几天时间一些投资者开始撤出其在葡萄牙债款中的投资。
And the Portuguese centre-half admits he is facing up the heartache of missing out on the first FA Cup final at the rebuilt Wembley Stadium. 而这位葡萄牙中卫亦坦承错过在重建的温布利球场的第一场足总杯决赛,令他心痛不已。
Among the heredofamilial forms of amyloidosis, only the Portuguese neuropathic type has so far been studied in any detail. 在家族遗传性的淀粉样变性病中到目前为止只有家族性淀粉样多神经病(葡萄牙型)有详细的研究。
The Portuguese official was balanced in his judgment, as he also forgave Michael Ballack for a similar one-two. 执法本场比赛的葡萄牙裁判在判罚尺度上掌握得很好,因为他同样放过了迈克尔。巴拉克。
It need also that this system to be multilingual so that I can translate the screens to Portuguese. 它也需要,该系统是多语言翻译,这样我可以在屏幕以葡萄牙语。
Madeira is the main island of a Portuguese archipelago of the same name, in the Atlantic off the north-west coast of Africa. 马德拉岛是葡萄牙马德拉群岛的主要岛屿,它位于大西洋,在远离非洲西北海岸的海上。
good thanks . i wanted to tell you that you are the pride of all the portuguese that live abroad. 挺好的,谢谢。我是想告诉你,你是所有海外葡萄牙人的骄傲。
Gerhardt will now be dealing directly with Spanish and Portuguese customers, just as it does in other major European markets. 格哈特现在将直接处理西班牙语和葡萄牙语的客户,正如它在欧洲其他主要市场。
The Portuguese Government says it believes at least a third of the fires have been deliberately lit. 葡萄牙政府称,可以肯定的是,至少有三分之一的大火是认为造成的。
"Anything with a number 7 on it is selling like hot cakes, " he said referring to the shirt worn by Portuguese star Cristiano Ronaldo. 他提到一件葡萄牙球星克里斯蒂亚诺•罗纳尔多所穿的球衣表示:“凡是带有数字7的商品都会大卖特卖。”
It serves a combination of Portuguese and international dishes in a refined atmosphere which you don't have to stay at the hotel to enjoy. 它服务于一个优雅的气氛一名葡萄牙和国际美食的组合,您不须于住宿享受。
Vasco da Gama was a Portuguese navigator, who discovered the route to India round the Cape of Good Hope between the year of 1497 and 1498. 达伽马是著名的葡萄牙航海家,在1497年至1498年间他发现了绕过好望角去印度的航线。